Tuesday, 27 November 2007
Monday, 26 November 2007
TImothy Olyphant
oh, and everyone who got ignored on msn this evening.. actually i went out, and my cousin was using my account to talk to one of my friends, and he ignored anyone else who said hi. so don't merajuk cos its not my fault.
p.s. catch & release is a really nice movie. love the guy. :)
Saturday, 24 November 2007
Fiona Ong
RIP jea mie.
i cannot stand smokers.
i'm allergic to smoke. a little bit of it is fine, which is why i don't mind playing pool in asia. (but i hate the 2nd floor)
but i cannot stand people who smoke around me.
i'm allergic to smoke, and when i do inhale it second hand i get very very very sick.
like throw-up-all-night-migraine-for-a-few-days kind of sick.
i mean, i get it if you wanna kill yourselves slowly lah. but its not fair when i get sick cos you smoke!!
you see :
you smoke, you get cancer - your problem, i dont give a sh*t.
you smoke, I get cancer - inconsiderate much??
but seriously, if you're so desperate to die fast, go cut yourselves or stand in the middle of the road or jump off a building lah!! saves everyone else the trouble, rite?
so yeah, i should get to the title of the post. liberated!!
im telling michelle about this right now. :D
kay, bleh, duno how to start, so i'll jump right in.
i have been enlightened :
life is waaaaaayy too short for me to waste time mooning over some stupid guy with an ego problem who takes centuries to make a move and flirts with everyone else on the planet at the same time.
and NO, just cos i check out 10 different guys at the same time does NOT mean i'm a flirt/player/etc. just means i'm easily distracted.
very easily distracted. :p
but i digress.
AND i have the stupid ceramah for 6 hours for driving tomorrow. amali.
and i'm going alone.
i shall ROT.
yay me. but ah, wth, get it over with lah. then i shall take lessons after my cousin's wedding. XD
i cant wait for my cousin's wedding. i got pretty shoesssssss. :)
i go crazy over shoes and earrings. totally crazy. :):)
and i love it.
p.s. i've been wanting to say this for a loooong time, but i keep forgetting, which is totally idiotic of me, but lee chiang sheng is an absolute angel. at least i didn't freak and die in the interview, thanks to him. :)
Friday, 23 November 2007
Im Back. Yay yay.
i think i should change the title bar to "one depressed mouse and two dead mice". would be more appropriate.
ok, so where do i start? lemme start with my phone story.
one fine day, my phone was on the table. a high table, so that my niece wouldnt reach it. and pinkie was next to my phone. you see, my niece likes pinkie, and when she saw pinkie, she wanted to carry him. and since she couldnt reach pinkie (he was on the high table, remember?), she decided to implement the "mountain comes to mohamed" concept, and so she pulled the table till it toppled.
like BANG BOOM CRASH stuff.
and everything that was on it fell. everything. including my phone.
and now, the top half of the keypad doesnt work. so basically ALL i can do with my phone right now is answer calls and take pictures. THATS IT.
i can't even read messages!!
someone messaged me on tuesday night. dunno who, but anyway, whoever it is, sorry yea, i couldnt even read the sms! ><
and yeah, ive been leaving my phone turned off since tuesday cos everytime i look at it i want to cry. so whoever's been messaging or calling me since then, sowwie.
aiyo i'm so so so very upset about my phone!! cant do anything til i get back to subang. :(
which is god knows when lah, honestly.
bleh. the only happifying thing this entire week is that i bought new shoessss!! :)
heels actually. so so so gorgeous. *drools*
i still cant believe my mum actually bought them for me. shall post pic of it ASAP. :p
and there is absoutely no one online.
great lah. first day of post-exile and no one to talk to. ish.
sigh. just saw lesley's blog. and all the prom pictures.
i am currently being insanely jealous about the fact that i couldnt go. :(
i am bored.
and upset.
and depressed.
and my cousin is irritating me into oblivion. i need to go kick his butt.
bye bye.
Saturday, 17 November 2007
I'm Not Going For Prom.
such perfect timing.
and in JB, we have no internet connection, and my phone is out of credit.
so i'm going to be very much disconnected for the next one week.
my life rocks.
