I spent my entire time in JB wishing I could come home, and now that I'm home, I'm dreading going back to Uni.
Summore this sem my Fridays end at 5.30, which means I only get to come back on Friday nights.
Which will shorten my stay at home by approx half a day.
I suppose the good part is I will no longer have PBL research to do over the weekends.
Which also means that I cannot afford to procrastinate and save PBL research for Saturdays anymore.
Nothing ever comes with just a good side does it? Always has a bad side to accompany it.
But no, I shall look at the glass half full.
This semester looks pretty sucky.
But I need to be optimistic.
And ALOT less antisocial.
(Vidya Gopinadhan, stop sighing)
On a completely unrelated note,
I refuse to be cheated out of going.
I've waited far too long for this to not be allowed to watch it.
I've waited far too long for this to not be allowed to watch it.