Friday, 29 February 2008
Suh Ming's Tag
1. What was your dream during your childhood?
Dream as in ambition? Er. To become a rabbit.
...No, seriously, rabbit.
2. Do you like rainy days or sunny days? Why?
Sunny days! Cos then I dont feel like sleeping, and I dont have to walk around with an umbrella. :)
3. Which colour do you like better? Black or White?
BLACK. Sopisticated...
4. Who would you marry?
Milo Ventimiglia.
5. Where do you want to go most? Why?
Er. Err. California.
Cos Milo stays there.
6. Which part of yourself do you love the most?
Er. *runs body check* hmm...My personality? :p
7. When you encounter a sad moment, what do you do?
Emo like crazy, blast emo songs, hug Pinkie, and then talk to Jea Mie or Fiona, cos they'd make me laugh.
8. What are you afraid of losing the most?
And my family lah, of course! :)
9. If you met someone you love, would you confess to him/her? Or just keep it secret, observing?
Secret. I got ego lah.
Cannot confess confess all...not ladylike.
10. List out 3 good points of the one who tagged you.
Suh Ming ar?
Keke. err, good points? Funny, nice, soulamte-ish, as lame as me, smart, cute...pick any three. XD
11. What are the requirements that you wish for your other half?
CANNOT SMOKE. Must be taller than me. Must be able to fly.
12. Up to now, what is the moment you regret most?
MomenT? Too many lah. Lazy wan pick.
13. Which type of person do you hate most?
The kind who bitches about the whole world on their blogs, and blames their own mistakes on everyone else, AND simply cannot laugh at themselves. Damn annoying people.
14. What is your ambition?
To dominate the world. Through tyranny.
15. Would you rather be someone else at this very moment?
Are you kidding? There are people out there who want to be ME, why would I want to be someone else??!
16. If you can have 2 dreams to come true, what would it be?
1) Live in Hindi movies with happy endings
2) Have more dreams come true.
17. What do you think is most important in your life?
My family.
18. Who’s your favourite cartoon character?
Winnie the Pooh!
Eh, no, Top Cat! :D
19. What will you do if the world ends tomorrow?
20. The most worthwhile decision you’ve ever made in your life so far?
To do SAM. Regretted it while I was doing it, but in retrospect, best decision of my life.
*Jea Mie, do this tag please*
Fourth Post
Since you want me to blog, right?
This is going to be a random post, k?
My backside hurts because I've been sitting on the floor and staring into my laptop screen for the past 4 hours.
The lights at the lift area in my block only switches on in the afternoon.
And at night it switches off. So its super dark at night.
Makes so much sense, right?
I tell you, I am fed up of having the people in my batch at IMU come up to me and go like
"OMG Ive seen you around in Taylors!!"
Damn hyper summore.
And I would probably never have seen the person in my life before.
Crazy weii.
Macam lah I major celebrity. Swtness.
Cos malu la everyone elses fingernails soooo short, and mine are like some evil witches' fingernails.
Sharp sharp summore rite? So now i cut them all short.
The Carrefour here is scary.
The entrance from the carpark into the complex is covered with plastic strips, like in butcher shops.
If you didnt get that, nvm. Im too sleepy to think of a proper descrip.
I think I will get addicted to malay dramas pretty soon. :)
And I eat like a pig nowadays.
So much for my plan of dieting when i get to uni lah, seriously.
I cant stop eating now. Bluek.
AND OMG try eating plain rice with kicap and egg.
Its like you take plain white rice, and you take the kicap bottle and douse your rice with kicap slightly, and then you fry egg and eat with it.
Start eating edi cannot stop.
And its funner to watch American Idol with people than it is to watch it alone.
I love Simon :)
And David Archuleta :):):)
Okay, now my hand oso pain, type so much.
Pinkie says hi evvybody.
Thursday, 28 February 2008
Random Grandmother Stories
IMU is crazy.
We have two hours lectures a day.
...BUT before you people start jealous-ing,
apart from the lectures, we, at IMU, have
PBL sessions,
Library sessions,
Assigned Independent Reading,
Structured Independent Learning,
Wet Lab Practicals,
Dry Lab Practicals,
Medical Musuem Visits
AND EVERY fcking thing is assessed, i tell you!!
