Sunday, 30 December 2007
Resolutions! and then some..
kay, so before i really start on my resolutions, lemme just get a few things out of the way. i wanted to write all this yest and the day before, but didnt have the time.
to all other bloggers out there (esp Midge, Suh Ming, Lesley, Sam, Bay) :
so i have smthng to read at least.
before i die of absolute boredom.
which will happen very soon.
so save me.
my fate is in your hands.
sometime on sunday, i discovered that i no longer own even a single pair of flats.
not even one.
the only thing remotely flat is my driving shoes, but my mom wont let me use that for gardening, cos its got ribbons n stuff all over it.
which is how i ended up doing gardening in 3-inch heels. OW!
whats really painful is trying to get up after squatting down in heels. and it also sucks that i had to carry pots n dig up stuff and everything with inch-long nails.
just for the record, i DO NOT like gardening. i think its incrediblty disgusting and messy and dirty and wet.
i do not however have anything against other people gardening.
go ahead! greenify our planet!! just dont include me in that noble cause!
SAM is starting on thursday.
I think school starts then, too, doesnt it?
cos my nephew is starting std1 this year. and guess what? govt schools dont give std 1 kids homework for the first 3 months!! at least his school doesnt!
i started learning english grammar on my very firstest first day of school!
buttttttt, that maybe cos i went to a private school..i think. i mean, i think it was private.
but anyway, our kebangsaan school system is really beginning to suck, huh?
kay, so back to SAM starting on thursday also, i have to now go and stick make-shift price tags on all the books that i wanna sell.
i am still undecided on whether or not to sell my graphic calculator.
im not emotionally attached to it. in fact, i dont really care whether its there or not. its just that i have like 10 hundred thousand stickers on it. and i doubt anyone would want to buy a graphic calculator which is covered in pooh bears. which means that in order to sell it, i would have to unstickerfy it. which is very lecehfying punye kerja. sigh. and im also wondering if i'll need it next year.
how how how?
i went to parade yesterday.
cos my brother wanted to belanja us all lunch, and we had to go to kl for smthng anyway, so we decided we'd eat out.
i messaged the whole world to ask if anyone knew of a good place to eat in kl..
wasted almost all of my credit..
only for us to decide that we'd just come back to subang and eat in parade. -.-"!
kay, but what happened was, in parade, i ran into a couple of people whom i didnt really want to see. which is weird, cos parade isnt the type of place where u run into people you know.
i met moonstaring girl. who was with this huge bunch of friends.
and then she saw me, stopped, stared (honestly! is that all she can do???), and then told her friends something, which indicated that they all turn and stare at me too.
like hello, do i look like some exhibition piece or smthng??
specimen to the maxxx.. god i hope i dont see her again next year. if she ends up in IMU, i'll cry.
i broke my nail. one only i cut it, and considered leaving the other nine ones long.
but then rite, anyone who looks at my nails will obviously realise that i broke my nail. which would showcase my incompetence in taking care of my fingernails.
so i cut them all short.
and then i was so emo. cos i dont like short fingernails. cos my fingers are fat, and when i have long fingernails, my fingers somehow look elongated. which is good.
but now, my fingers are back to looking fat. ugh.
but i spose in a way its good that i cut them all lah. or i'd probably have broken a few more lugging all those retardedly heavy books to taylor's on thursday.
kay, so now that ive finished all my grandmother stories, i shall start on my new year resolutions. :)
(which i dont plan to keep. im just doing it for tradition's sake)
1. become a nerd. (i HAVE to, to survive in IMU)
2. save more credit. (yea, rite!)
3. spend less time online. (err..)
4. blog less.
5. make less friends, so that i shall never again be stuck in a situation where someone says hi to me and launches into some grandmother story, and i dont know how to respond, cos i have no idea WHO the person is.
6. be a more responsible child. (*snorts silently with laughter*)
7. not spend every waking moment glued to my mp3 player. (yes i still use an mp3 player. no ipod. sue me.)
i cant think of anything else. damn this is sad.
my resolutions suck lar.
i dont even get why people need to have them in the first place.
i mean, if you're gonna make resolutions, why wait for new years. why cant u just wake up one morning and say "hey im gonna do this today" or "im gonna accomplish this right here right now".
why do we have to wait for the 1st of each year to come around and go like "THIS YEAR, im gonna do this n this n this.."
i dont see the point.
i dont normally make new resolutions. cos i mean, whats the point in setting out goals for just one year?? isnt it better to set goals for life?
like instead of thinking about what to accomplish for one year, what about thinking of what to accomplish? fullstop.
