Saturday 28 July 2012

Random conversation #122136


Also been having this absolutely wretched flu the past few days and all I want to do is crawl back into bed and sleeeeeep.


Was having a conversation with my brother about how Malaysia is becoming increasingly unsafe nowadays,
what with all the reports of ladies being robbed/abducted in car parks,
and handbag-snatching at traffic lights and all that.

So he was telling me to get rid of the teddy bears in my car.

TheBrother : People see teddy bears all over the dashboard, they're going to know it's a girl's car you know.

Me : ....I suppose you're right, but..

TheBrother : It's really just inviting trouble.

Me : Ok.

TheBrother : And they're projectiles! If you brake suddenly, they're going to come flying right at you!

Me : ...huh. That's also true.

TheBrother : never know when they're going to turn around and say hi to you while you're driving.

Me :

TheBrother :

Me :

TheBrother :

Me : WHAT.


I should just have a blog dedicated to the ridiculous conversations I have with my brother.

On a completely different note,
It has come to my attention (cheh) that the Twitter incident has reached the whole batch now.


And from what I understand you lot have a really twisted idea of what's been happening.

I've decided, once EOS is over, and if I pass,
I shall write about it here.

Wouldn't that be wonderful?

You'd have more fodder for gossip!

I still don't get why everyone's decided to get all uptight about the whole thing.
Its not like any of you were actually included in any of it.

But whatevs, whatevs.



  1. I bet your brother has terrible nightmares about this. Poor him.

    What twitter what? I wasn't included, yep. What's going on? Is it a least funny?

    1. Nightmares about teddy bears saying hi to him? ahahahahahaha.

      Ugh stupid twitter incident. No, I haven't written about it here yet. It's not at all funny. :(
      I'll write about it sometime.
      Basically what happened is that a few people have been slacking off work in the wards and during class, and my friends and I went into a rant about it on twitter. And someone else decided to screencap our conversations and send it out to everyone else and say that "oh if they can rant about these people, they've been talking bad about everyone else too!"
      ...which we haven't, so it's fucking annoying.
      And now everyone is all self-righteous and all "oh they're so mean!" which is even more annoying but ugh whatever.