Even library usage.
So yeah, by the time we're done with everything, we're WAY worse off compared to any other medic student in any other medic university.
But life here is pretty good,
I love my housemates. Theyre damn fun la seriously.
Shall elaborate more tmr, kays?
I like living here, I just don wanna go study in IMU. Lol.
And i think the nicest thing anyone has done for me this week, is to offer to send me phone credit, so that i wouldnt have to go buy it myself around here.
You know who you are la, right, I shall not mention names.
(er, but if you want me to mention, then let me know, yea? I make announcement :p)
And I come online today after almost a week, and the FIRST thing BAY does is merajuk with me!
Its like cultures of the world on one of the days, and guess what?
have to dress up as a
And this one senior wants me to dress up like a Kenyan, ACT like a kenyan and TALK like a kenyan!
Stupid la.
And in IMU the indian seniors can only rag indian juniors.
omgomgomg alot of indian girls kena rag edi. I think i not yet kena cos I always hang out with Chinese and Malay ppl.
And they have this other event where we have to dress up according to Korean dramas, and then go to PAVILLION and take super stupid pictures, and then cheer like mad cows if we meet another orientation group (we're split into groups la).
Can u imagine us acting like TOTAL JAKUNS in PAVILLION?!!!
Some groups have to go KLCC!!
Any more embarassing la seriously...
Stupid seniors.
Haha, ok now Im fed up of typing.
Nites, darlings! I shall blog more tmr, or Saturday. XD
Keep my counter going up!
Sunday, 24 February 2008
Update. :)
The place is nice.
Hot. Crazy hot. But nice.
And my hostel is right across the road.
Can walk. Yay.
I think they put most of the girls in vista B (tats where Im staying),
and they dumped majority of the guys in vista C.
Vista C is further away. I guess they figured the guys could walk.
Although the guys' claim that the pool in vista C is nicer.
Nvm. We can crash their pool. XD
Orientation was slightly boring.
We played stupid games, laughed, made friends, ate dinner together...nice lah. Feel like part of a family.
The advantage of being in a hostel is that you get to socialize more than the students staying at home. :)
Then we went on a tour around Sri Petaling.
Using a Taylor's College Bus. wth. Sad case.
And the senior who was talking to my group (we were split into groups for ori) was this really gorgeous mauritian guy. :)
*Vidya Gopinadhan Pillai, you are going to IMU to STUDY*
I'll be back on Saturday.
Wasn't sposed to come back, but I need to buy my laptop.
Free wi-fi for 500m radius. Which means hostel oso got wi-fi.
Ah. The bliss.
So I'll get back to everyone on Saturday, kays?
(if not Friday)
I'll miss everybody!
*Big hugs all round*
Y'all don't miss me too much, ya hear? :p
Mixed Feelings
And I went and checked out my room today.
It took two hours to get rid of the dust and cobwebs, before the room started looking remotely presentable!
And the bathroom has a bathtub. I hate bathtubs, cos the sides always look so dirty.
And the bathroom itself was covered in a layer of dust, AND the mirror is just hopeless.
Its like those dirty, stained mirrors that you see in all the cheap horror movies. I scrubbed it for half n hour n it still looks awful. I'll have to get a new mirror.
And the bathroom is dark, because the light isnt working. I have to buy a new lightbulb too.
I suppose it will look a whole lot better once the light is switched on, but for the time being, it looks miserable.
I hate the bathroom.
Ah well, there goes my long showers. I doubt I'd wanna take long showers there. Bluek.
But on the whole, my room's okay lah.
It's on the 2nd floor, so it isn't cool. It's hot. But I spose we'd adjust.
My roommate hasnt arrived yet.
We have two malay seniors staying in the other twin sharing room.
They're both doing nursing, but I haven't met them yet.
But they have a TV lah.
No sign of astro, but got TV. Better than nothing, rite?
And my other housemate is a Sri Lankan girl, International Student. She moved in today too.
She seems nice. :)
I have to go back in a bit, cos they're having an orientation for the hostel students at 5.