no time limits. no deadline. no "by 31st december 2008 i must either look like gisele or i must be anorexic".
i cant work with deadlines.
which is why i sucked at SAM.
i also just realised i absolutely suck at keeping in touch with people. i'm the kind of person who tells everybody stuff like :
"hey you better keep in touch, kay! or i'll die of sadness and come stalk you!"
and six months later, i'd probably forget the person existed.
so, err.. peoples, please DO keep in touch with me, even if i dont keep in touch with you (wat am i crapping about now?)..
wait, lemme rephrase.
point is, keep in touch with me la, kay, even if i dont send you a hundred messages each month thru sms or facebook or friendster or watever other retarded mode of communication we might develop in the future.
cos the thing is with me, i always put things off til tomoro, and by the time tomoro comes around, i forget.
kan u all know me?
hehe. so yeah, everybody, keep in touch!
please. ><
Saturday, 29 December 2007
Pepsi Rocks. :)
but im soooo super bored. not used to being home after 7. hehe.
yeah, so anyway, since im bored, i shall give you people something to read la.
err, that is, if anyone still reads this blog.
(did anyone notice that i start most of my sentences with 'and' n 'but'?? how did i not fail english grammar?)
kay, so my brother's friend came over.
(which is why im not out, since my brother is my sole mode of transport)
i dont actually dislike him. i just dislike the fact that he decided to come over at the exact time that 'Accepted' was going on on..err.. one of the movie channels.
so the thing is, he came and sat in the hall, indicating that the rest of the family migrate to the hall too, so that they can all get to know him and blah blah blah.
which is okay la, cos i could always have put the volume on 40, and be henceforth known as 'Vimal's exceptionally rude sister'.
but i didnt - i jz resorted to reading the subtitles. come to think of it, it mustve been playing on star movies.
but my point is, Accepted is quite funny la (only quite cos i had to freaking depend on subs), but its not the kind of movie you wanna watch with my parents.
Note : I said MY parents. so please dont tell me thats its really quite okay to watch it with parents around, cos i said MY parents, not parents. faham-faham je lah.
then halfway thru the movie, he started talking about his brother whos around my age or smthng, and whose studying in HELP. so they asked me if i know him, and i said no.
and the best part is they asked me 'why'.
i just stared at them blankly for a few seconds. but i think tat was answer enuf.
i have no idea why family friends n relatives seem to think i shud know the whole f-in world.
wth wei.
im boredddddd.
i shall go amuse myself on youtube again.
see la, the state ive been reduced to.
i have a feeling im gonna regret saying this, but i cant wait to start studying again.
shoot me.
for some reason i find this pepsi ad funny.
blame rachel, she got me into the pepsi-ads-with-footballers.
p.s. the guy on Accepted (main charctr) is really cute! wats his name? Jason Long..Justin is *something* Long, isnt it? o.o
Since I'm Still Bored..
i love the music. its soo..happified.
oh n i wan watch this movie!!
duno when it premieres, though.
so sad. :(
Bored to the maximumest boredomfiedness.
i can never stay mad for very long.
which means that the post below has served its purpose, but im leaving it there.
cos like michelle said, sometime ago, the whole purpose of a blog is to write your thoughts down somewhere so that you can reread them later and relive all the fun, and laugh over all the stupidity.
plus, a blog sounds cooler then a diary la, rite?
im sorry the post below was full of swearing.
i guess i just sometimes lose it. it happens pretty often nowadays, though.
my parents and my brother went to attend some wedding.
so im home alone.
which is perfect, cos i can blast "over you" (yes im still in love with it) amd "you can let go" without worrying about anyone complaining.
and especially essential to be home alone, cos im singing along to it, and im not a very good singer.
BUT im loud. :p
and im not allowed to say 'hehe' anymore.
cos yan qi said it reminds her of some dumb girl in her college.
sad case.
and Sam, i swear you're the only person who can completely twist whatever i say.
i mean, i can say something so totally innocent, and you can make it sound like i implied something else. haha. and then when i try to explain myself i only ever make things worse.
aih.. you so EVILLL..
poor me u know. tak baik tau u all buwwy me.. *sniff*
*k, cutesy really doesnt suit me, does it?*
i think everyone reading this has probably guessed by now that im super bored.
and im blogging just to keep myself from.. err.. i cant think of a way to put it.
if i say im blogging to keep myself from dying of boredom, i wud just be repeating wat i said in the first sentence.
aih screw it la, lazy to think.
wth wei.
i was blasting music so loud that i didnt hear the house phone ringing.
