Friday 17 April 2009

The stars don't seem to guide me

Iz thoroughly confused.
Why is it that the one person I want a reaction from is the
only one who isn't reacting at all?!

Sometimes in life, you don't notice people until they walk right into you.

And sometimes, when they do...they kind of walk right into your heart.

And sometimes, you realise that its them you've been looking for all along.

Now, the problem lies in whether they have come to the same conclusion or not.

Don't play mind games with me.
I always give up and walk away first.

Yes, this is a very weird, emo post.
I iz be emo now.



  1. why this kind of thought has to bother us at this kind of time la.*sigh*.

  2. LOL.
    I know kan.
    So so so so annoyinggggggggggg.
