Tuesday, 28 August 2007
The Universe Can Be Cruel
and why is that? because there is something wrong with the universe. okay, at least theres something wrong with our solar system.
and im being 100% serious.
all temples are closed today (hindu temples). no evening prayers.
because there is either :
A. an eclipse.
B. mars is appearing super-bright tonight.
C. abnormal planet movement.
D. all of the above.
and so, we are all not supposed to eat or cook from 3pm to 9.30pm today. at all.
because there are some toxic gases due to the above. and i am so very very hungry. 1 and a 1/2 hours left to go. damn.
(*the above is NOT a figment of my imagination. its TRUE. go google it or something.*)
and im supposed to blog about my brother's graduation. i was sposed to do it last night, but i was too lazy. and now, im too hungry to think.
so i shall save it for later. the post about my brothers graduation.
sooooooo hungry, i tell you.
try eating a bun for lunch and then waiting til 9.30 for dinner. eek.
it feels like my stomach is eating my trakea. bloody hell.
Monday, 27 August 2007
Miracles do happen.
I passed Chem.
I actually PASSED CHEMISTRY~!!!!
Yay me~!
I would like to thank my teacher,
for her leniency in marking my paper;
and myself,
for not being as stupid as I thought I was.
to end off our Merdeka month in my school,
we are allowed to wear traditional costumes to school on Thursday.
Cool huh?
Not so.
It's not compulsory.
Quote Pn. Chong : "Para pelajar DIALU-ALUKAN memakai pakaian tradisional ke sekolah pada hari Khamis ini."
My MUET teacher,
who is also my form teacher.
wants EVERYONE in my class to show up with traditional costumes.
If you fail to do so, you will be asked to go home and change.
Oh, the joy.
Of course, if you REALLY cannot find one,
She offered to lend us her cheongsam to wear.
And she's actually getting her father's samfu for the guys.
IF they cannot find any other traditional costumes.
ME in a cheongsam?
I shudder at that thought.
And no,
I do not have any traditional costumes at home.
How sad.
Remember Pendidikan Moral?
Mengekalkan tradisi kekeluargaan?
Anyone out there with a cheongsam/sari/baju kurung/etc?
Boleh pinjam?
--- JM ---
Sunday, 26 August 2007
Bye Bye Holidays. :(
Now Vidya's got me all depressed.
Tis now the last night of the holidays before school starts.
I am sad.
Somebody slap me.
My own regrets are setting in right now too.
Thanks to Vidya.
Things I said I would do during the holiday but didn't :
1. Finish PA homework. - about 4 to 6 essays. ( 0 completed. )
2. Finish Maths 1 homework. - 4 exercises. ( 3 completed with lots of blank spaces. )
3. Finish Maths 2 homework. - 8 exercises. ( 1/2 completed. )
4. Revise Japanese. ( Wait, no, this doesn't count. I made it up. )
5. Write out Japanese students exchange programme welcome speech. ( One sentence completed - Welcome to Malaysia. )
6. Go for driving Amali. ( COMPLETED~! )
7. Revise my Chemistry. ( Nada.Zilch.Nothing. )
8. Read up on Bio. ( Nothing here either. )
9. Stop my internet addiction. ( FAILED. )
10. Finish my story books. - 2 books. ( 1 1/2 completed. )
This is sad.
Only 1/10 completed.
And that's only because I was forced to by my mother.
I could be reading/doing something useful right now.
I SHOULD be doing something useful right now.
But I'm not.
Why is that?
Because I'm a stupid procrastionator, that's why.
I keep telling myself :
" I'll do it on 31st of August. Merdeka. Public Holiday mar. "
Sad. Sad. Sad.
To the kids out there,
Don't be like me.
You'll end up a failure.
--- JM ---
today IS technically the last day of our super-short holidays. and i have no mood to do anything.
i might even go so far as to say i am bored. (like jea mie).
but thats no true. im not bored. i can think of at least 10 things i want to do right now.
i just have no mood to get off my butt and go do them.
because the holidays are ending. and we're going back to the grindstone tomorrow.
and this is when regret starts to set in. why regret?
1. i still haven't touched ANY homework.
2. my physics presentation is still only halfway done.
3. i have to get my presentation over with by wednesday.
4. i have two IELTS workbooks at home, borrowed from TUCSJ library, which i havent looked through.
5. my IELTS exam is on this thursday and this saturday.
6. trials are in less than a months time.
7. trial results are extremely important for university applications.
8. i havent started studying for trials.
9. maths common test 4 comes before trials.
10. i dont get matrices. so there goes maths CT 4.
11. i dont understand chem. i can study chem for about two years, and i would still only score 60%.
12. i dont pay attention in physics. so its about as good as my chem.
