Thursday 17 January 2008

Ekam Eveileb. The Reason I Didnt Go Insane. :)

omg, i love this book.
so completely.
the only thing i love more than this book right now is Ivan.
no, NO, NOT ivan tan.
the Ivan in the book.
i want an imaginary friend!! maybe i'm too crazy to need one. i should learn how to be more depressed. :(

Lesley, you're right. the song IS a bit too slow moving for me. there's no music. :(
the only other song that seems appropriate is this one.
In Pieces :

(yes i know its not a video, just a picture, but i'd rather embed from youtube, than from that imeem thing everyone else is using.
because imeem starts playing songs whether you want to listen to them or not. and i find it desperately annoying to have to suddenly have music that i dont like blasting into my ears when i blog-hop. especially if i already have another song playing. no offence meant, though.)