Friday, 16 November 2007
Can It Get Any Worse?
so i have nine short nails and one super short one.
at least it was the fingernail. if not, it'd have been my thumb that was chopped.
but still... ish.
so much for hoping for it to grow longer.
i am so very very very annoyed.
cannot tahan people who overstay their welcome.
and especially cannot tahan very very unruly kids who scream at the tops of their voices and steal my mechanical pencils. feel like giving them tight slaps.
i would if they weren't my cousin's children. grr.
Thursday, 15 November 2007
Meet Joe Black
shall never get enough of it.
and this is my favouritest line ever. i think its the sweetest thing a father can say :
I've loved her from the moment she was born, and I love her now, and every minute in between
p.s. jea mie, u died ar?
Just Wanted to Say...
i finished my interview i finished my interview i finished my interview!!!!
*jumps around like a mad cow for five whole minutes*
i am going to sepak ur buntut the next time i see you. grr.
AND OMGOMGOMG i watched this malayalam movie yesterday, and..
omg prithviraj is so hot.
btw, prithviraj is the guy chern hwei so unceremoniously called '40-year-old uncle' last year. -.-"
he's 24 la!!! and sososososososoooo good looking! *drools*
can i please marry prithviraj??! please please please please please??
i mean, its so perrrfecttt :
1. he's malayalee.
2. he's superbly good looking.
3. he's singleeeeeee...
4. my mother loves him!! actually every single female member of my family does, but they're ALL too old for him. which makes me the only one eligible. *colgate advertisement smile*
yeah, so.. mr prithviraj, sir, will you marry me? pweaseeeee?
ok, but anyway, OMG i got one week!!!
only ONE miserable week to find a dress that will make me look remotely presentable for prom. ><
and i am NEVER forgiving suh ming and michelle for deciding not to come!!!
michelle esp, you tell me you're coming, and then you change your mind again and decide not to come??!! wat rubbish. grr.
and my fingernails are sooooooooo short!!!!!!
wat are the possibilities of my fingernails growing three centimetres in the next six days? possible..not possible? aiyerr. not nice la go prom with short fingernails. aiyerrrrrrrrrrrr.
omg i sound so bimbo.
but then again, doney's are allowed to be bimbo, so yay!!
and oh yeah, at the interview today, there were six other girls.
ALL from taylors.
ALL from SAM.
and out of the six, i have never seen five of them before in my entire life.
we were all like "huh? ur in taylors too?"
i never knew taylors was so big!!!
aiyo, im so hyper i can't sit still.
so therefore, i shall stop now, cos i'm mistyping absolutely everything. hee hee.
ke-hyperness-an yang tidak dapat dikontrol.
kay, im not making sense.
Wednesday, 14 November 2007
Erm. yay?
bleh. hasn't sunk in. i'm still half expecting my mum to yell at me to get off the comp.
i wants to sleep.
but cannot. too much caffeine in system. 'toooooooopid.
but chem was not bad lah.
which isn't a good sign. cos i always think i do pretty well for chem, and i always get B.
but hey, at least the last paper of the year was not depressifying. :D
im bored. i have all the time in the world to do absolutely anything i want. and now i don't want to. damn cacat. haha.
reverse psychology.
and got no car at home!! so cannot go out. wat nonsense. aih.
yeah, so anyway.. this is still my favouritest song ever.
and yen ming, yes im still fetishing about dhoom again. lolx.
they have it as the opening credits. shorter than the version i have, but hey, better than nothing, rite?

omg, isn't this dog just so cute?!
this girl is so crazy. its like she doesnt have bones :
omg there are so many new russell peters videos on youtube!
looks like i found out what i'm gonna be spending my holidays doing. XD
Tuesday, 13 November 2007
p.s. i owe my split personality syndrome to the fact that im OD-ing on panadol.
