Sunday 16 September 2007

The Sneeze That Just Won't Come

ive been trying to sneeze for the past 10 minutes.
you know how irritating it is, when you feel like sneezing, but the sneeze somehow gets stuck, and you end up not sneezing, eventhough you really really really really feel like sneezing?
and you go like "ah--ah--ah..", but the "--choo!" doesn't come?
so, in order to force myself to sneeze, and get it over with, ive been rubbing my nose, to irritate the sneeze out.
but to no avail.
apparently the sneeze can be as stubborn as me.
hence, i now have a very sore red nose, and i still feel like sneezing. ish.

on another note, Five Omega had a reunion yesterday night, at evonne's house. (thanx evonne!), and about 18 or so of us turned up.
there were 40 students in Five Omega.
talk about overwhelming response. sigh.
i shall post the pictures up later, though, because i seem to have lost them somehow.
i have no idea how they disappeared from my computer but they did. wtf.
and no, i am not making excuses.
oh, wait, i shall go steal them from the photobucket. :P

so here goes :
rachel and lay peng were being antisocial, and didnt join in. :P and evonne disappeared.

candid pic. i like ling hui's (centre, white t-shirt) pose. and nic lai's expression. lol.

this is hon leong (green) and chiang huang (red), being the retards they are. hon leong thinks he looks like hes smoking. -.-"

Fiona posing with the dog on evonne's porch. hehe. k la, i put nicer picture :

this is us acting dumb. (emily especially!)

picture courteousy of nic lai, who was the only one tall enough to take the picture from that angle.

me, fiona and emily. (finally! without all the add-ons!)

i think thats more than enough pictures la. hehe.
wow. my first normal post.
*congratulates self*
