I have been abandoning this blog again.
Sigh. :(
Been so hectic these past few weeks, plus I've gotten my Samsung tablet,
so makes more sense to go check facebook and twitter on that instead of switching my laptop on.
Not as fun to blog on tablet though, which explains why I haven't been blogging.
Diwali Nite is over.
Ugh so much drama.
Won't talk about all that today. Might talk about it sometime later on, or maybe not at all.
We'll see.
I just kept having so many "I-told-you-so" moments in the last week leading up to Diwali Nite it wasn't even funny.
And it hurt a little bit that the lecturers didn't turn up.
Nor the HTJ staff.
Although come to think of it, I'm not sure the people from HTJ were properly invited, but that's a whole different story.
The lecturers not turning up was kind of upsetting though...its like damn syok sendiri, we went to so much effort to put up the whole show...for ourselves.
Finally got my laptop back,
all my files have been renamed as "Recovered File" and is stored in my D drive.
Its going to be hell sorting through all that and seeing what is what.
Oh well.
Gotta be done.
Would've continued using my mum's laptop, but now that one's conged out instead.
Hate how the resolution on Firefox changes after you reformat though.
Oh well.
We move on to Google Chrome then!
Kind of sad. I miss Firefox.
Well yes,
this was an obligatory update post.
I will try to blog more during the week.
Lots of emotional crap I need to get of my system (again).
I seem to be doing this quite constantly, eh?
Have emotional crap...vomit it all out on the blog.
Oh well, at least its a cheap form of therapy.