Saturday 28 March 2009

The Field Trip

I want to write a long long, emo, poetic post.
But....LOL I guess its just not in me to be emo.

So now I shall make myself happy by reminiscing on embarrassing incidents. :D

I just realised I never finished the Academic Calendar Story.
There's a 2nd Part to it...which I will call "The Field Trip Story".


So as you all know, the main character in this story (well, besides me, of cos) is ICPU-Academic-Calendar guy.
(eh I call him ICPU guy la...shorter to type)


In the spring of 2007, perhaps a few weeks after the Academic Calendar Incident,
I ran into the same guy again.
O ya, btw I forgot to tell you that the academic-calendar plan DID a sense.
He definitely noticed me...used to stare at me like I was an alien for the next couple of months.

So this one fine day,
I walked out of the library, into him and his bunch of friends.
I literally mean
Because they were blocking the whole corridor, and because I wasn't looking where I was going.
And then of course la they stared.
Which irritated me.

So I walked all the way to class,
then burst out into a rant about how idiotic the fella was, and how I didn't like him anymore, and err..etc etc. :D
Yes, in front of my classmates.

(My G4 class was/is awesome btw)

So...that kind of sparked my classmates' curiosity la rite, to see who the fella is.
So they literally went as a class to go see the guy.
A field trip to go look at ICPU-guy, if you will.

They walked out into the corridor where his class was...
(almost all 23 of them)
...stared at him,
..."oh"-ed among themselves,
...turned to look at me,
...then docilely marched back to our own classroom.

True story.

(And yes, of
course he noticed the entire thing)

Any more embarrassing la rite?

And the best part?
It was nonsense like this that made me love my classmates to bits. =D

(this is the only picture I have of us in my laptop)


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