Friday 10 April 2009

Codes of Conduct

First off, I haven't been updating much because we had no Internet.
Our Izzi conged out Tuesday (I remember this very well because it died at the exact moment I sat down to do PBL -__-)...
...and our Time hasn't been set up yet.

I'z at home btw.

Ok, so the post proper :
There should be rules about how people should carry themselves in society.
I be pointing out two that really should be there.

Rule #1

Thou shalt not flirt with thy friend's ex.
That's just weird.
And wrong.
Especially when aforesaid friend is present.
Its very awkward for all parties involved k,
and just for the record...
...guys aren't all that stupid.
They can tell when you're throwing yourselves at them.

Rule #2
Thou shalt not criticise thy friend's ex.

Condemning your friend's ex = saying your friend has awful taste.
Especially condemning his physical appearance? least have respect for the fact that at some point in time your friend did go out with the fella la.
Saying your friend was blind at that point does not make things better.

Now, when you break both those rules.
On the same day.
In that order.
That's just despicable.

The purpose of this post?
Siapa makan cili, dia yang rasa pedas.
If you terasa...oops.


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