Friday 18 January 2008

A Ringgit for your thoughts.

Okay....I have some spare time now so I'm typing this so Vid won't bug me anymore.
I have something I would like to say in reference to Vid's post below.
The super long one with random facts about her.
Number 14 :
im helplessly confused. i have no idea what any of this is all about. i mean, the whole education, growing up, getting a job, getting married, having kids, bla bla bla, and die. ooo-kayyyy. yeah, i can totally see the purpose of it all.

Before I start ranting on and on, Vidya, would it KILL you to use Caps Lock?
Let us begin.
A friend of mine asked me something similar to this a few weeks ago.
He gave me a situation :
A girl got straight A1s in her SPM.
But on the day she went to get her certificate, she got involved in an accident and died.
His question was : What's the point of studying if she's going to die anyway?
All those years of studying... all for nothing.
At first, I actually thought he had a point.
I mean, like Vid said, we learn, work, get married and all.... just to die?
But then, the more I thought of it, the more ridiculous it sounded.
So this was what I answered :
It was an accident.
No one knows when accidents will happen.
Heck, if you knew you were going to die tomorrow, what would you do?
Him : ( Can't remember what he said, but I think he said he would go bungee jumping or something. )
Me : Okay fine. Since everyone is going to die anyway, we might as well stop studying and stop working. Stop eating and stop sleeping. Stop living. I mean, we're all gonna die anyway right?
I shudder to think what the world would come to if everyone had this thought.
Doctors : Whatever. Everyone will die eventually, why should I waste my time treating them? Might as well go update my Facebook.
Teachers : Why educate the future generations? They're all gonna die anyway.
Chefs : Why bother cooking? Why bother feeding people if they're gonna die in the future?
Millionaire : Sigh. I'm going to die anyway, might as well give all my money to Jea Mie, that nice girl down the street. ( That wouldn't be so bad... XD )
Terrorists : Geez, everyone is gonna die eventually. I'm only helping to speeden up the process. What's wrong with that? They should be thanking me....
...and etc.
Well... you get the picture don't you?
Yes, it's true. We're all gonna die in the end.
But why depress yourself with all these thoughts?
For all you know, you could live to be 200 years old.
Why not try to make the world a better place?
I mean, if you're going to die eventually, might as well live a happy life and die a happy death right?
So... yeah.
That's what I think.
My opinion.
If you don't agree, then too bad. :)

--- JM ---

p.s Vidya, I posted. So stop bugging me.