Tuesday 27 September 2011


Came home from class today all gung-ho and ready to revise musculoskeletal tumours...

...only to fall asleep.

...and then wake up and read fanfiction for the next 3 hours.

I fail at life. So much.

Saw Dato' Siva again today.
I swear I'm just fated to run into him all the time.
Didn't say anything sarcastic to me today though (first!), but he did say Jovann looked a salesman trying to hoodwink people into buying drugs.
He's actually quite funny when the joke isn't on you.
*wipes eyes*
He's becoming alot nicer to me nowadays...might explain why it rained so heavily just now. :O

Saw Mr Houseman again today!
I need to learn how to laugh like a proper lady or something. I sound like a witch, which is probably the most unattractive sound in the world,
and which also would probably be a major turn-off considering how the lot of us were sitting at his table and laughing our heads off today.
At lunch.
(we sat at the same table! ...but being the git I am, I had to pointedly ignore his pretty face. psh.)

I swear it feels like I'm 13 again, having a giddy high-school crush on a senior.


ok bye.



  1. Now I'm even wasting my time instead of studying by reading your blog, where you describe how you waste your time instead of studying. Can you believe it?

    btw: I should study fluid mechanics.

  2. hahaha. The irony! Don't worry, I come here and complain about how I'm wasting my time reading fanfiction, and then...I go right back to reading it.
    Fluid mechanics sounds horribly difficult :O
