Saturday 1 September 2007


i finished IELTS!!!
yaaaaaaaayyyyyy!!! haha.. ok, tat doesnt sound like me. swt.

today, after lunch, i got a quick lesson in the differences between the genders. im beginning to think that men and women DID come from different planets after all.
so this is how the story goes :
my parents went to a wedding, and at indian weddings, they give indian sweets as door gifts. and the holders are normally very nicely decorated. like bunga telur la.
so the sweet holder was on the table. and my brother was inspecting it. as in literally holding it up to the light.

me : ooo.. wats that?? its so pretty!!
my bro : some door gift.. hmmm..
wheres the clip ah? eh.. no clip. they used uhu glue. oooo.
chets, wat u doing?
trying to figure out how they made this thing..
why on earth are u taking it apart?? its so pretty!! dont la..
shh! i wan find out how they made this..
*very carefully pulling it the holder open* oo. its got six sides. wats this hole for? oo. oh. oh. eh? oh. hmm.. *starts folding it all back together* this goes here. no wait, it doesnt. yes, it does. and this goes here. and.. chehh.. see? i put it back. n they spent 800 dollrs on this? I can make this!
good for you..
stop being sarcastic.. n go get me uhu glue. i wan put this back..

honestly, u can give a man a weapon that will bring about permanent peace on earth, and the first thing he'd do is take it apart. i dont think men were blessed with the intellect to actually appreciate things as they are. goodness.

anyway, im still too lazy to blog about my brothers graduation. there was nothing worth mentioning actually. its jz tat i took some pics of his super-cool university, and i'd like to share them. hehe.
at some point when im feeling less lazy.

oh, and this is my favourite song!!

u probably wouldnt understand it, considering its in malayalam, but DO listen.
i wouldnt have put the video, but i couldnt for the life of me figure out how to just embed music.
so i ended up embedding a video.
blehh. XD. i suck.
