Wednesday 28 September 2011


Went to the gym today!
(the Gym Rakyat in town) and it felt so goooood while I was working out, and I was just all happy and relaxed,
and then now omgggg my calves hurt like a bitch.
Must have been the endorphins masking the pain earlier, making me feel that I was superwoman enough to do more than I should have done on my first day back to gym-ming.

Horribly sleepy as well, but its too early to go to sleep and then wake up tomorrow morning.


No one online either. psh.

I am dying here, having to watch one episode of How I Met Your Mother a week!
They should just release them all together!
Or like every day!
Or something. gaaaaah.
At this rate, it'll be January before we get to see who Barney marries!

(my money's on Robin btw I DONT CARE WHAT THE REST OF YOU SAYYYY)

Season 2 of Game of Thrones comes out next April...which sucks EVEN MORE.
Because next April I'll be in Sem 9!
Which means I should devote my time and energy to studying instead of watching this horribly intriguing drama series.


End of pointless post thank you for reading k bye.



  1. Congrats on going to the gym. And thanks for the hyper comment. :-D I wuv you too!

    My best friend reads Game of Thrones. Which means I have no idea what it's all about. Just wanted to mention this. *blush*
    That is all.

  2. hehe. Thank you! Feels good to be working out again!
    yay! <3
    ahahah. I haven't read the books yet, but the series was pretty you right in ;) Go check it out sometime!
