Saturday 28 January 2012


I hate my family.
I really do.

Its occurred to me that in the past 3 days that we've been in India, I've laughed maybe once.
Whereas in Ireland I used to laugh myself silly everyday.
Fuck, even in Seremban I laughed more often.

Just, somehow, being around my family drains me.
It takes up too much energy just dealing with them and their stupid moods that I'm too tired to fake being happy at the end of the day.

Plus, my parents really need a wake-up call. I'm 22 this year, for fuck's sake.
I should be able to fucking decide what I want to wear and what I want to eat.
Fucking hell.
Every fucking day it's been
"Don't wear that! Wear the other one"
"Don't eat that, what's wrong with you. Eat thaaaat one. Eat more. You need to eat more what do you mean you're not hungry just shut up and eat"

Fuck you.
Fuck this.

I need to go home.

I need to get away from this family.
I do.
I'm much happier when I only have to see them on weekends.



  1. :(

    Idk what to tell you, but I'm sorry, boo :1.


  2. Ahhh, parents. :-) "You're too young to think for yourself!" Blergh.

  3. Oh my god. This does not sound too nice.

  4. Michelle : yes exactly. ugh. And its not like I have any privacy here at all. I just want to go home :(

  5. Edinburgh flats : It isn't nice at all. :/