13. bio is the one subject i do relatively well in. i hate my bio teacher. im worried about karma.
14. if i dont get good results, i cant do medicine.
15. if i cant do medicine, then i dont know wat to do with my life. ive wanted to be a doctor since i was four. (*before that i wanted to grow up and become a rabbit*)
16. im wasting time sitting here and blogging.
17. i cant stop listening to this japanese song.
18. im wasting brain space and time trying to memorise japanese lyrics.
sigh. sad sad story of my life.
ive realised that i do have mood swings.
im just very good at pretending i dont.
blehh. i really dont feel like going back to college. not even after this well-deserved holiday.
i was so hyper in the beginning, now im so.. wats the word.. lethargic?
and ive noticed that after more than 3 days of holiday, im more prone to start speaking in malayalam than in english. and it takes my brain some time to translate before i can say wat i want to say, properly, in english.
which is why its taking me forever to type out this post.
and there have been so many funerals in my family this year.
Saturday, 25 August 2007
I'm bored.
I am bored.
I am bored.
I am bored.
I am bored.
I am bored.
I am bored.
I am bored.
I am bored.
I am bored.
I am bored.
I am bored.
I am bored.
I am bored.
I am bored.
I should be writing my Jap essay right now.
What I want to do in 3 years.
Except I don't know what I should write.
I mean,
I have A LOT of things to write,
I just don't know how to put them down in Japanese. :(
So here are some random facts about me :
1. I have no sense of smell. Except for durians. And the girls toilet in SU.
2. I think nuts are evil.
3. I love staring at the sky.
4. I have insomnia.
5. I hate Dora the Explorer.
6. I love her cousin, Diego.
7. Barney is my idol.
8. So is Spongebob.
9. I am in love with my childhood self.
10. 1 + 1 will never be 2 to me.
11. I have an obsession with bananas.
12. I love my toes.
13. I'm a sucker for guys with glasses.
14. I'm a spelling freak who can't spell.
15. I am very superstitious.
16. I find it very hard to make a decision.
17. Cows scare me.
18. I drink less than 4 cups of water a day.
19. I usually meet the people I dreamt of the day before.
20. I should be doing my Jap h/w now.
Homework time.
--- JM ---
Friday, 24 August 2007
Being Hyper Is Cool. oh wait. being Random is cooler. i'm BOTH. XD
havent posted pics in soooooooo long. sad.
anyway, im very much obsessed with this jap guy. naohito fujiki. im not sure if his first name is naohito or fujiki. jap people are very confusing. but im assuming its fujiki, and his surname is naohito. im ASSUMING.
okay, so, yeah. since i have nothing better to do. :):)
naohito fujiki!!
btw, i think japanese people have never heard of the word BIG.
all the pics i could find were all thumbnail size!!
but then again, nishikido ryo's pics, they post until damn huge. freaking larger than life!!! (ryo's the other guy. i mean, the one michelle's crazy about)
my poor naohito fujiki. poor ME. the unfairness of it all!! hehe.
thank goodness blogspot lets u alter the image size to medium. :):)
oh, and, if you think he's cute, you can comment.
but if u DONT, then shut up. DONT comment. hehe.
okay, the reason i posted all his pics was for jea mie.
cos i too lazy to mail her, and she too lazy to go look him up. so. yeah.. no other reason.
i think my taste in guys is damn cun.
i went from indian guys......... to japanese ones. very..large..range.. lol.
and i think i have better taste in japanese and chinese guys. which is sad.
i apparently have terrible taste in indian guys. sometimes. (baby cyclops not included)
there is one more thing i have to say. i noticed.. that ive been being super depressed and super BORING since the start of 2nd semester.
which isnt good.
BUT.. thank goodness, the holidays restored my hyper-ness.
i havent been hyper in sooooooooooooooooo long.
goodness, I was getting bored with MYSELF.
so all you poor people out there who had to bear with my boring, un-hyper self all this while, fear not! hyper-vid is back!!
(damn. that makes me sound like a detergent. lol.)
oh, and alot of strangers have been adding me on friendster. duno why!!!!!
damn weird. i think its cos of my nice profile.