And then I have to meet my roommate, and get things sorted out.
But I definitely want to come back home tonight, though. Last night here.
My hostel's pretty safe, so my mum's not so worried about security anymore.
She's no longer planning to come visit me every other day.
So yeah, I'd have more freedom, but I'd be more detached from my family.
I'm beginning to wonder if it's a good thing.
I'm staying in Vista B, and Boone is staying in Vista C.
Which is ten thousand miles far away.
So much for my plans of moving in with Boone and stealing his laptop. (nvm only Suh Ming will understand that)
Takpe. Im getting a laptop of my own soon.
But I spose I'm gonna have to rely on Boone at least to help me get used to the whole LRT thing.
I'm super jakun when it comes to public transport.
Natasha was there for open day today, but I couldn't go see her, cos I was ankle deep in dust.
And sweating profusely.
It looked like I had stepped out of a shower and forgotten to dry myself.
And my jeans was rolled up to my knees.
I looked like a washerwoman, and was definitely not in a position to walk back into the university and exhibit myself to the whole world.
Damn la. And I wanted to see her. :(
I'm sorry if I sound so dead.
I'm just super tired.
I shall come back and write a nice post after orientation.
And then I will let my blog die for one week. :)
Saturday, 23 February 2008
No, not emo. Emotional.
I need to rant.
I still cannot believe my parents dont want to get me a laptop.
My mum's excuse is : You spend too much time on the computer nowadays.
My side of the story : You tell me you don't want to get me a laptop, DUH OF COURSE I USE THE COMP ALOT WHILE I STILL CAN. Last few days of Internet before I move out, rite?!
Wi Fi and NO LAPTOP!
I was damn stressed about tmr, but now, seriously, now I cannot wait.
I need a break from my house, from my crazy family.
I dont want to see my brother again for the next 3 centuries at least.
Or my dad for that matter.
Or my mum.
All I want to do is GET OUT!!
Doesn't sound like me, right!? Yea, I know. Im super pissed off right now.
I mean, I know lah that I'm the youngest kid and everything,
BUT Im NOT some naive, innocent eight-year-old!
Im jz damn pissed because some people (-.-) just don't know how to let go.
Seriously,allow me to make my own mistakes.
Im FED UP of being pampered. I seriously am.
Call me crazy, but I need to be independent.
I jz cannot tahan this whole "Dont worry, we'll do all these things for you" anymore.
And they wont let me drive.
My mum let me drive to Giants that day, but she drove back.
Cos she said got traffic. So better I dont drive first.
Honestly lah, learning driving has been one of the BEST things that ever happened to me!!
Ive waited my whole life to drive, and now that Ive got the fucking license...not being allowed to drive is FRUSTRATING!!
Its like arrrrgggh!!!
I love driving! And I DONT panic! Aiyooo...
And I swear to God, guys are the most complicatedly confusing species on the entire planet!!
Theres this guy, rite...
He flirts.
He teases me alot.
He gets jealous of my guy best friends (wth).
He doesn't like it when I talk about guys, even celebrities.
He purposely brings up girls to supposedly make ME jealous (wtf?!).
Hes super nice when he talks to me alone, but in front of HIS friends, he's got this major "cool" act. I dun even know which side of him is for real.
He'll say hi on msn, then he wont talk. Seriously lah, if you really got nothing to say, then dont even bother saying hi la! Irritate me for wat?!
And the best part is, rite, with ALL this, the fella apparently isnt that interested you know.
Just playing around only.
Would I or would I not get annoyed, you tell me?!
Damn fucking irritating, rite?
And NO, you're not allowed to ask me who the guy is. Its only need-to-know stuff. And everyone who needs to know, already does.
And then, right... I heard this ridiculous theory about why guys flirt :
"Even if a guy doesn't like a girl, he'd flirt with her, because if he messes up with a girl he doesn't like, its not embarassing. But if he messes up with a girl he DOES like, then its awful. So...guys practice flirting with girls they dont really like, just to keep it fresh"
I only have one thing to say la :
You people really that lowlife ah?!
Wat kind of fucked up rubbish wei. Practice flirting?!
And people still say girls are complicated. Honestly.
