Saturday 15 January 2011

Falling apart

I feel like I'm falling apart.

So you all know about my sinus problem.

And I had food poisoning (?) yesterday.
Spent half the day retching over the toilet bowl until there was no food in my system anymore.

Not so sure it was food poisoning as much as it could have been the side effects of Augmentin.

Because my parents went out around 11 yesterday, told me to wait for them for lunch (and there was no food in the house anyway)
and then they ate lunch outside,
neglected to tell me that they were eating,
and came back at 4.

By which time I was starving.


And by 6 the cramps started.

It was just torture okay.

And last night my ankles gave out.
For no reason.

They just gave out and then I sprained one and twisted the other one.

So now I have to limp-waddle around like a penguin.

I feel like my body is a thousand years old.

Everything is just giving out, giving way.

And I'm barely touching 21.

This is not good.



  1. I know how you feel. But in retrospect... remember murphys law... just think of it as a bad day leading into a good week.

  2. :')
    Thank you, love. Murphy seems to be exceptionally harsh on me this week, but I'll try to keep my spirits up. Thank you! I hope you have a wonderful week ahead too :))