(which is thanks to jea mie of course)
anyway, im getting fed up of complete strangers adding me on friendster. i mean, theres a reason they call is FRIENDster. basic english.
i add them back la, since im such a nice person and all..
so, this girl added me today. i shall not name names. (anyway, i dont think its her real name. the one on her account. if it is... god bless her!! :P)
since i didnt know who it was, i went through her pics. (duh! must find out who, rite?)
look wat i found!!
obviously, this is not her. -.-"
but.. arent they SO cute?? haih.. fell in love with them, so i stole her pic. i think they are her dogs. or somebody else's dogs. who cares?? hehehe.
i keep getting interrupted.
i was typing the first half of this post, then the alarm guy came. to fix our smoke detector. cos it conged out on wednesday. (yea la, after all tat smoke!!)
so then i had to go n layan him.
then i came back, and typed out summore stuff. then my mom called me for lunch.
then i came back AGAIN. but i forgot i was typing out a post, and went and replied all my mails instead. then i remembered. so here i am. hehe. but i cannot remember wat it is tat i was sposed to say next.
so i shall shut up now. (lesley, tell navin to stop stealing my line)
Lessons In Logic
its your fate.
if your father-in-law is a poor man,
its your stupidity.
I was born intelligent - educaton ruined me.
Practice makes perfect..
But nobody's perfect..
so why practice?
If its true that we are here to help others,
then what exactly are the others here for??
Since light travels faster than sound,
people appear bright until you hear them speak.
How come "abbreviated" is such a long word?
Money is not everything.
There's Mastercard and Visa.
One should love animals.
They are so tasty.
Behind every succesful man, there is a woman.
And behind every unsuccessful man, there are two.
The wise never marry.
And when they marry, they become otherwise.
Success is a relative term.
It brings so many relatives.
Never put off the work till tomorrow.
what you can put off today.
"Your future depends on your dreams"
So go to sleep.
There should be a better way to start a day
Then waking up every morning.
"Hard work never killed anybody"
But why take the risk?
"Work fascinates me"
I can look at it for hours.
The more you learn, the more you know,
The more you know, the more you forget,
The more you forget, the less you know.
So.. why learn?
A bus station is where a bus stops.
A train station is where a train stops.
On my desk, I have a work station...
what more can i say...
Thursday, 23 August 2007
August Babies
* Terms and Conditions
1. 50% and 31% discount only valid for 7" and 9" displayed cakes.
2. Customers must present this promotion cut-out at the counter to enjoy the discount.
( I got it from Star Metro )
3. Customers must show proof of their birthdate with IC or equivalent documents in order to enjoy the discount.
4. Discount only valid until 31st August 2007.
I feel to special~!
Any August babies out there?
Let us rejoice together~!
--- JM ---
A book.
It's called Bad Kitty by Michele Jaffe.
How do I start?
This book is HILARIOUS~!
I couldn't stop laughing while reading it.
I'm not done reading it yet, btw.
I'm at chapter 9 right now.
I had to lock myself up in my room to read it,
So my family wouldn't think I was a lunatic,
Smiling and laughing at the book.
Here are some "phrases" I have learnt while reading this book :
Mastercard = Priceless
Visa = Everything you want it to be
Bacon = Sizzling hot
To put it in a sentence or two,
I met a bacon guy yesterday.He was totally Visa.And when he looked at me, the moment was so Mastercard.
I also learnt that "Favor de dejar un especimÃn en este copa para el doctor." means "Please urinate in this cup and leave it here for the doctor." in Spanish.
Cool eh? =]
Unfortunately, my vocabulary is very limited,
So I have no idea how to describe the story. :(
Yes, I know, it's sad.
So here's the summary at the back of the book :
1 - Hi! That's me!
2 - I. Wish.
3 - Emphasis on aspiring. Current status : failing.
4 - If friend means "unsuspecting victim" and animals means "one very bad kitty"
5 - And meet the cute guy at the Snack Hut. I have priorities.
6 - Meep! But I guess it winds up okay since Kirkus Reviews says : "Inventive, witty, and laugh-out-loud funny, with an enjoyable twisty ending." They wouldn't say that if everyone died,right? RIGHT?
So, yeah.
Read it~! :)
--- JM ---
Down Memory Lane
When I used to look forward to going to school.
Kindergarten to be exact.
I miss the times,
When the teacher would give me a sticker,
And praise me,
For finishing a book of Peter and Jane.
I miss the times,
When I was just a cute and innocent young child,
Whom everyone loved.
Whom everyone befriended.
I miss the times,
When I could just play games with my friends,
Without a care in the world.
I miss the times,
When I would wait impatiently for the rotiman to come,
And when he passed by in his truck,
I would run out of the house,
And beg my mother to get me a butter bun,
My favourite bun in the whole world.
I miss the times,
When I could get a stick of ice cream,
Nothing really fancy,
No Cornetto, Walls or anything,
Just a simple ice cream,
For RM 0.40.
And I would be so happy,
So proud,
When I could treat my mother to an ice cream,
Every Mother's Day.
I miss the times,
When my parents' face would light up,
When they see the A's in my report card.
I miss the times,
When I would actually finish up all my homework in school,
On the day it was given.
