Friday 13 January 2012

TWIG : Random post that I can't think up a title for


So currently I'm in the pc suite at uni, using the internet because we still don't have internet at home.
Could've blogged here the past few days, but it really is too public,
and I've already somehow managed to embarass myself on a few occasions here already.

But I'm really bored today (it's my day off! ..but I really need the internet ok) and hungry and rather sleepy because the 3 in1 Nescafe honestly is crap and has probably the bare minimum of caffeine, so right now I don't care if anyone reads what I'm typing.
Kalau nak kepo sgt baca, baca lah.

Just hit me today morning that this is my last weekend here.
Kinda upsetting, to be honest.
I've grown used to the house here, and the uni, and the weather. It'd be kind of odd to go back home,
maybe also because I'm so used to hanging out with Yan Qi's housemates now,
that when I go back it'd be rather depressing to just be all alone in my room.
I mean I'd have the internet and I could go back to my Ali Zafar stalking, but.'d just be rather sad, you know.
Not having my friends around.
I never quite felt it when I used to come back from Seremban because I never really hung out with my housemates there.
Or at least I didn't hang out with them as much as I hang out with these people.

But with that being said,
I do miss home.
Sort of.

I miss HTJ, I miss IMU (I know right, like wth happened to me??)
and given a choice, I'd always pick Seremban over Galway for clinicals,
I'd like to have studied here.
Maybe not medicine, maybe something else.
Maybe law.

It's always been a dream of mine to go to university in the UK.

And I suppose, it did come true if only for three weeks.
That's something I should be happy about.

Anyway, so we're going to Connemara tomorrow, and the Cliffs of Moher on Sunday
(or is the other way around?)
so that should be alot of fun :D
I'm more interested in the Cliffs to be honest.

What else can I blog about?
oooh Dr Gerard Flaherty!
Affectionately (or not) known as GerFla to the students here.

I had to email him once before coming here,
and despite Jovann telling me he was rather young,
I'd always had this image of a rather stout, stocky man with greying hair and a serious face...
...I could not have been more wrong.
GerFla is probably around 35,
and handsomeeeeee! (well, I'm the only one who thinks so but wtv)
And he's rather nice,
(gives us personal tutorials and everything. ahemmm)
But apparently he's gay.
I'm just jinxed that way.

Aaaaah now we're going for lunch and I'm distracted again, so I'm going to stop here.
I'll write about this cute boy in Galway in another post :D
There is a cute boy in Galway *wink wink*




  1. *sigh* making new friends and leaving them can be so sad :P. That trip I was talking about before, I met SO MANY awesome people that live SO far away :P. Same thing happened the year before, actually (only it was about a dozen awesome people instead of about fifty). Thankfully Facebook is around so I don't have to be scared they'll drift away and disappear :P.

    Haha. Meeting a handsome guy and finding out he's gay is one of the life experiences I have yet to endure =D.

    Cute boy! Yes! I'm listeningggggg =D.

    psst Once Upon a Time! Have you been watching it? Josh Dallas has had about a total of 20 seconds in the past three episodes though :( :(. Grrrr. But next week!! needs to hurry up ^.^

    <3 Paige

    1. It is sad, isn't it? :(
      I haven't met that many people here, probably only about 5 that I really want to add on facebook, but I love them already! sigh. :( And yes, thank goodness for Facebook! And Skype! :p Do you still keep in touch with everyone you met?

      Hahahaha it's not one of my favourite experiences, I'll admit, but I have, on more than one occasion, discovered a guy I'd been checking out was gay. :/
      Cute boy story in another post ok! :p

      I did I did, I watched last week's episode! It was so sad though, but now I love Rumplestilskin even more <3
      Josh was hardly in it! Haven't watched this week's one yet, I'm planning to tomorrow. There needs to be more of Snow and Prince Charming! roar!

      <3 :D

    2. how the cute boy doing?

    3. Sanjanaaaaaa control your emotionssss