And Im SUPER annoyed that I cannot watch the MU game today.
p.s. Now Im not angry anymore. Ranting is good for health. :)
Why Do I Always Leave Out Half The Stories?
The guy who normally sits outside 7-11?
I thought rm7 was pretty ok, you know...
...that is, until I took my shoes for resole-ing in SS14 (This fella oso sits outside 7-11 ><)
He charged me rm6.
For three pairs of shoes.
Tats like rm2 per pair!
I was so dumbfounded that I just stood there and stared at him, until he started laughing.
(And then I came to my senses and ran away to save face la)
And has anybody ever called Taylor's and been put on hold before?
They give you an effing commentary on the whole Taylor's University College wei!!
Got stories from 1969 all.
I'm like fuiyoo...but they put you on hold for damn long la.
They put me on hold THREE TIMES before telling me that the person I wanted to talk to was not in yet, and could I please call back a bit later? -.-
Anyone wanna hear about how Taylor's was established, call 0356362641 and ask for the Accounts Dept.
Guarantee put on hold wan. LOL.
I is wearing my blanky.
Its not cold, and I'm going to start sweating in 15 secs, but I cannot help it.
I like my squishy new blanky.
*Big big smile*
The Crazy Indian Cashier
Today started out really really good. Keke. :p
I went to Carrefour.
Bought torchlight, batteries, alarm clock (ugh!), toiletries,etc etc...
And this awesomely furry, squishy, comfy blanky (or blanket), and a pillow, and a bolster cos i need smthng to lean against when i sleep. XD
Yes I know I is weird.
OH, AND i bought this really nice pair of pants.
(the pants is important)
So we went to pay la kan..
And we ended up at this counter with these two indian guy cashiers.
And one of them was really cute. XD
So yeah, the cute cashier was also apparently damn hyper today, cos he was very intent on getting all the stuff scanned as fast as possible. (he was doing the scanning),
Like ultra-speed k. He nearly twisted himself.
I swear, it was impossible to stand there and not laugh!
And then the thing was my nice pants didn't have a barcode on it, so he put it aside, and when no one was looking, he told the other cashier to put it in the plastic.
Cute Cashier : There put this also inside
Not-so-cute Cashier : Dey, u havent scan yet
Cute Cashier : (under his breath) Put only laaa...
Thank god they were talking in tamil, and the other customers were non-indian.
20+ rgt punyer pants summore.
I shall do all my future shopping in Carrefour. XD
Friday, 22 February 2008
Of Blood Oranges
I came across this fruit yesterday, called the blood orange.
It looks exactly like an orange on the outside, but the inside is red.
So i was damn jakun about it la (kan you all know me)
Like major discovery summore.
"OMG I found this freaky fruit!"
So yeah..
Presenting...the blood orange!


I know what you're thinking.
"Grapefruit lah!"
For the record, Ive never seen a grapefruit before in my life.
So yeah, I didnt know that the *err-hem* blood orange was in fact a grapefruit, and that there was nothing remotely spectacular about it.
Damn katak di bawah tempurung, rite?
Can I Not Title My Posts?
from David Rocco's Dolce Vita
From Facebook :
What do guys/girls say about who you are?
Your result is: Only Friends.
Guys/girls look at you as only a friend. You have a great personality and people love you, but you also give people the feeling of being your older brother/sister. They'd protect you no matter what, but the idea of kissing you freaks them out!
This is encouraging.
But its true la. People I fall for always end up becoming my really good friends.
*Big sigh*
My life is sad.
I was telling my mum that I needed new shoes/dress slippers for Uni.
Considering everything I own is above 2 inches, and hence NOT condusive for running up and down hospital corridors with.
(Why I would need to run thru hospital corridors, I myself have no idea)
So we decided we'd go through all the slippers and shoes I already own lah.
And I discovered that I have at least 10 pairs of casual footwear...slippers, heels, platforms, get the picture.
And the best part was I didn't even know all that belonged to me. I had completely forgotten all about them!
Then we found out, that if we added all my going-out footwear to that, I owned 20+ pairs of footwear.
I kept asking my mum if she was sure all that was my stuff, and not hers. Eek.