I miss the times,
When I could make friends,
Without worrying about people,
Backstabbing me,
Or talking behind my back.
I miss the times,
When the Ice Cream man would pass by,
When we were having our PMR exam,
And we would get so annoyed,
At hearing the stupid "Paddle Pop" song,
While writing our essays.
I miss the times,
When we would all sit in a group in class,
Trying to stuff information into our brains right before the exams,
Only to end up talking and gossiping instead.
I miss the times,
When I could lie down in bed every night,
And be happy with my life.
--- JM ---
Wednesday, 22 August 2007
Double Craziness
bloody hell. carrying three seater settees from one hall to another is no joke. (there are steps in between the halls) serious hard labour.
i was sitting upstairs during the prayer. cos i don like all the smoke. (they were having some fire thing)
suddenly the smoke started wafting upstairs. at first it was okay. just little wisps of smoke. all of a sudden, it began billowing up the stairs. like a waterfall. only the wrong direction. (as in up instead of down)
it was SO BAD, i couldnt see the computer which happened to be 12 inches away from my face. AND the smoke detector went off.
bloody hell.
so i had to shut off the comp, cos i was crying so bad from all the smoke. (my eyes hurt!)
and i went and holed myself up in the toilet. which was the only smoke free area in the whole house. and the only place i could breathe.
bloody hell.
and on top of that, i cried and cried and cried like mad while watching it.
and now my nose hurts. n my mom dragged me to the doctor today morning because she tot i got the flu, despite my explanations of how crying non-stop for two hours can trigger sinus.
anyway, the reason i cried :
(if you watch the last few episodes, u'd understand why its named tat)
its a seriously good show.
all the more saddening because its based on a true story.
it made me think about how unbelievably lucky i am to have everything that i have, and how i shud quit complaining about things that dont matter, because life is too fragile, too precious, too short. and second chances only happen in movies.
its an amazing story, of an amazing girl. do watch it.
and i love the theme song. its really nice.
"konayuki" by remioromen. (go dwld!)
p.s. i agree with michelle. i cant get over how cute the actor is.
Tuesday, 21 August 2007
Such a beautiful word.
Yet destructive at times.
If only I did that.
If I didn't say that.
If I were to be a millionaire.
If I could just.
If today never happened.
If I did it in time.
If only I had the courage to.
If she didnt' go away.
If only I studied harder.
If we didn't break up.
If miracles came true.
If you could make a wish.
That would make your if come true.
What would you wish for?
What would your if be?
Wouldn't our lives be much better,
If our ifs came true?
Sometimes, yes.
But what if our ifs are a result of sudden rage?
If only she would die.
If I don't have to see his face ever again.
If she would just leave me alone.
If only I didn't have a brother.
And it came true?
Would you regret making that wish?
Of course you could always unwish it back.
But then again, why make it happen in the first place?
What would happen,
If all the ifs in the world came true?
A : If only I could rule the world.
B : If only there was world peace.
C : If only no one existed on this planet.
D : If only the solar system never existed.
E/F/G/H/I/J/K/L/M : If only I could be the richest person on Earth.
N/O/P/Q : If only their ifs didn't work.
Contradictions. Contradictions.
What would happen then?
Then again,
There are some ifs that are irreversible.
If I never existed.
If only my ifs never came true ever again.
You can't exactly reverse your if if you didn't exist, can you?
Nor can you do it if your ifs don't work anymore.
Such an interesting word.
If I could get all As in my exams.
If I could get a perfect partner.
If I could start my own sucessful business.
If I could be rich and famous.
If all your ifs came true,
You wouldn't be sitting here reading my post.
So get off your butt NOW.
And make your ifs come true.
The good ones, mind you.
May all your good ifs come true. (:
--- JM ---
Monday, 20 August 2007
Exploits of the Weekend
ha! proof : i didnt go online for 2 days, and i had to go to the second page of my frenster comments. hehe.
eek. i can be damn pathetic at times.
im also so full of durian and mooncake.
which ive been eating n eating over the weekend.
how to lose weight???!!
so on saturday, i went for the shiva family show.
i went expecting to be entertained.
and i wasnt disappointed!! the show was sooo good!!
it was two parts, basically. the first was a storytelling thing. n the second part was to consist of two dances.
the story telling thing, well it wasnt just story telling, they had live music in the background, and they told the story complete with sound effects and songs. (there wouldnt be point in me telling the story now because it was one of the hindu mythologies, and no one here would understand it anyway). and who were the storytellers? four old men. im serious.
and the whole thing was in tamil. but they were so unbelievably funny, and witty, and such good singers, that i was kept completely entertained despite my miserable understanding of the language.
it also helped that one of the old men kept translating all the difficult words into english. (presumably for tamil-illiterate people like me. :P) it added to the humour, tho, for those who understood tamil.
and then the dances. they were mostly very indianised dances. but modernised.
for the first dance, the dancers were small kids, younger than 12. but the were SO synchronised, and looked so professional! n the second dance was by older kids, around our age, and they were as good, if not better. i have honestly never seen more graceful people.
damn, i wanna learn dancing.
anyway, i was sposed to come home after the show, rite?
