Monday 11 July 2011

The Printer Story

I haven't embarrassed myself in a while, right?

So lai lai, let me tell you all about my blonde moment today.

Been having some problems with my CFCS report (as usual)...
and I couldn't complete it last night, due to those problems,
so I had to finish it up in uni during lunch so I could print it out and hand it in today.

I've never actually printed anything in IMU before.

So I have absolutely no idea how to use the printers.

I went and got my printing ID from the librarian
and she was all "tak pernah print la ni"
and then I got Manichelvi to teach me how to send the document to the printer and how to get it printed.

Seemed easy enough.

So I typed out my report.
Sent it for printing.
Walked to the printer, put paper in,
logged in...

And then nothing happened. No paper came back out.

So I tried again.


Then I check the job pending documents.

So then I acknowledge that I'm a total noob right, so I went to the librarian, and asked him to help.

So he went over, sent it for printing again,
went back to the printer,
logged in,
set it to print all,
and then went back to his seat...
...and I'm waiting for it to print...

...and still no paper comes out.

Then Zia walks by, and I'm all don't leave meeeee I'm having a crisis!

I was about to wail in despair ok, because the stupid thing just wouldn't print.

So I went to the librarian again.
And he went through the whole thing again.

And this time he's still standing there after he sets it to print all,

and Zia's suddenly like "eh why is there so much paper down there?"

And I'm like "huh, down where?"

And she reaches down to this tray coming out from the middle of the machine, and pulls out this sheaf of paper.
Comprising about 5 copies of my report.

The whole time I'd just been standing there waiting for paper to shoot out of the top part of the machine.

Not once did it occur to me that the printed documents would appear in the tray in the middle of the stupid machine.
I didn't even know there was a tray there!

The librarian must have thought I was the bimbo-est person on the planet or something omg.

Never printing in the library again.
Even if my life depends on it.

So embarrassing.

And as if I hadn't embarrassed myself enough already,
after collecting my excessively printed documents, I go hunt for Mhirah and Jovann at the tables near the bookshelves,
and they happen to be sitting at the same table as him.

And as I pass him to get to my seat, he smiles. (whee :DDDDDD)

And then of course, being the absolute nut that I am, I have to relate my story to Mhirah and Jovann,
and of course they both laugh at me,
and they count the number of copies I ended up printing, and they laugh some more,
and I end up giving half of it to them for rough paper.

And the whole time he's just sitting there playing with his phone, listening to everything.

And I don't realise it until I stand up to leave and he looks up and smiles again,
and I'm like.
oh. dammit. He must've heard the entire thing!


Well done, Vidya.

On another completely random note,
just two weeks ago, I was complaining to Manichelvi about how I didn't have anyone to crush on in uni.

And now I have. :)

Only until this Saturday, but so far its been worth it.

p.s. He also smiled at me during lunch. Such a smiley boy. :D



  1. just browsing through random blogs. funny story. :) glad it worked out in the end. lol.

  2. hehe. yep. Awfully embarrassing though. :p