And some of that is from way back when...since my feet were incredibly considerate enough to stop growing couple of years ago. -.-
My mum : Remind me again WHY we have to buy you shoes??
Its not fair!!
I no longer have an excuse to buy clothes or shoes!
Sam, this unicorn is for you! :p
(I get the Pegasus though)

(HOW on Earth do you spell it?? Pegasus? Pegausus?)
Oh, and Bay, if you correct my English one more time, I will kick you the next time I see you. =.=
I loove Simple Plan's new album!
And I wanna go for the BSB concert!!! WHY couldn't it have been this week instead of next week?!?
And theres no Channing Tatum in Step Up 2!!!! wat rubbish.
Jea Mie, are you planning to EVER post again?
I hate it when people use microphones to talk to me on msn.
Cos i dont have a mic, so i type my replies.
And then it looks like I'm talking to myself.
Oh, and its pretty pointless to webcam with me, cos I'd have ten thousand other windows open, so I wouldnt be looking at you. Well, unless of course you happen to be Fiona Ong, and I have nothing better to do with my life. :p
Thursday, 21 February 2008
Looong Post.
I'm the kind of person who really cannot sit still.
I think everyone who has ever been classmates with me knows that.
I stone throughout the lesson, and as soon as time is up, I HAVE to at least go stand outside the classroom. Or walk around. If possible, walk up and down the stairs and cuci mata.
(I still dont think its fair tat Ms Christine got annoyed tat i would walk into class late. I did it for every other lesson too!)
So can you imagine ME being cooped up for days after days at home?!
Of course I'm emo la!! Wat would you expect?!!
So STOP complaining my blog posts are emo.
Dowan to read, dont read. Fullstop. Dont be such idiots.
And YES, my grammar is screwed up.
And yes, I butcher spelling.
And yes, I do make up words.
And yes, I can no longer automatically differentiate between they're and their (I blame this on msn)
I do say stuff like "I is happy." or "I is sleepie."
So what?!!
Its not like I have such terrible English that it takes you ten million years to decipher what Im saying!!
My English is AWESOME.
And once you know the rules, its 100% ok to break 'em.
SO SCREW EVERYONE who doesn't like the way I talk!! Go find something more productive to do with your lives besides b*tch about the state of my English. Mine is better than yours will ever be. So there!
The thing is, right, people with good english dont ever complain about the way I talk. Its the people with downright shitty english (who dont realise they cant talk english for nuts) who have a problem with me.
damn, this world is messed up.
I duno whether to be emo about the fact that I'm going to be leaving home and staying without my parents,
or whether to be happy about the fact that I'm going to be leaving home AND STAYING WITHOUT MY PARENTS!! :D
My parents are SUPER restrictive ok. Like super super super restrictive.
But thats ok, cos if they weren't, I wouldnt be so criminal minded.
I learned to pick locks when I was in Std 6 cos they locked my bookshelf cos they wanted me to concentrate on UPSR.
And then when they realised I was picking the lock, they got an un-pick-able lock, so then I just used to unscrew the entire latch with a test-pen, take out my book, and then screw the latch back onto the bookshelf door.
HAH! And to think people call me innocent.
I dont care if this post is long. Its been ages since I wrote a looooong one.
And I'm too lazy to split into three posts, like I normally do.
Three posts a day = LIFELESS.
Ah, well, thats what I am. I accept the reality.
LOL. Ignore me, Im still hyper.
Oh, and I had to pack my veena and put it away today.
Cos my mum asked me to (and since Im SUCH an obedient child)
That was emo-fying la.
My gorgeous, gorgeous veena that saved me from going insane this holidays.
And no, I'm not just saying it for the sake of it, she really is gorgeous.
Check out the carvings! Aren't they just bee-yoo-tee-ful?!
I tried taking a zoomed in pic, but since I have such wonderful photo taking skills, the pic is damn blur. So go click this one, and view the bigger version, kay?
And see the head?? For veenas, its normally sposed to be a dragon, but mine is a peacock. :))
I miss my veena alredy. :(
Oh, and they come with this insanely awesome VELVET cover, to keep out dust when they arent being used!! :D
Thank God my piano isn't pack-and-put-away-able.
