Sunday 1 January 2012

TWIG : Happy New Year! :)


Happy New Year everybody! :DDD

I'm just hoping 2012 is a good year for everyone.
2011 was a bit of a mess.
Until today I can't actually remember when 2011 actually spanned almost 3 semesters for me.

So yeah, no expectations for the new year, just please God, let it be a good one.
I've got both Sem 9 and Sem 10 coming (my final semesters in medschool) and I could really use a break.

So yesterday was completely spent in Dublin.
Didn't take too many pictures because everyone was more into shopping, what with the New Year's sale and all.
I don't like shopping. :/ And the only thing I was slightly tempted to spend my money on was this cute white mug with the words "I Love Caffeine" on it,
but then I decided it would probably count as unnecessary, so I didn't.

Which reminds me, my coffee withdrawal is getting reeaaaallly bad.
Woke up at 8am yesterday with a blinding headache, the kind I usually get when I haven't had my coffee fix,
and then it hit me. 8am here is 4pm back home.
Waaaaaaaay past my usual coffee-dose-time.
And not just the headache, my hands were shaking so bad I was so afraid I'd drop the glass that I was making coffee in.

Less headachy today though, maybe my body's adjusting to the different time zone.

Okay, anyway,
back to the Dublin trip.

I love Dublin.
I do.
Eventhough we only were walking in and out of shops yesterday.

The buildings are so beautiful!
And old-schooly and :)
And people walk everywhere, and its so much safer than it is back home.
If we walked in KL the way people walk here, we'd have been victims of snatch-theft within the first 10 minutes or something.
And cars actually actually stop for people at the zebra crossing.
That came as a bit of a surprise.
Back home, zebra crossings serve absolutely no purpose whatsoever. No car stops for you. -.-

And there were street musicians,
and people doing street art and everything.
It was an experience alright, seeing all of that.
And the street musicians are really talented though! I could've stood there for hours just watching them sing/play their instruments.
Damn jakun lol.

Couldn't stay in Dublin to welcome the New Year though,
because there wouldn't have been a bus back to Galway after 12am, and staying overnight in Dublin was out of the question.

Was initially supposed to go to Belfast for fireworks instead, but apparently transportation to Belfast is crazy expensive,
so we just welcomed in the New Year at home instead.
And then sat around talking til 5 in the am.

Yan Qi's housemates are really nice (have I mentioned this before?)
They're like kindred spirits,
so, so far so good.

20 days left before I go back home!

I kind of miss home actually.
I came all the way here to see if the grass is really greener on this side,
and so far I can honestly say, in terms of living conditions, it most definitely isn't.

We're a pampered lot back home, actually.

And honestly, honestly,
I don't think I'll ever EVER complain about my housemates' cleanliness (or lack thereof) again.

At least I've learnt to have a bit more appreciation for my Seremban house after coming back here.
That's a silver lining, isn't it?

The weather here is alright,
apparently its one of their mildest winters.
Just rain and wind.
No snow.
And eventhough I'd really like to experience snow, right now I'm rather thankful for the lack of it, because I don't have boots and I really don't fancy slipping everytime we have to walk somewhere.

I haven't yet been able to explore Galway
(kind of rethinking the whole TWIG thing right now, three days and I've only really been in Dublin most of the time LOL)
I guess we'll do that tomorrow, and I really need to get a sim card so I can contact the boy easily once we start class.


This post is rather incoherent because I'm awfully sleepy,
and hungry,
and my fingers are frozen.
I'd wear a cardigan, but the rest of me isn't cold.
Just my fingers.
and my nose.

Happy New Year again!



  1. Yep, very mild winter indeed. I still hope for snow though. And you _can_ walk in the snow with normal sneakers! It's possible, I've done it for years. :-)
    Happy New Year!

  2. Oh you can?? oooh. Okay then I hope it snows sometime in two weeks or so, so I can experience it just before I leave, but not have to deal with it throughout my stay here. :p
    Happy New Year! :)
