Wednesday 26 November 2008


And my incompetence at housework is once again proven.

We went out today.
In the afternoon.
And I left all the upstairs windows WIDE open.

In my defence, I closed my the windows in my own room when I was changing to go out (duh),
and so I completely forgot that the others hadn't been closed.
And I closed the downstairs ones when I was taking in the clothes.

And then while we were out, it started raining.


Which we did.
In time for me to stop the whole of the upstairs being completely flooded.

Has anyone ever attempted flat out running in three inch heels in the pouring rain?
You should give it a try.
Its good exercise.

And my back still fucking hurts.


I'm not used to this housework thing.
I haven't done it before. Ever.
Ever ever.

So to wake up one day, after 18 years of being pampered, and be handed the responsibilities of family welfare... be done single-handedly (my mum can only supervise because shes sick)...
...its not easy.

I'm doing the best I can.
Which is probably why I feel so disheartened when I mess up.
Other people dont forget to close windows when they go out.
*bang head on wall*

Someone very (un)graciously pointed out that I used to complain
that I wanted to stop studying and become a housewife
when I used to get sick of studying before EOS...
...and so technically, I'm getting to live out my *ahem* dream.

I'd rather study.

It's hell of a lot easier.


p.s. emo blog will be updated today.