Friday 28 September 2007


okay, the post below looks pretty weird, since i didnt actually write anything.
but the thing is, i just had to put that there because the question intrigued me.
and whats so intriguing about that question?
haha. well. for starters, i can't answer it.
i mean, of course, the first things i thought of were "climbing mt everest, becoming a billionaire, etc..."
but then i thought, what would be the one thing that i really really really wanted to succeed at?
and i couldnt come up with an answer.
i mean, there are so many important things that i would like to do with my life, which i never seriously considered doing, because i knew they were impossible.
for instance, becoming a doctor AND getting a law degree.
yeah, pretty crazy.

okay, but seriously, if i really wouldnt fail, then this is what i would attempt to do :
1. lol. get a medic degree, and work like a donkey to get enough money to put myself through law school.
2. learn how to focus on studying without getting distracted every 10 minutes.
3. become a human rights activist.
4. crucify all those sick sexual-predators out there.
5. become a better daughter/sister/friend.

im in a very philosophical mood. dont know why.
