Tuesday 1 November 2011


So apparently Mr Houseman has now become an MO.

And is posted in....



Wasted je all my efforts berdrama about him leaving.

Today was my first day at A&E (I did on-call okay) and I HATE it kthxbai.



  1. Tell me all about A&E!
    Since I don't get the rest of this post anyway. :-P

  2. Hahaha. A&E is our Accident and Emergency Department...not sure what they call it where you're from...Casualty or ER? :)
    Its a horrible place to be if you've not been told what to do or integrated as a part of the team because when there are cases, then everyone's rushing around attending to them, and you're either standing in their way or you have to move to a corner and "observe what they do", which basically means you're completely useless.
    Or if there aren't any cases, then they ignore your existence and get on with their own work, ...which basically means you're completely useless. LOL.
    (they, being the doctors and the nurses at the department)
    2 weeks of this! sigh.

  3. It's called Notaufnahme. :-D
    I bet, they'll write you a "not able to work in a team" in your evaluation. Happened to me this way. Take care. :-)

  4. Okay thats a really cool name. :D
    :O Seriously!? omg its a good thing we don't have an evaluation then...they'd probably right exactly that on my evaluation form if we did!
