Friday 28 September 2007

The Return of the Blog Addict

i is baaaaaaacckk!!
haha. omg, i think this blog just died without me. got no one posting stuff in the tagbox also.
jea mie, you useless la you. XD

there's just something i have to say, ive said it alot, but i just have to say it out here :


k, not exactly perfect grammar, but you get the point. :)

i dont really have anything much to say.
very uninspired. possibly because it suddenly feel like i have nothing to do with my life after trials.
i kinda got used to studying like mad. bluekk.
i should probably start studying for my finals (which is in one month. wtf, rite?), but nah.. lazy lah. trials just over wat. hehe.
but, yeah, i figured i should write something before everyone starts abandoning this poor blog. :(

note : bay can be extremely annoying at times. especially when he starts = =-ing in msn conversations. useless bay. ish.

im bored. extremely so. and i have this headache that has been here since last night. but its less painful today. it was pretty awful last night, though. blinding pain. and i ended up getting super weird dreams. quite possibly BECAUSE of the headache. weird as in bordering on nightmarish, but not enough to make me wake up and start screaming in the middle of the night.
come to think of it, i havent really had a proper nightmare before.
how.. sad.

and omg, im turning
so not fun lah.
i used to get a kick out of telling people i was 16 (cos i am!) and then seeing their reactions.
e.g. "youre SIXTEEN??! and in COLLEGE??!! OMG!!!!"
of course, then i'd have to tell them that i was turning 17 this year, but those 10-second-shock/surprise-reactions were priceless. XD
unfortunately, as of thursday, i officially have to start telling people im 17. ish.
how positively un-fun.

btw, playing the piano is very therapeutic. helps cure boredom too.
unfortunately, im out of practice. so i can only play a few songs. without the book. if i look at the book, i get confused, cos i cant really remember how to read notes. will take some time to mentafsir. swt. which makes me play slow. and i have to keep stopping to read the notes.
so i have to play without the book (which limits my choice of songs).
otherwise my mom will yell at me to stop cos the retard-ish playing gives her a headache.
very encouraging.

im so terribly terribly bored, and i seriously think that even if i live to be a hundred-and-sixty-seven-thousand years old, i'll never figure out guys. one in particular. AT ALL.
story of my life.

anyway, its back to me and my faithful old comp again. cos my mom wont let me watch tv.
i mean, she will, but i'd have to watch what she watches.
and her tv viewing comprises of ancient black-n-white movies. or the really boring teaches-people-lessons hallmark movies. not that the hallmark movies are bad or anything. i mean, there are some really nice ones. but i feel like watching something comedic. sigh.
but my mom rocks in the sense that she watches house, prison break, heroes and numbers!! yay!! so at least im not show-deprived. :P

i shud shut up. like, seriously. like now.