You know, I realised, that compared to how I am now, I was really damn normal back in school.
Until I met Fiona Ong, and Emily, and the Geng Berempat la, that is.
I loove you people!! Ahaha.
And Im childish. SUE ME.
I'm still damn hyper.
But emo.
But hyper.
I dont make sense.
p.s. If you find this post weird and dont know me well enough.:p
Wednesday, 20 February 2008
I just did the craziest thing of my life today!
I'm not gonna say what, but I think I told most of you already.
And I cannot stop laughing.
Shyt man, that was payback for every guy that ever confused me.
Bloody hell!
Ok I sound crazy.
Im not. Im hyper!!!!!
Ahahaha. I dont foresee myself being emo for a long long time. :D
And to you all who kena today. Sorry lah yeah.
I think I should call it therapy.
Cos, damn, that felt good. Hehe.
And, I suck at lying, AND I come up with the lamest cover-up stories ever.
I suck.
Ok I shut up now.
Four More Days
I hate this.
This cannot be happening to me.
I don't get lovesick. I don't get over-emo. I don't fall for guys and let myself get hurt.
So wtf is going on this time?!
Shyt, I need my life back.
Reality Check
We were buying soap - for clothes, for washing toilet, etc.
All of a sudden she picks up this toilet brush and asks me whether I like the colour, or whether I want another one.
I was like
Huh, why ask me?
Cos we're buying all this for you
*stunned* For ME?? Why for me??
You gonna go stay in that condo, you dowan to wash ur toilet ah??
Oh. *pause* Oh. *pause* Oh yeah. Eek.
For the record, I've never washed a toilet in my life.
Bloody hell.
It can't be that hard, though, can it?
Tuesday, 19 February 2008
Deprived. (swt, so emo)

I'm emo. :)
There is only one person (so far) who can cause me to have mood swings.
And I always thought mood swings were self-inflicted. ><
My mother made me wash Pinkie yest.
Which means Pinkie had to soak overnight yesterday.
Which means last night I couldn't sleep.
Which means I'm cranky.
Pinkie isn't the only one abandoning me.
There are so many people here. (loud people)
But today, I'm lonely.
Very much so.
*pics from*
I think only Suh Ming, Natasha, Yan Qi n Jun Beng will understand this post.
Awesomeness. Only one of them reads this blog.
Oh, I'm not finished ranting.
STOP testing me, confusing me, trying to get a reaction from me, or watever else it IS that you're doing!!!!
I wish I had the guts to yell at you face to face.
I dont.
I am going to go bang my head against the wall.
Monday, 18 February 2008
Yoghan, this is all ur fault!
Soulja Boy - Crank Dat (Superman That Hoe)
Bye Bye Pyjamas. :'(
My mother just threw out every single comfortable piece of (house) clothing i own!
Sure, they're faded, and look like they're centuries old, but they're COMFORTABLE!

Now I'm stuck with all my super old clothes that I've had since Std 3.
Which aren't faded because I stopped wearing them a long time ago.
The weird thing is, I was either superbly huge in Std 3 or I just had this thing for big clothes.
I have no idea what possesed me to buy XXL shirts.
I'm M.
Go figure.
So yeah, I can fit in all my kiddy clothes. Wtf.
~I shall henceforth be embarassed to walk out of the house in my pyjamas~
Believe me, even Dobby's pillowcase would be a better deal.
I. am. annoyedddd.
p.s. Omgidiscoveredanupsidedownsmileyyest, thanks to Suh Ming. Im gonna go crazy with it! D:
Sunday, 17 February 2008
Happified! :p
I dont remember ever being so ridiculously happy over anything before in my entire life.
And the best part is, I dont even have a proper reason to be happy.
I just am.
And Im not hyper-happy, Im just plain happy.
Like sit-down-and-smile-for-no-reason-and-be-nice-to-the-world happy.
And I'd never thought I would be so completely wrong about anything.
It's funny how the person I thought I didn't want is the person I needed all along.
(yes this is on my msn personal msg)
I'm happyyyy. :)
And I'm also scared.
I want to STAY happy.
