Wednesday 25 January 2012

The Poor Lost Sheep Boy - The Story

You don't need someone to take care of you
You're so headstrong!

- Rachel, when I was mulling over whether lost sheep were really my type or not.

This post might be completely incoherent/non-cohesive because I keep getting interrupted.
Between the first quote and now I've already been interrupted twice,
keep getting asked to make coffee for the whole family.
I really am turning into the (almost)perfect Indian housewife.

And now I'm going to get interrupted again because I'm starving and breakfast just got done.


...okay so I typed out everything above at 7am,
and now its currently 2am, the next day.
14-hour interruption, yo.

I'm actually really sleepy,
and I've just watched the new Once Upon A Time episode, and I really want to squeal about that instead,
I am leaving to India in approximately 10 hours,
and if I don't write about Poor Lost Sheep Boy now, I will not write about him at all (and I want to)

I can't possibly muse about lost sheep while in India, considering I'm sharing a hotel room with my parents.

Probably going to sound really messed up and not at all like how I planned it to sound in my head, but here goes..


...on second thought (and don't kill me you guys, I know how potong stim this is),
I'll write about him at a time when I've gotten over the regret a little bit more.

I still regret not getting to know him.

So much.

So, so much.

I'm probably the only person on this planet with a penchant of falling in love with people I don't really know.

But as that tarot-reader-lady told me :
"Keep your innocence, child. And keep your heart open to love. You'll find it soon. Don't lose hope"




  1. Oh, that was mean. I was all eager to read the whole story and then... nothing. ;-)
    Ew, no own room in India? That must suck.

  2. Oh yeah. TOTALLY potong stim.

    I mean, whatever that is =D.

    Guess I'll have to wait to hear about him =].

    (and squeal about OUAT all you like =D)

    <3 Paige

  3. Michelle : aaaah. sorry! I meant to write that day, I really did, then I got interrupted and then 14 hours later it didn't seem like such a great idea. But I will write about it, I promise :)
    And YESSSS it does suck I can't wait to go home ugh. And the first two hotels didn't even have Internet!

  4. Paige : ahah 'potong stim' is what we say when you're expecting something and then you get let down. Sort of like when someone builds up a story just to end with an anticlimax....which is exactly what I did. :/ Sorry!!
    I promise I'll write about him soon. :D When I have enough privacy :p