SJ Echo
cos i didn't.
i was damn jakun when my dad brought it home today. o.o
it's called SJ Echo or smthng. anyway, acc to the newsletter, FRIM wants to reforest subang jaya.
like plant trees and stuff all over to bring the forest back into the town.
i think the first thing they should do instead is get rid of those stupid 10 metre high signboards on the flyover.
damn eyesore lah. i walk out of my house, turn right, i see the green maxis one. turn left, see Rain and his shampoo advert. it doesn't look like home anymore!!!!
i want the old subang jaya back!! the one with all the nice green trees, and the roundabout, and LESS TRAFFIC JAM. oh no, wait. we always had traffic jams. bleh.
im bored. i hate chem.
and ive been in holiday mode since after bio. which isn't good. since chem is, and will always be my worst subject.
yeah, so..
Bay, you are absolutely useless. 100%.
i swear if you don't ask her by Friday, i shall go ask her for you.
and i'm sure she'll say yes. trust me. i'm psychic.
(and if she does say yes, you owe me a lifetime supply of neslo)
and this is mean, but..
Yoghan, you should be sooo jealous. :p
i die tomoro for chem, but after that i'm freeeee. you got one more week. kekeke.
and can you leave less weird comments in the tagbox?
and its super depressing to talk to Jana after exams.
hes a genius!! and DUH, he finds absolutely everything easy. and its damn cacat to struggle like mad in the exam hall, and then walk out and listen to him go on about how wonderful the papers were.
after physics, he told me that the paper was so easy, even a Std 1 kid could do it.
im like ... i DIED for physics, and you tell me the paper was primary school standard??
geez, that makes me feel a whole lot better about myself.
theres this one thing that's still a mystery.
on facebook, rite,
Fiona's 79% normal, Kah Yew 57% and Jea Mie 52%..
and i'm 27% normal???!
how on earth did that happen??!
p.s. Jea Mie, i think Gheetha knows Jana, go ask her. they sama species. ><
Monday, 12 November 2007
it's all rachel's fault. she mentioned Jumper and hayden christensen and teleporting and super good special effects.
obviously i couldn't wait till wednesday afternoon to check the trailer out on youtube.
and i wanna watch Enchanted!!
anyone wanna watch with me? :D jea mie, i remember you asking. come we go watch!!
hehe. as long as its not a snow-white based story, i wanna watch!
oh, and i got made vice president of the Dust Organization.
and since, i'm vice, i might as well promote it lah. XD
Bay's pres, btw.
its an organization for useless people.
anyone who thinks they're useless, and don't want to be alone out there, join us!
swt. hehe.
but yeah, anyone wanna join, lemme know, k? :p
Of Chromatography and Spectroscopy
im am so so so so so so screwed for chem!!
hehe. which is why im sitting here and blogging. i think even if i live to be a million years old, i'll never understand myself. good luck to everyone else. XD
bio was awful.
but hey, at least i'm keeping my record of screwing up each and every final paper.
without exempting even english.
Lesley, Happy Birthday~!!!!
i can't believe i actually remembered only after bio. wat nonsense. i would've kicked my own butt had i been born double-jointed.
the thing is i remembered to remember, and then i forgot.
and i miss Jun Beng. i talked to him just now, and we figured that the last time we talked was way before my birthday. which was centuries ago!!
oh and poor Bay wrote so much for bio today that he scraped all the skin off his thumb.
how he did that i don't know. i still find it fascinating.
i absolutely love the theme song for meet joe black. can't get it out of my head now.
i can't wait for wednesday! and yet i don't want it to come so fast.
do i make sense?
actually, i do. wow. nvm.
p.s. i feel like such a jerk. :(
Saturday, 10 November 2007
Which Idiot Decided We Needed to Learn BIO??!
i fall asleep everytime i try to read something. and i especially hate the whole ecosystems topic.
no 1. i can't study!!
the rooms are always always always occupied, and my brother wants to play Fifa so i can't use the computer table, and i can't study downstairs cos the TV is always on.
and the volume is always super loud.
and its always some super old black and white movie where they break into song every 5 seconds.
so i have to keep moving from place to place every half an hour or so. damn distracting lah.
no 2. i have to sleep on the floor!