BUT my wonderful parents decided that since malacca is in the middle of subang jaya and jb (tats where my aunts live), why not go to jb for the weekend instead of coming back home?
theyre very good at doing that. just deciding to go places without informing me first. n then telling me last minute.
the way they see it, im not going to say no anyway (not like i have a choice), so why bother telling me before hand, rite?
so, went to my cousin's house for the weekend. okay lah. it wasnt as bad as im making it out to be. i mean, when all my cousins meet up, we have FUN la. hehe.
we had grand plans to play badminton all. i even took racquet n went.
so then on sunday morning, i was telling my cousin that we play in the evening, after that we all sit n watch watever movie was playing on disney channel (since i dont have disney channel at home). so that got us talking about movies.. and how all of us shud go watch movie.. and one thing led to another.. and we ended up booking tickets for ratatouille at 6.30pm.
so much for playing badminton. haih.
but im not complaining. ratatouille was so good! the rat is SO cute, omg!! and the way he cooks!!
i shall stop here, before i spoil the movie for anyone who hasnt watched tho. for all those who havent watched, GO WATCH!! its so cute!
oh, and i got some tarot-card reading done.
i take back wat i said.
it IS scary. so i asked about my baby cyclops.
and the first time, the answer freaked me out.
so i tried it again. i tried SIX different spreads, and they ALL gave me the same answer.
and the thing is, the tarot card pack, has 70 over cards, and each spread i tried, i got different cards. and i even read thru the book to make sure all the cards didnt say the same thing. and they didnt. just that i kept getting the cards that told me the same things :
1. that i place too many restrictions upon myself.
2. that i should forget my pride and ask for help. and stop restricting myself.
3. that i shud ask help from a young man with dark eyes n dark hair (very helpful, considering 98% of the young man i know are dark-eyed and dark-haired)
4. that there is a possibility of me having smthng stolen from me in the near future. (i shud start following michelle's n lesley's example of carrying bags to the toilet)
5. and that everything will turn out good, so i shud go for it.
AND all this relates to baby cyclops. i don know how the theft comes in there, but its apparently related. bloody hell.
to those of you who actually know what im talking about, HELP!! i need ADVICE!!
but other than the freakiness of the cards, and the fact that we didnt end up playing badminton, i had a really good weekend, despite being internet-deprived for two whole days.
ive noticed that when me n my cousins get together, we always laugh our heads off.
95% of the time, its for no reason. i think we just like laughing. to quote suh ming : "we are happy happy people".
and ive also begun to realise that it takes a rather high level of intelligence to be able to laugh over absolutely nothing. XD
if you've noticed, my frenster layout looks different. i think its pretty nice.
hehe. jea mie did it for me. because she's damn pro at it. and also because she loves me.
like i said, im loved.
and she's also going to kill me really really soon, cos i keep making her change stuff.
hehe. sorry!!
and this post is already way too long.
so im shutting up now.
hehe.. XD
Saturday, 18 August 2007
3 - 2 = 1
Went for amali + teori today.
Driving, that is.
Sat for 6 hours+.
Could've gotten a few bisuls during that time period.
But the lecturer was funny.
Although I almost fell asleep listening to him.
I think Vid would've really liked him.
Don't ask me why.
He has a really nice voice.
But he talks like there's some serabut in his mouth.
Like cows.
Always chewing that serabut thing.
But I digress.
The amali teacher /lecturer was a man called Naidu.
For some reason he reminded me of Mahatma Gandhi.
Anyway, I was paying close attention to him...
I really was...
Until I saw his thumb.
And noticed that the top part of the thumb,
The part above the joint was missing.
I couldn't see his thumbnail.
So I kept staring at his thumb after that.
Which was rude of me.
Since he's a really nice man.
Oh, and there was this really cute guy there.
He has this Indonesian accent,
and beautiful brown eyes.
He said he was a mechanic,
So Naidu kept asking him questions.
Poor guy.
And the guy got 98% of the questions wrong.
Which made him all the more malufied.
I wonder how he became a mechanic in the first place.
Probably enticed his boss with those beautiful eyes of his.
So, looks like it's the road next.
Pray I don't die.
Or worse, fail.