i hate my house phone. it rings a hundred million times when im home alone.
damn annoying, cos i have to go answer it. and i dont like answering the phone.
cos its almost always one of those old aunties who call to talk to my mum, and when my mums not home, they start gossiping with me.
and i can be super unresponsive, and they'll still just go on and on and on and onnnn..
i already have a template for what to say:
hello? no she's not home. oh. uh-huh. uh-huh. uh-huh. uh-huh. uh-huh.uh-huh. uh-huh...uh-huh, wait, huh? oh. yes, i'll tell her you called. bye."
i dont even bother to listen properly.
like, seriously, im 17. what makes u think i would be even a BIT interested in your my-daughter-in-law-is-a-witch stories?? plus, the whole evil-daughter-in-law thing is so last century.
im worried about going to uni.
im scared that i wont like studying medicine.
im worried that i might become a doctor who hates her job everyday for the rest of her life.
im scared i'll throw up when i have to do surgery.
and on top of all that, i cant just stop studying after getting a degree.
i have to do masters, and after all that i have to specialize.
cos if i dont, then theres no point lah, becoming a doctor.
so by time i actually finish studying i'd be ancient.
like 2736374634 years old.
on a completely unrelated note, i find this song incredibly sexy.
Sway, the Michael Buble version.
*note : i do not find the video below sexy, only the song*
im sorry i sound so incoherent.
side effects of boredom and loud music and ferrero rocher chocs.
All In Fun?
im no longer even a bit happy.
jz completely, totally, absolutely, fcking pissed.
not in the mood to elaborate.
actually i am.
im just so sick of people who fcking hint n hint n HINT all the time.
i mean, seriously if all you fcking do is flirt, but you dont fcking have the guts to fcking tell someone u like them, then ur not deserving enuf to like anyone in the first place.
i dont even know why im blogging.
guess its partly cos im taking sam's advice, although she told me to blog to stave off boredom.
but rite now i need to write to let out frustration.
banging the keyboard helps.
banging the piano would be better, but my neighbours would sue me.
i shud never never never again be over happy.
good things fcking NEVER last.
Friday, 28 December 2007
How Does One Be Happy and Annoyed At the Same Time?
i changed my mind about driving. i fcking HATE it.
i'm so sick of having to get up at freaking 6 in the morning for freaking 3-4 hour lessons, where all i do is just drive round and round : slope, parking, three point turn, roundabout, slope, parking, three point turn, roundabout slope parking three point turn roundabout slope...i think u get the picture.
so yeah, my slope parking three-point-turn; almost perfect, i dont ever knock the pole, and hardly screw up.
on the other on-the-road? like shyt wei.
when im under pressure, i dont change gears properly.
e.g. 1st gear to 4th gear (instead of 2nd gear), OR the gear wont masuk the groove properly and the stupid car will freaking mati enjin. IN THE MIDDLE OF THE FCKING ROAD.
oh, and despite all that, my wonderful instructor decided to send me for a pre-test today.
TODAY. when i freaking CAN'T DRIVE.
and the best part is rite, the fella who took me for the pre-test came back and told my instructor that i was okay, can send for test edi.
so they set a date : 7th January.
and they asked me if it was okay for me to take the test tat day.
i'm like no.
"cos i cant drive"
"but still got time to learn and all what, before the 7th.."
so yeah, no test on 7th. unless they want me to freaking die of nervousness on the road and kill both myself and the stupid JPJ guy whos gonna test me.
and when i came back and told my brother (who is STILL here, im getting kinda fed up of having him around) about the whole gear thing, he nearly died of laughing.
tat improved my mood a loottttt. -.-"
but yesterday was a good day, overall.
except for the part where me and my brother went out for dinner with my uncle.
cos after dinner we went to this pub-lounge-thing (i have no idea what u call it), its like a club, cept its a sit-down place lah.
oh, and the people there know my uncle pretty well.
damn weird lah, get personally introduced to the singers n the bartender n all. ><
the thing is, rite, eventhough, i do drink, i do it with my cousins. never in front of my brother.
so yesterday, rite, when they both were drinking, they got me an orange juice.
orange juice.
anymore loseric lah, seriously!
me, sitting in one corner like a good girl drinking freaking orange juice.
wth wei.
sooo rubbishified.
but eventhough im slightly pissed off (kay, quite pissed off) over driving and everything,
i still am supremely happy, for reasons only Natasha will fully understand.
p.s. Lesley!! come bacccckkkkkk!!! :(
p.s. 2. jea mie, stop arguing with me, or i'll walk over to your house and kick your backside.