ok la, if im not having exams then fine, i don't mind. but try studying for one whole day, then having to curl up in the most uncomfortable position ever, and then get up the next morning and try studying again.
ive been survivng on panadol and coffee the past two days.
and it sucks. big time.
i watched meet joe black today! :):)
at 8 in the morning, since i was bored and was waiting for everyone to wake up so i could go study in one of the rooms.
i think it has to be my favouritest brad pitt movie ever!!
hes so cute in it, and i love the peanut butter part. XD
(i hate bio i hate bio i hate bio i hate bio) x infinity.
p.s. i just realised that i have yet to post a video of "dhoom again". how sad. i shall do it after chem. :(
Friday, 9 November 2007
Heart on my Sleeve
Why'd you pick me out
from all the strangers?
Where'd you leave
your flashing "Danger" sign?
Who put the words
in your mouth I believed?
Who tattooed
your heart on my sleeve?
Sleeve, sleeve,
roll it down,
cover up,
all gone,
all alone,
throw a stone,
break a cup ---
now I'm all grown up.
How'd you go
from Nobody to First Prize?
Who'd a guessed
that we could harmonize?
Why'd I think
you would never leave me?
Who tattooed
your heart on my sleeve?
Sleeve, sleeve,
roll it down,
cover up,
all gone,
all alone,
throw a stone,
break a cup ---
now I'm all grown up.
No, I did not write that.
Got it from a book I'm currently reading.
It's called Heart on My Sleeve by Ellen Wittlinger.
Nice book. :)
p.s. This is a song, not a poem.
--- JM ---
Stress!!! o.o (not really)
jz now i switched on the comp, and internet explorer (don't use firefox, firefox cacatlah fiona!) and the meebo page finally finally finally loaded, but then MY KEYBOARD WASN'T WORKING INSTEAD.
i unplugged, replugged, changed usb ports, and it STILL DIDN'T WORK.
i was so geram i could've screamed and jumped around for 10 whole minutes, but too many people in the house. malu.
but then my dad came up the stairs, and me, being the pampered, spoilt brat that i am, i complained to him, complete with the damn kesian face and all.
and you know what he did?
he restarted the comp.
and guess what?
the keyboard started working again.
did i mention that i am such a loser when it comes to computers? damn.
my brother came back today!!!!! :):)
*hugs pinkie into oblivion*
and hence, i am super hyper. yay! XD
plus he brought CHOCOLATE.
double yay!
and i saw this sun-shining-through-clouds thing today.
wait wait, let me explain it properly. hehe.
it was like i was in the car, on the way back from the airport, being very depressed about my physics paper (still!), and then i looked out of the window, and it was really cloudy.
but there was this one cloud with a hole right in the middle, and the sunlight was shining through it.
i know it doesn't sound like much, but it was really pretty.
kinda weird though, huh? rainbows yesterday, and my brother suddenly coming back, and sun shining through clouds..
or maybe its cos im so desperate for a miracle to happen that i'm hallucinating. o.o
god, can anything salvage my physics??!
oh, and i have a grandmother story :
so my mum and my aunt were sitting in the hall downstairs yest (my cousins came to stay again), and they were talking about my cousin's wedding which is this december, and suddenly my aunt decides to call my mum on the phone.
yeah, exactly. they're sitting ten centimetres away from each other, and she calls my mum on the phone.
so she's using her handphone and calling my house phone, rite? so..
Aunt : Eh, you need to come one week before the 6th of December to help me out with my daughter's wedding.
Mum : 6th December?? Cannot!! I have to go organise my niece's wedding!
(*note : daughter and niece in question are the exact same person. -.-")
Aunt : What you mean your niece's wedding?? You shut up and come for my daughter's wedding now!!