--- JM ---
koo kien keat and tan boon heong. the malaysian doubles pair, and number two seeds in the world badminton championship.
feel like whacking them!! they played so badly in the first set, and in the rubber set.. they were SO close to winning, and.. they lost.
to some japanese pair whom ive never heard of before.
ish. damn potong steam la. now i got no mood to watch badminton edi.
summore the number one seeds, cai yun n fu hai feng (duno how to spell, sry) also went out. but they lost to the malaysians so thats okay la. but still. no more excitement edi.
but i think the worst defeat was chung wei's. (duno how to spell oso.. :P)
he didnt even TRY. this one really must whack. ish.
and on top of all that, they got wong choon hann to commentate. aiyo! the fellow cant even speak proper english!! n he talks nonsense half the time!!
the sad sad state of malaysian badminton.
and this is the one sport we CAN play.
besides squash, which is nicol david's forte, but i dont watch squash, so..
i was supposed to spend the whole of last night watching prison break season 2 on dvd.
but when i got home, i found that my brother had taken the dvd set with him.
yer. so i couldnt watch. so i spent the whole of last night looking for wallpapers for my friendster layout.
poor me.
i got mood to play badminton suddenly. after watching badminton on tv.
but then i dont have anyone to play with. cos all these wonderful people like fiona n jea mie n yan qi wont play badminton. lazy people. ish.
im so bored. duno wat im going to do with myself this one week.
and i have the sudden urge to read my cousin sister's tarot cards.
THIS is all lesley's fault. XD
and, btw, no, reading tarot cards is not scary. its fun.
i should probably go and do aomething productive with my life.
like get started on my physics presentation.
nah. who am i kidding? the holidays just started!!
oh, btw, to G4 people, isnt the final report for physics IDS due on 27th august? the monday we start school again?
but we havent gotten back our first review yet, rite? how to do?
today is saturday.
malayalam movie. but we cannot watch. cos my parents wan to go to melaka for some dance-n-drama thing, put up by the shiva family.
the shiva family being a sort of society/association (i duno how to describe it la actually) for hindus. the same way christians have youth groups n all.
so, yeah, we're going to melaka for that. we'll be back today also, but probably very late at night.
yeah, and so, we would miss the malayalam movie.
and with my luck, this weeks movie would probably be a nice movie.
i saw my baby cyclops again yesterday.
n im beginning to think i dont want to see him anymore.
because i have a very strong feeling that this is never going to work out. no way. no chance.
so, im thinking i should stop being stupid, get over him, and get on with my life, rite?
but. i cant exactly get over him if i keep seeing him.
because everytime i do, i just melt all over again. maybe this one week will the perfect chance to get over him. as long as i dont go back to school after that, see him, and fall all over again.
haih. what shud i do?

ive got a kink in my neck.
i think its from sitting in front of the computer too long.
which is why i shud stop blogging. rite about now.
p.s. i notice i seem to have terrible colour combination.
Friday, 17 August 2007
Digi Vs Celcom
Who will win?
Episode 1
Episode 2
Celcom apparently.
RIP Digi man. :(
--- JM ---
Thursday, 16 August 2007
The Crazy Mouse Chase

today was crazy.
when i went home, my mom told me that there was a mouse in the house.
apparently it had been climbing in through the kitchen window and terrorizing both my mom and the maid today morning. but it disappeared in the afternoon, before i got home.
so anyway, we bought a mouse trap.
(i think the mouse must have been hiding in my neighbours house. cos hes a bachelor n his back storeroom was seriously full of junk. but hes renovating the store roon now, so the mouse probably decided to take refuge or smthng in our house. a mouse in the house. ew)
so, when i got home, i went to sleep. my usual afternoon nap. on the couch downstairs. n my mom was watching the badminton on channel 85.
then suddenly, she woke me up n said the mouse had run behind the tv cabinet!!
(thats more effective than an alarm clock, seriously)
so, me n my maid each took a broomstick, n my mom went halfway up the stairs while we got ready to tackle the mouse.
and thats when all hell broke loose.
so we were whacking the tv cabinet lightly in order to scare the mouse out.
and well, it got scared out.
it darted across the hall, almost out the open front door, then changed its mind and ran halfway up the staircase, past my mom, and then changed its mind again, n decided to perfom some crazy suicide attempt, by jumping from there back to the ground floor, then ran across the hall all over again, and then past the front door, and then took a detour to the second hall, and went n hid behind the piano.
and all this time, we were chasing it with the aforesad brromsticks, and we fell all over the furniture, and there was a lot of screaming and shouting going on.
think of wat u see in cartoons, and multiply the humour factor by about 10. seriously.
okay, so now the mouse was behind the piano, rite?
so that gave us a few minutes to plan our extermination strategy.(that IS the word u use, rite?)
