Sunday 20 February 2011

The day I felt like a bitch

So I've decided I'm going to at least
try to blog every single day from now on.

Because I was a happier person when I was attached to my blog,
and I haven't been happy in quite a long while.


So here goes.

Random story.

Wait, before I launch right into the story, lemme provide background details.
Did I ever mention this childhood friend of mine that I had this huge crush on?

..hold on lemme go through prev posts and see if I can find anything to jog your memory.

...apparently not. Apparently I've never mentioned him on 3 Blind Mice.
Not terribly shocking considering I've hardly blogged in the past few weeks.

I did, however, write about it on my other blog.
Screencaps :


So background story : I knew him when we were kids, grew up away from each other, met again. BAM!
Major crush development.

And then one day we talked on facebook.
Of course I had to initiate the conversation....and we had this craaaazy long conversation about everything under the sun.

And then.
We promised to keep in touch.

And then.
We never talked to each other again.

Its not like I expected anything to happen.
I'm quite used to people saying "keep in touch okay!" and then walking out of my life forever.

So I left it.
Okay, for a few days I stalked fb obsessively.
Then I just gave up.
And a month goes by.

And then yesterday, he messages me on fb.

"Hi! How you doing?? Haven't heard from you in ages!"

My first reaction was.


And he was so sweet!
And the conversation went on for a bit.

But the shocking bit is.

I didn't feel anything.
Apart from the initial shock, I just didn't feel anything.

No euphoria.
No smile-at-laptop-like-an-idiot-for-the-rest-of-the-night.


And the worst part was he was trying to keep the conversation alive.
(and I am NOT perasaning about this)
...and I just. wasn't.

And now I feel like a bitch.

Cool story bro.
Thank you for reading ok bye. :D


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