Thursday, 27 December 2007
Just Plain Happy
Man U won 4-0!
but a bit sad la. i wanted them to win, obviously, but i didn't want them to trash Roy Keane's team. :(
and im so freaking happified that Arsenal drew. nyeh nyeh nyeh.
Man U's on top. yay!
now all MU has to do is WIN every single game for the rest of the season.
i got big dreams la.
second happifying thing to happen today :
this malay girl (also from taylor's - ive never seen her around though), Fatin.
anyway, we met first during the interview in November.
and today when i went to pay the 1st sem fees, i saw her again.
so us and a few other students (and our parents obviously) went to check out the hostels.
its like apartments, 5 people per apartment. pretty spacious.
okay lah, for a uni hostel.
oh, and they have swimming pools downstairs. F-ing cool wei!!
not that i can swim, but its still so damn cool!!
kay, so anyway, we were talking, and we realised we're kinda alike, and we can get along, AND we have the same three basic rules for housemates :
1) NO smoking
2) NO drugs
3) NO boys
so yeah, we decided that since we both dont have frenz to share rooms with, we'd room together.
so we got the master bedroom, which comes with an attached bathroom (yay!) for only rm400.
and we calculated, if i was gonna stay home and travel everyday, the toll cost alone would come up to rm440. if u add petrol to that, i'd die. so much better to stay in the hostel. :p
plus i like my new roomie. :)
kay now im so distracted i duno what im talking about. hehe.
and i loooove the fact that everytime i visit the blog, i see brandon baker. :p
and i also love the fact that everyone else thinks hes cute too!!
Tuesday, 25 December 2007
Brain Dead.
i am so very un-fond of Tim Cahill at this moment.
i have less then 15 minutes to type, cos we had to go buy bread from the Shell Station.
thank goodness the guys there are so used to me (we buy bread from them every 4/5 days and theyve known me since i was 9), and hence i could go in pyjamas. so lazified to change.
there, and Goby's shop down the road are the only places to which i just go in whatever i happen to be wearing.
oops. gotta go, shall continue after the 2nd half.
thank god for the penalty wei.
i loved tim howard when he played for us, but now, im not so sure. WHY does he have to be such a good goalkeeper??!
and im super pissed at the MU goalkeeper (cant spell his name for nuts!).
*i should probably publish this now, but i have more to write, BUT my brother wants me to go watch movie, and i dont foresee myself finishing this today, so i shall cont tomoro..*
Tuesday (25th Dec)
today IS tuesday, isn't it? ive completely lost track of date and time.
and i know watever's written above is very outdated, but too lazy to delete lah.
and i have another driving lesson tomoro. sigh.
do you know what i find really really weird?
the number of people who have been wishing me merry christmas. don't get me wrong, i have nothing against people spreading the christmas cheer, its just tat its never happened to me before.
and i always figured people wished christians merry christmas, not just everybody.
anyway, remember i said i have a new guy?
not that many nice pics of him, so this is the best i can do :
Name : Brandon Baker
Age : 22
Reason he might look familiar : ever watched "Johnny Tsunami" or "Johnny Kapahala :Back on Board"?
hey, i said guy, i didn't say a guy that i know personally. :p
at first i was like aww man, hes 22..damn.
then i realised i was 17, not 12, and in retrospect 22 didnt sound so bad. (macam real je XD)
***NOTE : i have no idea wat 'retrospect' means, but i have a feeling it has smthng to do with reflecting back on smthng.
BUT, if you know wat it means, and if i have been terribly misguided in my assumption of its definition, then please overlook it and chalk it up to the fact that im too lazy to go look it up in one of the 12 dics i own.*
(did i just write three lines without a single fullstop?? damn i suck)
oh btw, yes, no more Milo.
i mean, he's 30 and hes dating someone my age. honestly!
..or am i the only one who thinks tats just so wrong?
oh and i hate my brother.
for now la anyway.
what is it with guys tat allows them to be absolute JERKS to their sisters, and be nice to every other existing female???
p.s. the title only refers to the fact that i'm too brain dead to think of a proper title. :)
Sunday, 23 December 2007
Last Christmas
So my father took me driving today.
And I drove to school and back.
Then worked on reverse parking.
Not reverse side parking, mind you.
And I totally SUCKED at it.
Kept going out of the box.
Thank god there wasn't anyone there to witness my humiliation.
Plus no cars.
Or I would've banged about 10 cars by now.
But normal parking was okay.
Anyway, to get into the holiday spirit,
Here's a song.
