Monday 9 February 2009

I will NOT take sides anymore

I am in the mood to rant.

I am sick of having to choose who to be friends with.
I'm sick of being expected to hate Person A by default just because I'm friends with Person B.

Life's just not that black and white.
Its not like some cartoon where theres a good vs evil.
Especially when human relationships are involved, theres alot of grey areas strewn everywhere.

People make mistakes.
People do stupid things.

I've done more stupid things than I care to remember.
But where would I be if no one had been willing to forgive my errors?
Where would I be if no one had decided I was worth another chance??

Sure, sometimes I get mad at people.
I rant, I rage...but for how long? A month? Two months?
Just because someone wrongs me doesn't mean I can stay mad at them my whole life!
I have better things to do.

So don't expect me to hate someone forever and ever, world without end.
I don't function that way.
Forgiveness has been a strong trait of mine for quite some time now; I've been on the receiving end of it enough times to appreciate how important it is.
And I have lost too many friends to want to risk losing any more.

And, worst of it all
Just because someone wrongs
you, doesn't mean I should hate them for your sake!
That isn't bloody fair.

if two people fight
They should sort it out among themselves like civilised adults. OR they can sit and throw tantrums at one another.
Either way, it should be between them!
WHY is it that the rest of the world always has to take it personally and choose sides??!

I am sick of this.
I will not bloody choose sides.
I will not hate someone just because you want me to.

Call me a hypocrite if you will.
All I want is to be friends with everybody.

This is not. my. fight.

I am going to sit on the fence for the rest of my life whether you people like it or not.


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