Mum : *gasps in shock very dramatically* You told me to shut up?! You.. You.. told ME to shut up??! You hurt my feelings!!! How could you?! My heart is cracked! *sniffs very dramatically and hangs up*
Aunt : *stares at the phone, also very dramatically* You hung up on me?? How could you hang up on ME??!
and then they both refuse talk to each other for the next 10 minutes. and my mum is still going on about how her heart is *ahem* cracked. it probably sounds really really stupid, but at the time it was super funny.
and yeah, to all of you who ask me why i go crazy sometimes, well, apparently it's hereditary. the craziness, i mean. i rest my case. XD
now im bored!!!!!
has anybody ever been emo and hyper at the same time?
cos i am now. and it feels weird!
bloody hell. haha.
this is not good.
exams suck.
if i ever go absolutely nuts, please let it be known that the exams caused it.
wait.. no one would notice even if i did go nuts, rite? they'd think i was just being myself. sigh.
Thursday, 8 November 2007
but at least its official, i am too pretty to do math.
perasan sial.
kekeke. XD
but seriously, damn sakit hati lah, stupid last question.
stupid trouts and second spawning females and god knows what other nonsense. couldnt make head or tail of it. grr.
yer, my stupid meebo cannot sign in.
aiyo, and then ms angelene today morning.
i mean, i really want to stand on the stairs and talk about my super-screwed-up english paper ten minutes before my math exam, rite?
summore she had to go and tell me that i got the last part of listening wrong.
apparently you're only sposed to write what are the problems caused. not sposed to mention animals.
i really needed to know that. grr.
and i thought my listening was the okay-est part of the paper. grrrrrrrr.
but the rest of today was pretty fun.
esp with fiona spamming the tagbox.
USELESS LAH YOU FIONA. like lah i'm seriously gonna call myself stupid on my own tagbox. haha.
chiang huang lagi useless.
but fun la, check out girls with him. swt. haha.
i think my winanga-li got flipped thru more today than at any other point in time.
and fiona, my phone!! my poor memory card! why u go take so many photos??!
and my pinkie is CUTE, ur just jealous. -.-"
and then after that had to go visit my cousin's in-laws.
would've been pretty boring, but there was this baby there.. so CUTE!!
i swear to god, she's so freaking adorable.
like this doll.
and all she can say is "AAAAAAAA" really really really really loudly.
(when i say loud, think hon leong/ruy mun)
and she's not even TWO yet.
note : never underestimate smallness.
im bored.
and i sound so.. erhm.. incoherent(?). like sesat like that.
eh no, not sesat. more like.. er duno la. lazy to think.
so i shut up now. XD
yer, why la this meebo cannot sign in?
p.s. i saw a rainbow today. :)
Wednesday, 7 November 2007
Bumper Stickers!! XD
had to share 'em. :)
drink coffee :
do stupid things faster with more energy.
and this is so so cute! :) pity i can't attach the pic that comes with it :
feel so guilty blogging halfway during finals. esp since everyone else is very disciplined-ly not blogging.
but damn, itchy hands lah. must blog. XD
i ran out of maths questions to do already.
aiseh, if i had been this prepared for physics, rite, life would be perrrrrrfect.
as it is, life isn't. nowhere close.
but then again, what else is new?
die lar, bio and chem next week.
why on earth did i end up doing science?
yer, really necessary to do chem AND bio AND physics for medic ar? can't i just pick one?
my mother went mad.
for real wei.
we don't usually celebrate diwali anyway. i mean, for us, it's not that big a deal.
and all the foodstuff is normally bought.
but this year, dunno why my mum suddenly got semangat to make stuff. damn weird.
yesterday alone she made butter cake, murukku, this sweet thing called mysore pak, and some fried stuff..
and today shes making orange cake, more murukku, more mysore pak, and some other sweet called gulab jamun (which is the most amazing thing in the world. :p)
MY mother. the one who doesnt like standing in the kitchen.
damn, this has been one weird year.
i like this line from avril lavigne's "when you're gone"
when you're gone
the pieces of my heart are missing you
so emo. :)
and i love JJ and Rudy!
p.s. whoever who reads this, pray for me for my maths tomorrow. if i screw up maths also, i can officially consider myself a total failure. since it is after all my best subject. since english was a disaster.
Saturday, 3 November 2007
Kestupidan Luar Biasa
my brother's gonna have a field day. o.o
Where Did All The Kiasuness Go?
the thing about physics is its so very very easy if you understand it.
i don't.
i die.
yeah, so that basically sums it up.