Heard it in Memory Lane when I went to Pyramid with Vid the other day.
It's called Last Christmas by Hilary Duff and Ashley Tisdale.
Not sure who originally sang it though.
Whose version do you like better? :)
--- JM ---
Over You
only my FOURTH time driving a car.
and the fella made me DRIVE ON THE HIGHWAY.
crazy wei! Federal Highway summore. all the way from PJ back to subang. crazyyyy.
but quite cun la, get to drive at 60 in the slow lane. kira quite fast for beginner, but damn, it felt like i was crawling.
and then when i drive slow, rite, i get honked at by all those pro drivers behind me.
sooooo tempted to stop the car rite there and yell at them, i tell you..
seriously, its written ON the car in freaking RED colour that its a LEARNER'S car. so takkan u expect me to drive at 110, rite?? DONKEYS.
but at least i have more confidence now. i used to think i would never be able to change lanes properly, but somehow, changing lanes is one of the easiest things to do.
the only thing i don't like about driving is having to turn the steering wheel in the 10-2 fashion. damn annoying, cos im so used to turning the wheel with one hand. too many racing games in arcades. swt. i think my instructor is gonna explode pretty soon if i don't fix my turning technique. hehe.
plus i think reverse parking is damn fun.
he made me practise it about 15 times, and i only banged the pole on my last time, at which point he decided that i was pretty tired of it, and told me to stop. but mati enjin like nobody's business lah. keep stepping both clutch and brake while changing gears.
i love this song!
keep hearing it on hitz, but it took me til yesterday morning to actually figure out the name of the song. damn sad case.
but i soooo love it! the lyrics are so perfect.
i think michelle n lesley would know what i'm talking about. ><
Thursday, 20 December 2007
and I came across this blog belonging to some 16-year old, who writes stories.
I was shocked, because what he writes is really really good!!
and his English isn't perfect or anything la, but he has talent, I'd give him that.
I was considering putting his link in this post, but then I remembered what happened when someone else linked my friend without permission last time in one of their posts.
and it WOULD be a total violation of privacy if i suddenly advertised him here.
But hey, anyone interested in pretty good reading material, ask me, and I'd give you the link.
And So It Happens..

My worst fears are coming true.
I'm turning into a boring person.
I can hardly find things to talk about anymore. Normally I just let other people lead the conversation. And when they stop talking, the conver just dies. And I let it.
I can't seem to make people laugh anymore. And to think I had this back-up plan of being a very amateur stand-up comedian if medicine didn't work out. Yea yea, laugh at me for having big dreams. Ha ha.
(see? i told you I'm becoming boring)
I could actually write a thesis on being bored.

Actually, come to think of it, why am I even writing this?
Does anyone actually read what i write anymore??
Does anything i say matter to even ONE person????
(*cough* okay, overboard. oops.)

Its so terribly dumb. I can't even go out with anyone, because everyone's working!!
Why is everyone working??
They call it HOLIDAYS for a reason, you know! (ok, actually, i duno why they call it holidays. wat a name!)
But, my point is, during the holidays, you're supposed to relax. Or was i just dreaming about everyone complaining how hectic SAM was and how everyone just wanted a BREAK FROM WORK?
I tell you, sometimes human beings are superbly hard to understand.
I think my parents have finally decided to let me go to IMU.
(for awhile they were considering Melaka Manipal and I totally freaked)
I'm scared, though. I mean, about the whole going away to university thing. Even though IMU is so near (relatively), it still costs about 8++ ringgit for tol everyday. So if i do go, then I'd try to get a room there.
And I hope I have a room-mate. *crosses fingers*
It would SUCK to have to be homesick all by myself. Heh. Plus, I would need someone around to make sure I don't sleep right through my alarm-clock's ringing and miss class. (I do that quite often!)
Sigh. This is what happens when you grow up pampered.
Eventhough I do want freedom, I seriously wouldn't mind doing what Matthew McConaughey did in 'Failure to Launch' : stay at home til my parents decide to kick me out. Hehe.
On top of all that, my dad's been lecturing me about how consistent I have to be while studying.
And my brother has been telling me that medic is all about mugging (bluek bluek!).
AND my mother has been going on about how she doesn't think I'm disciplined enough to self-study (I'm not! She has a point)
Yer. I'm gonna miss my mummy nagging me to go study!
I very pampered, kay, don't be jealous.
OH, and i'm worried there won't be Internet connection!!
I don't have enough to credit to call/sms everybody!!
And the blog will die again.