so first of all, we moved all the furniture out from the second hall, so we wouldnt fall all over it like we did earlier.
all excpet the piano, obviously.
then we knocked the side of the piano lightly.
all was still.
we knocked it again.
and again.
and again.
until suddenly, the mouse scampered out, and the whole mad chase started again.
it ran out from the piano, and under my dad's office table, back under the piano, and then to the table, before finally scampering out the french windows, and out of the house.
so we went outside, to make sure the mouse wasnt hiding anywhere in the garden.
and then we went back in, n kept the doors and windows closed for the next 3 hours.
and then we moved all the furniture back.
and then..
we sat and laughed like mad cows for a full 10 minutes.
like i said, my family is pretty dysfunctional.
oh. the mouse trap wasnt much use.
and i may not be all that fond of mice anymore.
AND. i saw my baby cyclops today.
about SIX times.
im announcing it to the whole world. hehe.
omg, i tot i could actually try and get over him.
but the moment he smiled at me, i just fell all over again.
this is sad.
physics practical write up tomorrow.
and i dont even know WHAT to study.
bloody hell.
pray for me!! :P
Wednesday, 15 August 2007
Day One
MUET was... MUETish. O_O
PA was .......
Like I said.
Not enough time.
Sad. :(
I DID manage to finish it though.
But I don't think I made much sense.
Plus I forgot what kaedah aeroponik was.
So I used kaedah hidroponik to replace it instead.
Objective was ew.
All 20 Qualitative questions came from the text book. =.=
The teacher copied the 20 questions EXACTLY.
Didn't even bother changing the ABCDs.
I did the questions...
Like, 3 days ago.
And I forgot the answers. =.=
How sad.
The real challenge starts tomorrow though.
C H E M I S T R Y .
--- JM ---
Tuesday, 14 August 2007
i mean, we have a visitor. because i can hear voices downstairs. but i have no idea who it is. and im too lazy to go find out.
but sooner or later my curiosity will force me to go investigate.
but im really not in a position to go downstairs and say hi to whoever it is. because i look a mess. hmm..
i shall go and investigate.
(*peeking out the upstairs window*)
eh.. thats weird. i dont see a car parked anywhere near. except my neighbour's car, and it cant be my neighbour downstairs because he's a guy, and i hear a woman's voice. and if there isnt a car, that means the person came on foot. and the only person who ever does that is my aunt. and the person downstairs definitely doesnt sound like her.
(*peeking out by hanging like a retard over the upstairs stair-railing, in such a way that i cant be seen from the hall*)
oo. ouch. ouchh. bad view.
erm. wait, that looks like my neighbour's neighbour.
damn, what an anti-climax.
okay, diversions aside.
wat i actually wanted to do today was whine about the fact that i havent seen baby cyclops for ever soooo long.
at 8.05 tomorrow morning, it will officially have been ONE WEEK since i saw him last.
(okay, not that exact time. XD)
168 hours.
thats really depressing.
SO, in order to undepressify myself, i shall dedicate this post to the one true love of my life (so far!)....
*wait for it*
hee hee.
so, pictures!
alamak. i cant find the first picture of milo that i ever had, the one that made me fall head over heels for him.
so anyway, i shall compensate by posting other super cute pictures. (he looks esp good in bedford diaries, so..)




unfortunately, tho, he doesnt look at all good in heroes. at all. i think it was his awful fringe. my poor milo. but on the bright side, he looks cute in pathology, which is his new movie, which i can't wait to watch.
but which has unfortunately not started playing in theatres yet.
milo in scrubs, for pathology :


and then, milo in an ad for some apple computer (*this one is seriously funny, but i only have the stills*)


and finally milo with his family. (real family!)

and these two i love for no reason :


i do have a lot more pictures of milo. but i think i shud stop here. before whoever is reading this gets sick of looking at milo. or before whoever is reading this falls in love with my milo. (*which is way worse.*)
hehe. hes MINE.
p.s. i was just super bored. i shall go study physics now. XD
Pray I don't fail Chem.
MUET + PA ( Pengajian Am ) - Tomorrow.
Maths 1 + Chem - Thursday.
Maths 2 + Bio - Friday.
I should be reading Chem now.
But I digress.
Let's talk about PA.
It's called general paper in English.
For the monthly test,
PA is divided into 4 sections.
Multiple Choice Questions - 30 Questions ( 20 Qualitative + 10 Quantitative )
Karangan Laras Sastera / Laras Sains - Choose 1
Two "short" questions - Compulsory.
Graph - Compulsory.
Time limit - 1 1/2 hours.
Meaning we have 90 minutes to complete 30 MCQ, One essay, Two not so short questions and a graph.
