I think I am weird.
Today morning, I went to lecture hall, and I wanted to tell Sarwees about the whole Baby Cyclops thing, and I was still damn emo about it...so I started off really seriously.
With all the sad, dramatic expression and all that (you know lah how I am when I'm emo), but then for some reason I turned, and saw Potty.
And I know this is mean, but I just burst out laughing in the middle of my emo story, and I just couldnt continue being emo after that.
So I ended up laughing while telling Sarwees my *ahem* very sad story.
See, I'm weird.
I can NEVER be emo for very long.
But then again that's a good thing, rite?
I shall gossip about you more now.
I think Boone memorises lectures. He answered almost 3/4 of the Biochem quiz today and I'm like *speechless*, cos I couldnt answer even one question (the questions on the back page).
I'm so sitting next to Boone later for Dry Lab later. XD
And omg Potty's perasan-er than ever.
Cos I HAVE to show him to the whole world, rite?!? Hes just classic!
And everytime I point him out, its kinda obvious. Poor Potty.
(I simply canNOT call him Vivek. lol)
p.s. I'm so excited about going home today!! Cos this time its not just for one day. Its for FOUR whole days. YAY!