Sunday 28 August 2011

End of Week 1


First off,
hola! from JB.
I spend almost all my holidays here. Involuntarily.
'tis just one of those facts of life.

I don't know where last week went.
Not entirely sure where this week went either.
Like poof! Its already Sunday. The second week of hols is ending! :O

I've gone out once.

Ties with the family as rocky as ever.

Went to Singapore yesterday.
Again involuntarily.


I don't particularly like Singapore la okay.

Went to Sentosa, just drove through.
I think.
I slept for most of it in the car.
And then went to Mount Faber. or Fabre. or however its spelt.
That wasn't so bad, but there were so many other touristssssss.

Touristy people who go on tours via tour packages that involve big tour buses are incredibly annoying kthxbai.

Then went to the zoo.
Saw lots of thin, sleepy animals.
The shows were rubbish.


I honestly think the zoo at A'Famosa puts up a better show.

This wasn't supposed to be a whiny post. Somehow turned out like that though.

Went to the BP lab on Tuesday (?) to do a blood test for the medical required for electives.
The people (people, mind you, not person...I felt like a freaking lab rat) needled me 7 times before they could find my vein.

And they're all "we can't see your vein la!"

Like no shit. I'm Indian, how the fuck do you
see my vein? Feel for it la!

And they've got this stupid technique of poking the needle in first, and
then searching for the vein.
Are you for real?

Came home with swollen hands.
So bloody painful oh my god.

AND AND there was this doctor.
DOCTOR. who tried taking blood instead, and she actually hit the vein, and a teeny bit of blood entered the syringe...
...and then she went too deep.
So no more blood came out.
So I'm like "uhhh...why don't you draw it back out a bit?"
And she's like "omg your vein lari la!"

The only one who managed to draw blood was the guy at the lab.
(whom I totally have a crush on btw)
And that too with the baby needle. ouch.

I swear I've never put my patients through so much torture when taking blood from them.

I've never poked anybody more than once; if I can't do it once I get someone more experienced.


Someone should go tell Dato' Siva this.

Which reminds me,
I saw a panther in the Singapore Zoo yest, and nearly burst out laughing.

I should get a panther tattoo.
Dato' Siva would be so proud :')


I miss studying.
I keep remembering random things that I didn't do properly during the exams, and I'm like "oh I should read up on that!"
...only to remember that I very hardworkingly left ALL my textbooks in Seremban.

And yet, no matter how much you try to leave medicine behind,
it just tends to follow you around.
haunts you.

*creepy ghost music*

I want to watch Smurfs!

P.S.This is Yogi Bear.
Who came all the way from Chicago!




the end.



  1. You can see my veins without even trying. ^^ I'm white, yeah! ahem
    Anyway, they roll outta the way, so I know your pain . I once returned home with a blue-black (yellow-lilac-green) spot, a big as my hand, that wouldn't go away for weeks! Torture!!
    Poor you. It's a bit late though, huh? ;-)

  2. Haha...good news for your doctors, then! And even then you got a bruise from taking blood? :O
    The trick is to hold down the vein so that it doesn't "run" lol. Oh well. Apparently not everyone learns the proper technique. Sucks for the patients though.
    I guess this is one situation that your theory applies to! All med students should experience the torture patients go through when they can't take blood properly...maybe then they'd all learn how to do it well and not hurt patients! :/
