Wednesday 17 October 2007

Changed My Mind

everything will be okay in the end.
if its not okay,
its not the end.

(p.s. for future reference, Anon generally means Anonymous. so stop asking me who anon is!! XD)

okay, erm, so i deleted the LettersPart II post -. it was too..
and none of those things actually describe me. i think i was channelling some alternate personality when i wrote that. hehe.
(*not like kena rasuk hantu la. more like split personality. but im certified insane, so its fine. :)*)

and i don't like being emo.
eh, wait. i do. sometimes. but not over things like this. :)
wasting energy lah, be emo over guys.
and i realised i don't need closure after all.
cos i was like "wat the heck, 7 days left, maybe i should jz let him know", rite?
but now i'm "wat the heck, 7 days left, why go embarass myself and make my last few days unfun??"
(p.s. thanx michelle and suh ming, for knocking sense into me)
oh, but wait. michelle says that i didn't make this part big enough on the earlier post.
so i shall copy paste this : LETTER 1 WAS NOT MEANT FOR BABY CYCLOPS.
should be big enough la, rite?

anyway, i think its kinda obvious that im hyper.
thank goodness.
duno why i was so depressed in school today. heh.
sowwie. :(
and i'm surprised that people actually noticed. i didn't realise i was naturally hyper to the extent that people are concerned when i'm quiet.
i think i got about 30 "are you okay?"s today. swt. haha.
i feel loved.
and i would like to thank kington for being the first person who made me smile.
although he did it unintentionally. :P

*why am i using so many smileys? so retarded. ish.*

oh, and i refuse to talk about IF again. cos its boring. i mean, yea la, he makes me happy, blah blah, BUT i shall jz keep it to myself from now on.
more fun. heh.
(IF is the guy i like, la, k)
for those of you who know who he is, shh.
for those of you who don't, well, there's a reason you don't. hehe.
also, i've been talking too much about him anyway. nanti i get accused of gossiping.
bluekk.. ><

(smiley again. wth. i give up. bear with my smileys, k?)
p.s. michelle (again) if i DO talk about him, jz slap me. tq.

okay, so bottom line is, today's post was just to apologise for being such a depressed/emofied/unhyper/unfun/quiet/unsmiley person in class today.

p.s. jea mie, i LOVE this version of the song. :) thank you!!

p.s.2. jea mie, my MUET next wed!! speaking test!! can u go thru the whole thing with me again? i come ur house, k? and no, ur not allowed to say no. please and thank you. ^^

p.s.3 i love pooh bear. alot alot alot. but not more than pinkie la, hehe.

i have found myself again. hopefully, for good, this time. yay! :)

err. i like this picture. it has nothing to do with the finding myself thing. XD