Kinda boring nowadays, everytime I visit the blog, I see what I've written. I miss visiting my own blog and reading what someone else wrote. JEA MIE!
The Very Cute Photographer (I can't remember what he looks like now) still hasn't given us the photos yet, so I haven't yet had the opportunity to upload any pics.
Which is why I'm being extra boring and wordy lately.
this is so dumb.
i was looking for pics of people yawning (dont ask why) and i started yawning too.

Wednesday, 19 December 2007
you see, i didn't sleep last night. so freaking worried. i went offline early, cos i was already dying of nervousness and was really not in the mood to talk to anyone anymore (sowwie!).
and then i went and watched tv with my brother, and irritated him to the maximum, cos i couldn't keep still, til this one point where he told me to go sleep or he'd kick me.
so that's how i went to bed around 3-ish and tossed and turned and finally fell asleep bout 6.
then at 8.30 (i was so stressed i forgot to on my alarm clock) my driving instructor called to tell me he was coming at 8.45...extra stress!!!
so then i came back from driving around 9.45, and then i was already consumed by curiosity so i went to check my results straight away. and i was honestly shocked!! i actually actually logged out and re-logged in a few times to make sure that it was MY results. crazy.
so yeah, after all that stress suddenly dissipated, just like that, i got the headache.
but anyway, im damn happy with my TER, yet super annoyed with my grades. i feel like taking a huge shovel and burying that stupid B for physics 10 feet below ground.
oh, and apparently Taylor's ALREADY cleaned out the lockers! i tot they were sposed to clean them out later!!
*waves a mournful goodbye to labcoat and goggles*
aiyer. my cousin's brother totally sold her out to her parents over something, and now she's grounded. damn annoying sial.
summore her parents are super strict, so like she said "probably the next time we see each other will be when you're getting married".
brother's are and will always be a major pain, regardless of whether they're younger or older. -.-"
and now....i'm bored.
and brain dead.
and sleeeeeeeeepie.
and i love mis-spelling words. sue me.
i wanted to write this yesterday, but i forgot. (as usual la kan)
Esther's really really nice. :)
i was sitting on the bench under the tree near the guardhouse yesterday, waiting for my mum to pick me up from taylor's. and Esther had just walked down from MPH, and was on her way out.
yet, she crossed the road, just to come say hi to me (since i was sitting alone n all).
i think thats super nice of her! :) i wudnt have done smthng like that.
i know its not much, but it was a really nice thing to do.
dont y'all agree?
Tuesday, 18 December 2007
Year 12 results
SACE students in South Australia and Asia, and NTCE students in the Northern Territory, should receive their results in the post on Wednesday 19 December 2007. Students can also access their results online from 8 a.m. (South Australian time) on the day, by logging in below.
Don't forget to log in below and get your PIN now.
Sunday, 16 December 2007
annoying lah. esp since im actually actually looking forward to lessons.
last thursday, which was the first time i went for a lesson, i was pretty freaked. cos i couldn't differentiate the brake from the accelerator, and i had no f-ing idea WHERE the clutch was sposed to be. but then the instructor talked me thru everything, and i realised that driving is damn FUN!
but im sure u all know that already, so i shall not go on and on about how fun it was for me.
i somehow managed to survive and not bang anything.
although i nearly banged this parked car, cos i forgot that i was NOT sposed to press the accelerator while turning. but there were cars coming from both directions, and there was this other car behind me...pressure...
oh, and i went for this wedding on saturday, AND i have another photographer story. but with a very different plot. (*cheh wah*)
kay, so this is a different cousin than the one who got married on the 6th (the one where i had to go stay for one week in JB)
and during her engagement, sometime in march (or somewhere there la) there was this photographer who kept following me and my three cousins around.
*pause - i have too many cousins. hmm.. kay, cousin getting married - Cousin M. three other cousins - 123.*
kay, so at Cousin M's engagement, Weird Photographer kept following me and Cousins 123 around. and he took photos of us doing eating, talking, laughing...bascially drove us up the wall. irritating you know, be on camera all the time!!
and thanks to him, the engagement album had pics of us on almost every page. damn malufying.
so at the wedding, me and Cousins 123 were just standing around (Cousin M was obviously getting married on stage), cos you see, us and Cousin M arent all that closely related, so we were sort of standing in this corner. and out of nowhere, Weird Photographer pops up and tells us he's taking random pictures, and could we please pose?
we were like 'eek.' but since he said random pics, we gave him benefit of doubt and allowed him to take the pic. but after that, he kept coming back to take more random pics of us.
stalker sial!
