Sunday 29 November 2009

Highlights, piercings and spontaneity

Whee I just watched The Proposal.
Yes I am outdated. Sue me.
Its such a cute movie!! :)

And the puppy is zomg super cute. Esp when it gets carried off by the eagle.
I wants a puppy like that! :(

And Ryan Reynolds is hot.

And the ending damn adorable.

And I'm a total sucker for romantic comedies with happy endings :D

And I want to watch The Princess and The Frog! :):)
I'm also a sucker for princess Disney cartoons...cept for Snow White.
I really don't like Snow White. I have no idea why.

AND I want to watch Alice in Wonderland (that IS the name of Tim Burton's new movie, rite?)
I actually really dislike Alice in Wonderland...the story I mean. Its decidedly confusing and rather depressing and..I duno. Not my kind of story.
And I wasn't planning to watch it at all...UNTIL I saw Johnny Depp's name in the credits.
Johnny Depp = must watch, no matter how weird he looks or how weird the movie may turn out. LOL.

I want to change my appearance.

LOL yes that was random.
But. yes.
I'm kind of tired of how I look.

Thinking of getting new highlights, my old ones have grown out/faded and I'm bored with them. I want another colour now.
But then again, for safety's sake I might just stick with brown. Bleh.

I'm currently in love with piercings.
Trying to get my mom to agree to permanent additional piercings. The prev ones I had didn't last very long.
Trying to get her to agree to a tattoo as well. Buttttt I think I may have ALOT less luck with that. :(

I should be more spontaneous.
Note : Spontaneity and randomness are two different things.
I'm impulsive, and I'm gila random, but I'm not very spontaneous.
I do believe I'm contradicting myself here.
Impulsive and spontaneous imply the same thing.
My English has rotted. Completely. I blame medicine.

Okeh I lazy to type now.
And I have nothing much to say anyway.

Someone donate lots of money to me please :D


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