*pictures courtesy of*
Sometimes, I think life would be less painful
if we couldn't imagine the future
if we didn't have expectations
if we couldn't dream.
I'm tired
of needing a reason to be upset
of trying to make people understand why I feel what I feel
of trying to create my own destiny
of fighting for what i believe in.
For 18 years I've been fighting a losing battle.
And it just keeps on getting harder.
So today, I'm running away.
Let me go.
*worships wayne rooney*
Saturday, 16 February 2008
Chain Letters
WHY do these idiots come up with this shit, and then mail it to the whole world??!!
Ive ignored at least 234756 of these letters and mails, and
1. I'm not dead
2. Neither is my mum or dad
3. None of us have ever been haunted by people in shower drains or neck-cutting-vengeful spirits.
4. I have yet to be befallen by ten thousand years of bad luck...
I mean, get real, people, NOTHING is going to happen whether you forward these mails or not!
People can't curse you thru e-mail!!
The example above is the one that really really really irritated me.
Honestly, I can think of about a million better ways to prove that I love my mum besides forwarding STUPID mails that she isn't going to read anyway.
These people should seriously try getting a life. And even if they don't want to, they should spare the rest of us!
What DO they get out of it anyway?? Unless they've rigged up some way of getting money everytime someone forwards the mail.
So next time, anyone wants to forward chain letters, leave me out of your list, please.
PLEASE don't let MU embarass themselves today (or tomorrow, rather). Oh please oh please oh please. We're not going to win the league, but at least let us win this game. Pretty please?
I thank you in anticipation.
Friday, 15 February 2008
I wonder...
I can't eat my own cooking. I have no idea why. And NO, its NOT because the food tastes bad. I'm a good cook. :D
...why, when I'm supremely bored, there will be no one to talk to on msn, and yet when I start youtube-ing or blogging, about 7 people will msg me at the same time?
Talk about perfect timing.
I have a new song!
I change songs every so often, its not my fault people come up with such nice songs. :)
There are three main reasons I love this song :
1. The guy is super cute! (he looks like dhiraj, only improvised version)
2. I love the singer, Shaan! His voice is awesome...even Ivan thinks so. XD
3. The music is's so...I can't describe it...but if you know me well enough, you'd know that this was totally my kind of song. :)
Thursday, 14 February 2008
Grape Jam!
I was planning to write this long post on how its dumb to be anti-valentine's day (i have alot of anti-v-day friends), cos val day isn't just for couples and all that...
but scratch that, cos...
I just HAVE to advertise the present i received for Valentine's today!!

shyt i've been laughing all the way from McD's!
Grape Jam for val day. seriously...!
Tuesday, 12 February 2008
I have the urge to blog.
BUT. i dont really have anything to say.
I mean, what i REALLY REALLY want to do right now is write something either :
a) supremely interesting
b) supremely intriguing
c) supremely funny to the extent people fall off their chairs laughing
d) supremely tragically touching so that some rich publisher decides i should write a book about my life.
Now why do I get the feeling that the last option especially, is impossible?
(I am writing this in the aftermath of having watched DON. I absolutely refuse to be held responsible for any weirdness that may not have resulted had I waited for the excitement of the movie to subside before writing this)
You know what would be the coolest thing on earth? To be Mafia.
If I had the option to be anything...anything, honestly, I would be a criminal mastermind.
(Not to sure about the mastermind part, but definitely criminal)
Oh, and in case anyone hasnt noticed yet, I am quite mad. Live with it.
So, back to my criminal mastermind story,
I would love to be part of the Underworld. I mean, all that money.
And glamour.
And cold-bloodedness.
And manipulation.
And sheer arrogance.
Damn, I want that.
I want to be someone who does things so unscrupulous that Interpol would be chasing me to the ends of the earth.
I want to be brilliant enough to never get caught.
Imagine the adrenaline of being hunted.
I mean, to work for someone so evil.
To learn to be so evil. To have evil people working for you.
To have the whole world know you were rotten to the core, but be un-arrest-able simply because there was not enough evidence directly against you.
And when there was, to just be uncatchable.
Theres a certain deliciousness about being evil.
Evil fascinates me. Always has. Always will.