And thanks to Vid for fixing it.
Next, please take note that m letter on m keboard is not working.
Tr and guess which letter it is.
Clue : It's the letter after qwert.
I'm too laz to cop and paste it so I shall let it remain invisible.
1. What is the most important thing in your life?
= Me. :D
= M famil.
= Wait, it sas thing, not people. Umm...mone! $$$ And happiness. :D
2. What is the last thing you bought with your own money?
= Friend's birthda present.
3. Where do you wish to get married?
= On earth.
4. How old do you think you'll be permanently owned by your lover?
= I dunno. Ask m lover.
5. Are you in love?
= Nope.
6. Where was the last restaurant you had dinner?
= Shogun in Sunwa Pramid.
7. Name of the latest text book you bought?
= Can't remember. It was last ear.
8. What is your full name?
= Shhhh, no one is supposed to know. ;o
9. Do you prefer mother or father?
= Mother. <3
10. Name a person that you really wish to meet in your real life for the first time.
= Can't think of anone right now. M one true love! x.x
11. Christina or Britney?
= Chicken wings.
= Christina.
12. Do you do your own laundry?
= The washing machine does it for me.
13. The most exciting place you want to go?
= Heaven.
14. Hugs or kisses?
= Hershes.
15. Point out 5 things about the person who tagged you.
= Random
= Hper
= Likes to tag me
= Likes black clothes
= Hates spermatogenesis or whatchamacallit.
16. 8 things I'm passionate about
= Sleep
= Food
= Pscholog
= Books
= Tedd bears
= Newspaper comic strips
= Music
= The fact that m keboard is cacated
17. 8 things I say too often
= Awwwwww........
= Dinner eat what?
= HAH?
= our -censored- ( No, it is not profanit.)
= Oh m god.
= So sad.
= Stupid bo.
= Laz lar.
18. 8 books I've read recently
= Bittersweet sixteen - ???
= Pants on fire - Meg Cabot
= A place called here - Cecilia Ahern
= The Last Juror - John Grisham
= The Bonesetter's Daughter - Am Tan
= Not a penn more, not a penn less - Jeffre Archer
= Size doesn't matter - Meg Cabot
= Seriousl cannot remember. I haven't read a book in ages. t.t
19. Songs I could listen to over and over again
= Invisible - Cla Aiken
= Luck - Molie Wu
= For Real - Gensomaden Saiuki
= Rihanna songs :D
= Lost all m songs, can't recall an right now.
20. 8 things I learnt last year
= Nothing. =.=
M mind is dead right now hence the lack of witt answers. How sad.
--- JM ---