I spent a fortune on matching sets of underwear today.
Because, fuck this, I deserve nice things.
Also, I really needed a place to announce that.
I've been convincing myself to spend more money on ...well, myself, recently. Like to just do nice things for my own self, just because.
Nice underwear just seems like the epitome of self-love somehow.
...I did not plan on writing two paragraphs about buying underwear.
Sometimes, I really wish I had a private blog.
I might write more if I did.
Sometimes, you just have all these feelings and it's like you're being suffocated and you have no place to release them and writing on a blank piece of paper in your own room doesn't quite cut it.
Sometimes, you just want to write and release it into the vast unknown that is the Internet because somehow it feels like the equivalent of throwing all your feelings out the window.
Here, world! I give you my pain! Make of it what you will!
That made no sense.
On a completely unrelated note, finally done with Ortho!
That makes up sixteen months of Housemanship.
Eight more months to go, yo!
Ortho was fun, on some days.
Some days, it was just downright frustrating.
I remember coming home angry on most days, until one day I commented to my mother that I was just so angry ALL. THE. TIME. in Ortho;
to which she responded :
"Well, it's better than O&G. In O&G you were just depressed"
Way to put things into perspective.
O&G was a special brand of hell I have no intention of revisiting, Ever. Not even in nostalgia.
Which is how I ended up watching Jupiter Ascending and Kingsman.
Jupiter Ascending...how do I begin to explain Jupiter Ascending?

It's SUCH a trainwreck of a movie but (after switching off my brain halfway through the movie) I fell completely, irrevocably in love.
It's such a ridiculous movie that doesn't once apologize for how ridiculous it is.
And all the badass women!
(and pretty men. *ahem*)
I would tell everyone and anyone to go watch it, except you might all kill me for recommending it to you.
It is that much of a trainwreck.
Kingsman, on the other hand..
Kingsman deserves it's own post because there is so much I want to wax on about this movie.
(my brain is insisting there is something wrong with that sentence)
Nice, long, spoilery review to follow (probably tomorrow) because this post is getting long enough as it is, and also because I'm pretty sure if people happen to stumble across my review, they wouldn't want the first sentence they read to be about me buying underwear.
Did I tell you lot about the time I bought a new laptop and downloaded the new version of iTunes and plugged in my iPod and watched helplessly as iTunes deleted EVERYTHING from my iPod?
(of course I didn't, but now you know)
Because that is a thing that happened.
Not thaaaaat big of a deal if you look at it from a grown-up, adult perspective, but SEVEN YEARS WORTH OF MUSIC MAN.
Currently going on a spiritual journey, i.e. re-discovering all the old music I used to listen to.
No, I didn't back up my files from my old laptop into my (two) external drives before it crashed.
Yes, I know that we're supposed to back up files regularly so we don't lose SEVEN YEARS WORTH OF SONGS because of a tiny glitch. Sue me.
No, there wasn't a point to this post, in case you were wondering.
I don't have any funny stories either.
I am currently in that torturous place where I don't want to sleep but my bed is singing the song of the sirens and goddammit I'm going to sleep this holiday away too.
...or not.
Hot-air balloons effing included, yo.
Finally getting my almost-(almost, shut up)Mediterranean holiday two years after initially planning for one.
Probably not the best choice to be going at the end of winter but meh.
It's either now or never.
Especially since this is only because my dad got free Emirates flight tickets.
Why he has free Emirates flight tickets, I do not know.
We do not question the good things in life.
Dear Prince Charming,
Quit fucking about. It's been 24 years.
Yeah well.
I'll try to write about Turkey.
It'll be good practice for thinking and writing in English again.
I've just realized that what I write in patients' files on a daily basis qualifies less as English and more (as The Soulmate, Michelle, so eloquently put it) as medicine.
There's just no escaping it, folks.
I may be married to my job.Who saw that coming?
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