Let's try breaking this down.
15 mins - MCQ - 2 questions per minute
40 mins - Essay
20 mins - 2 Questions - 1 question per minute
15 mins - Graph
There, that doesn't look so bad.
Ugh, who am I kidding.
It's not as easy as it looks.
Qualitative = Kenegaraan - Parlimen, YDAP, Jabatan, Kementerian and such.
Quantitavie = IQ + Maths Questions.
Essay - Between 250 - 350 words. No more.No less.
Questions - Divided into 2 small parts.
Part one - Answer from text.
Part two - Own answer. LESS than 50 words. Incorrect isi = 0 marks.
Graph - Make a graph from an essay. Type of graph not given.
Types of graphs include graf komponen, graf kompaun, graf pyramid, graf memesong, graf terapung and so on.
No petunjuk / skala / title / sumber = Maximum marks cut in half.
All this in 90 minutes.
How sad.
Of course, in the real exam, there's still Bahagian E.
Where you have to convert non-linear text to linear text.
I shall stop complaining now.
Pray for me please.
--- JM ---
Monday, 13 August 2007
Dear Diary
damn. let me start again.
Dear Diary,
Today was TERRIBLE. (note the use of caps)
there was a chemistry exam, well, no, chem test today. and i think i totally flunked it. no wait, make that i know i totally flunked it.
normally, NORMALLY, the paper always ends with the essay question. its been like that the past few years. but of course, our year, they have to put another page of questions after the essay question, dont they??
another page of questions which i totally missed out. until the last second, after mr yap told us to put our pens down.
bloody hell.
someone up there REALLY doesnt like me.
which reminds me, i havent seen my baby cyclops since last wednesday.
last wednesday morning.
n i want to see him so badly, too.

when i didnt want to see him, i ran into him everywhere.
Murphy's Law. (Re : Murphy : may he never rest in peace. or may he rot in hell. whichever is worse.)
i seriously doubt i will see him tomorrow.
despite the fact that i see him every tuesday.
damn. maybe i shud stop hoping that i will see him.
or stop wanting to see him.
(*okay, thats not very possible. arrghh...*)
oh, and talking about tomorrow, michelle n lesley are BOTH not coming to coll.
probably the whole day.
because theyre going for some stupid PQA test.
and abandoning me.
the poor, lost soul that i am.

and, on top of that, we have double bio tomorrow.

god, can my life get any worse????!!
i shud stop here.
hehe.. i dont even know why i started with dear diary. randomness.
p.s.-es (XD)
to jea mie : why so emo?
to suh ming : it does? but i use the super light yellow. the lightest one one the colour pallete. cos all the other yellows are really glaring on black background.
oh, and for the record, i LOVE baby wolves. :):)
Sunday, 12 August 2007
I blame the pineapples.
I wish I could turn back time.
And go back to the beginning.
--- JM ---
Saturday, 11 August 2007
jz looks cute.
hehe.. XD
ive officially become SICK of people congratulating me on getting NS.
seriously, people.
its sadistic.
i watched a malayalam movie today.
after SOOO long.
haih.. tats cos astro only plays malayalam movies once a week ~ on saturday afternoons.
and the past few weeks, theyve been playing really old, really boring movies, and ALL starring the SAME guy. for god's sake!! so we obviously dont watch the movies.
todays one looked different.
different actor (finally!) and it was a pretty recent movie.
so my mom and i decided we'd watch this weeks movie.
(to jea mie : if ur interested, it was chackochen's movie.. remember him? :P)
this weeks movie was..
im seriously in the mood to sue anandha krishnan. (or watever his name is ~ the guy who owns astro)
i mean, there are some REALLY good malayalam movies.
and ALL they can show are the STUPID ones???!!!
summore ONLY once a week.
the rest of the time, they show tamil movies, which are stupider than the stupid malayalam movies.
im malayalam-movie-deprived.
its not good.
maybe thats why ive been going haywire a lot lately.
i cut my hair today.
okay, well, not I cut my hair. i mean, i went and got it cut.
cos i wanted it layered.
so i could leave it down sometimes.
bad idea.
the stupid lady cut it so short, i cant do anything to it BUT leave it down.
bloody hell.
i hate my hair.
and i hate the stupid lady at the hairdressers.
i should be depressed.
i should be terribly depresed.
but im not.
i duno why.
i have to be the craziest person on the planet.
btw, im typing this in yellow.
on WHITE background.
so.. yeah..
its actually pretty fun.
ok, i shud really stop.
before lesley complains that my post is too long. AGAIN.
im guessing she will anyway.
wont you, lesley?
hehe.. XD
(now im typing white on white background. hehe.. this is funner than yellow. swt. im such a retard.)