MUET sucked. but what the heck, i just need to pass.
but thanks to the stupid MUET exam, which is FIVE freaking hours, i wasted a morning that could have been spent studying physics.
err.. spent trying to study physics.
i miss all those kiasu people in SU.
i mean, G4 does have kiasu people lah, but the thing about G4 is that their kiasu-ness doesn't bother me.
in SU on the other hand, the kiasuness was so extreme, that it made me kiasu.
come to think of it, i miss rachel. and lay peng. and emilia.
and it used to drive me insane that i played the fool so much in form 4 that my results were nowhere near theirs in form 5.
but at least it made me driven enough to want to try.
(and i didn't do too badly in the end. hehe. perasan moment.)
this year damn takde motivation lah.
no.. wats it called? competitive spirit?
everybody minds their own business. no more "yay! i got higher than you! muahaha."
i think next year, wherever i go, i shall go find the group of nerdiest people ever, and hang out with them.
at least then i'd study.
yer, i screwed up lah this year.
so i should go fix it. now.
p.s. if MU lose today, i'll cry. *touchwood*
Friday, 2 November 2007
I Need A Miracle
on 15th November summore.
now i won't even be able to celebrate the end of exams properly.
~vidya dieded. officially.~
Thursday, 1 November 2007
Hey You
but i have to say this :
god, i hate it when i go for more than a day without talking to you.
we have really bad synchronisation. and when we're in sync, there's pride.
i'm going crazy. it's all your fault. and yet, i love you.
does that even make sense?
P.S. es
so yeah..
thanx for the neslo again!! hehe. ur such a nice boy.. sometimes.
and oi. stop calling me names la!
call me emo and gatal. wth.
who calling who gatal. nonsense la you. ish.
and you think i own telekom izit?? forever ask me to call you. haha.
and then call me to talk about duno what all.
FINALS la bay. stop thinking about girls and study. tsk tsk. must masuk IMU first intake!! i dun care how you do it, but you MUST.
or i shall come haunt you. (somehow)
oi. why u dowan ber with me??
wasted only i damn semangatedly tell you story today.
poor me. i damn ber today, and you dowan to ber with me. ish.
fiona, i dowan to sit for finals!!
u call me lazy bum, go look in the mirror la, haha. we both oso got exam, yet both onlining.
hehe. we memang sehati sejiwa, rite? wat to do?
eee, i like the bumper sticker thing on facebook!!
"i made you a cookie. but i eated it."
so very very cute!
like me. :)
i want my monkey!! or watever it is tat u bought for me. :(
and i cannot invite you for deepavali la. i not celebrating. ish.
and my brother not baliking this time.
he damn useless wan.
you see jing ren next year, la, k? XD
and i still havent figured out whether it really was your brother i was talking to, or whether it was you all the while.
go tell him i said hi anyway. lama tak jumpa.
and do you realise yan qi STILL doesnt know anything about this? sad.
damn, my english sucks today.
damn pasar-fied. hehe.
slap me, somebody. (not literally. i will sepak whoever slaps me punye buntut).
p.s. MILO BUMPER STICKER!! fiona, i love you.
Mother Of Mine
of all things, i went and told my MOTHER that i had no mood to study. i still dunno why i did that.
and being my mother, she freaked out.
like seriously freaked.
and so..
last night, after she calmed down, she was like
"you are going to sit at the dining table downstairs and study, and I am going to sit opposite you and watch you study".
talk about desperate situations call for desperate measures.
so i had to study lah. not much of a choice, right?
the mood to study just comes when you're faced with my mother.
did i mention my mother's an angel?
i dont know what i'd do without her next year.
call me pampered.
i know i am.
p.s. math today was bleh. people sleepy lar 7 oclock in the morning. stupid aussie people couldnt come up with better timing. grr.
p.s.2. mr ng is the only lecturer/teacher i know who is completely capable of making me feel guilty. hes so nice! eventhough i dont pay attention in class, and he has to sit and reteach me stuff. and hes so patient summore. pai seh wei. eek.