*pink panther music plays in the background*
oh, and the outcome of my having attended two weddings and dinner reception :
1. i now have a 3-year-old boyfriend. hes so shy that the only sentence he said to me was "will you be my girlfriend?" after which i said yes, after which, he proceeded to jump like a mad rabbit all over my cousin's room. but honestly, he has the most A-DOR-A-BLE smile!
2. i have a fan club consisting of boys below the age of 12. i find that extremely freaky. my mom finds it very very funny. -.-"
OMG, and remember that photographer i was drooling about a few posts ago??
my mom and aunties went and told him that me and my cousin (completely different cousin from all the ones mentioned above) find him cute.
if i see him again i duno where i'm gonna put my face.
grr. this is why i should never tell my mom about cute guys.
and i nearly got a heart attack on sunday night.
cos i got this phone call. and the number was damn familiar. at first i tot it was bay...but...
Hello, I'm calling from Taylor's ah..
Oh. (ehhhh..not bay?? why taylor's suddenly call me wan??)
This is Mr Kim..
Uh-huh.. (got a Mr Kim in taylor's meh??? shyt why they calling??)
Okay, the SAM results are here ah..
So when do you want to collect them ah?
Erm.. tomorrow? Tomorrow morning? (what u mean when i want to collect?? i dowan to collect!!!!!)
So tomorrow morning, yea..
Erm, yeah.. tomorrow morning.. (*looks around wildly for help*)
Go die la you..
*long pause* You. Idiot! (OMG BAY YOU IDIOT!)
lolxx. yeah, so that was how bay totally freaked me out two nights ago. and i like an idiot, fell for it. sounded like a total retard on the phone summore. ish.
and Bay, you did a good job lah. cept when u said that last sentence, it all clicked. :p
god, this is taking forever. keep pressing the caps lock key.
i love honeydew melons!!! :D
Thursday, 13 December 2007
- Vidya.
2. Ur relationship with him/her is:
- A secret... :P
3. 5 impressions u have of him/her:
- Annoying
- Manja
- Smart
- Shy
- Pinkie lover
4. The most memorable thing he/she has done for u:
- Write the stupid japanese speech for me. Thanks again. :P
5. If he/she becomes ur lover, u will:
- Cry.
6. If he/she becomes ur lover, things he/she has to improve on will be:
- Stop asking me to go and die.
7. If he/she becomes ur enemy, u will:
- Stuff Toby down the toilet bowl.
8. The most desirable thing u want do do for him/her now is:
- Make her go for NS. :)
*Did anyone notice that the question says do do and not to do?
9. Ur overall impression of him/her is:
- Will never survive the harsh world of reality. o_o
10. How u think ppl around u will feel about u:
- Annoying. But in a cute way. :P
11. The characteristic that u love about urself is:
- I have a brain. Wait, is that a characteristic? x.x
12. The characteristic u hate about urself is:
- Too emo.
13. The most ideal person u want to be is:
- Some rich fella.
14. For ppl that care and like u, say something to them:
- Be nice to me or I'll eat you.
- are alive no more. LOL~!
p.s. To the person who created this survey, learn how to spell.
--- JM ---
Monday, 10 December 2007
couldnt see much, though, cos they asked me to sit at a distance, so i wouldnt get in their way and/or the equipment.
bu the anaesthetist was nice. real cincai fellow. he kept explaining stuff to me. but it wasnt bad lah, not as scary as the post mortem we saw in UH. but it was kinda weird to see MY Dad's knee split wide open. heh.
im bored.
aiseh. now i shall go beremo.
p.s. i found new guy! a few la actually. surprising how many people you meet at weddings. o.o but point is got new guy! i sound so hopeless.
Sunday, 9 December 2007
The Very Cute Photographer
so i shall wait till i get the pics.
but now, i am so very very bored.
and so, i shall blog about the photographer.
the very very very very very cute photographer with the most supremely adorable smile and the most darling dimples.
i so badly wanted to take a picture of him, but i didnt have my phone with me at the times when he was around. (i gave my phone to my dad to hold, cos sarees dont come with pockets and handbags are too leceh-fy-ing to carry).
plus, my family already thinks im quite mad, and they wouldve quite probably locked me up in a mental institution if i went around taking photographs of the photographer.
anyway, my point is hes super cute lah. like super super super cute.
and me and my cousin were gushing over him, and then we felt like idiots, cos hes the photographer. i duno why we felt it was idiotic to gush over the photo guy (photographer too long to type lah), but we did. and then we realised that our moms and aunties were gushing over him too.
so for the rest of the wedding we ALL gushed over him.
