Sunday 2 October 2011

Book Care

so I'm supposed to be writing my learning issues now,
but there's a bit of turmoil I have to get out of my system before I can properly settle down to work.

The sister-in-law happened to borrow a story book of mine yesterday.


First off (and I'm going to sound like a right bitch saying this) I DO NOT LIKE people borrowing my story books.
When I buy my books, I spend hours in the bookstore picking out a copy that
doesn't have even the teeniest bit of damage on the cover,
isn't dog eared,
isn't made out of recycled paper,
doesn't have creases anywhere.
I basically fuss and nitpick until I find an absolutely perfect copy, or I walk out of the store and buy the book somewhere else.
I kid you not.
Its the same reason I haven't bought my Game of Thrones book yet, because Popular had only two absolutely rubbish copies, and I'd rather wait and find a good copy instead of buying one I wouldn't be happy with, eventhough I'm dying to read the series.

And when I read my books, I make sure I hold them just right,
so that I don't get any creases on the spine of the book.
Creases on the spine annoy the fuck out of me.
I don't know why it does, but it does.
I simply cannot have any creases on my books.
And no dog ears.
I hate it when people fold the page of a book to mark where they last stopped reading.

Which is precisely why I don't lend my books out to people.
When I explain that they have to hold it just so, so as not to spoil the spine, they stare at me like I've gone bonkers,
and then they proceed to open the book so far wide to read that the spine gets all messed up anyway.
I cannot begin to explain how angry that makes me okay.
If I could set them on fire for doing that to my books, I would.


It annoys me TO NO END out of me when people borrow my books WITHOUT ASKING.

Where the fuck are your manners?
Its MY book.
Its not like I can say no if you ask me point blank if you could borrow the book (although I wouldn't be happy about it) because it would be rude to refuse.
It's just basic politeness to ask.
Don't fucking take my books and read them without asking me.

Even when my little cousins come around, and want to borrow my books when I'm off in Seremban or somewhere else,
my mother tells them they can't do it unless they ask me first.
Even via sms is fine omg.
But at least ask.

Fuck, even my mother doesn't borrow my books without asking me first.

I was so so so mad yesterday when I walked down and found my sister-in-law reading MY book
(and she was holding it wide enough to crease the spine too)
WITHOUT my permission!

I don't give a fuck that you're older,
or that you're married to my brother.
It's still my fucking book.

And now the spine is all creased.
And I can't tell her off because it would be rude and I'd get yelled at for it.
And she's going to borrow my other books and read without asking because she got away with it this time.
And...I want to cry.

It just seems so unfair when you take such good care of something, and someone comes along and spoils it all.

I cried when my cousin borrowed my Sherlock Holmes book and returned it with the cover bent in one corner and the paper covering all folded everywhere.

Its just so unfair.

Just because you don't consider your books as precious as I do mine,
doesn't give you the right to come mess up my books.

I take such good care of other people's books when I borrow them,
it just isn't fair that people don't take immaculate care of mine.

My teddy bears and my books.
Two things that I absolutely loathe for people to touch without my permission.

I don't know why people just don't seem to get it.

Get your paws off my things!


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