so very very cute.
i know he took photos of himself and his not so cute brother also, but i seriously doubt that they'd put those photos in the album he's going to give us.
but i hope he gives us the album soon, before my aunt goes back to JB, cos then he'd come my house to give it to her, and then i could see him again. XD
i know i sound hopelessly crazy, but hes so cute its unbelievable!
kay, now i shall stop talking about The Very Cute Photographer.
and i am so supremely happy cos my cousin from India bought and brought ALL the cds of the movies i so badly wanted to watch!!
soooooo freaking happy-fying!
of course i must pay him back lah. typical indian-malayalee stingyness/money-mindedness.
and i officially have a new younger sister.
lol. my cousin.. or my niece.. or something..
anyway, she's in std 6, related thru my dad's side, and she was there for the wedding.
and my other niece was walking around with Pinkie (with all those people in the house!!), so i had to go take him from here and put him away somewhere, and while i was doing that, this younger sister of mine saw Pinkie and she told me that hes "sooooooooo adorable!".
we became best friends and sisters on the spot. XD
so yeah, i have a younger sister.
which is cool, cos it makes a nice change, having been the youngest in the family for ages.
my cousin is yelling at me to get off the comp (AS USUAL!), cos she wants to watch this movie.
indian movie lah, but it looks super funny.
cos i was watching clips of it on youtube, and this one part was so funny i couldnt stop laughing for 10 minutes. and i made natasha watch it and she couldnt stop laughing either.
so yeah, funny movie. got cd. must go watch.
Bay's Tag
1. The person who tagged u is?
2. Ur relationship with him/her is:
friend. tuition mate. college mate. the person i need to counsel the most..tsk tsk..XD oh, AND my neslo-buyer (thanx bay!)
3. 5 impressions u have of him/her:
EMO!! err..what else ah? one of a kind. frank. MEAN. nice. (mean and nice. hes both lah, honestly. got mood wan.)
4. The most memorable thing he/she has done for u:
buy me NESLO! :p
5. If he/she becomes ur lover, u will:
eh..err. hm.. make him stop being emo.
6. If he/she becomes ur lover, things he/she has to improve on will be:
play less dota. stop being emo. and.. oh, and stop checking out so many girls at the same time!
7. If he/she becomes ur enemy, u will:
kick his butt and un-enemy-fy him.
8. The most desirable thing u want do do for him/her now is:
find him someone who actually understands his feelings.
9. Ur overall impression of him/her is:
bay is just bay lah. hard to explain wan.
10. How u think ppl around u will feel about u:
everybody loves me! :) and whoever doesnt is very obviously supremely jealous that im lovable. XD
11. The characteristic that u love about urself is:
my pride/malayalee-fied-ness/ego/arrogance.. watever u wanna call it lah.
12. The characteristic u hate about urself is:
I think I'm too nice to people.
13. The most ideal person u want to be is:
I like who i am now. unless i could be my brother lah..kinda cool to be a genius.
14. For ppl that care and like u, say something to them:
I'm an idiot most of the time - nowhere near perfect.. so to all of you who have stuck it out with me so far, to all of you who love me despite all my nonsense.. you guys ROCK! XD
need 10 people ar? aiyer.
2. lesley
3. michelle
4. kington
5. felicity
6. shaun
7-10. whoever else reads this and has nthng better to do with their lives. XD
Monday, 3 December 2007
Long Post (i think)
BUT the blog looks so dead!! i mean, seriously, even the TAGBOX hasnt moved. wat rubbish. did everyone die ar?
yeah, so anyway, what i really couldn't not post about was the book i just finished reading : P.S. I Love You by Cecilia Ahern.
its the 2nd book i read this year, the first being For One More Day by Mitch Albom.
me, the sef-proclaimed and well-known book junkie. I read TWO books only this year. what rubbish! (im gonna be using this phrase a lot, bear with me XD) i blame it on the stress and hectic-ity of SAM.
but i digress.
ive been dying to read P.S. I Love You ever since i watched the trailer for the movie on nab's blog. and so, i very conveniently remembered that my brother owed me a bday present, and made him but the book for me. (I loooooves the book. plus i have gerard butler's face on my front cover. ^^) i also happen to be very broke, so i coudnt buy it myself earlier. i wanted to buy Snakehead, the one by Anthony Horowitz, but it was 54.90 and i was only in possession of 30 bux, and my brother only agreed to buy me one book. damn sad-case. i was telling lesley about it, and we decided (actually i decided, and she didnt tell me it was a stupid idea, so..) that i should put up a notice saying :