Wednesday 24 October 2007

Gloomy - weather, mood, everything.

yea yea, so much for not coming online and refusing to get distracted, lol.
did i mention that i have zero discipline??
the only times i ever stick to resolutions i make, are when i'm doing it out of sheer stubbornness, not willpower. sigh.
i give up on myself.
is there anyone out there who would be kind enough to provoke me into proving that i can stay offline for the next two weeks? pwease? ><

bleh. k, so first things first.
i want to apologize, for the whole idiot post, and the prev post.. the one about ranting.
i dunno why i wrote it out here, guess it was jz to let certain people know that they annoy me, and make them terasa a bit.
but then i realised that it makes me sound terribly whiny and grumpified. esp since its two posts almost in succession.
esp since i was swearing alot on the ranting post. i wrote it out completely first, then i decided to be nice and.. (asterisk? how to spell??) ..erm, 'put all the stars in' all the bad words. hehe.
yea, so bottom line is i'm sorry. and if i do it again, anyone who reads my blog has full permission to kick my butt.

ONLY if i do it again on the BLOG.
if i whine in school, then shut up and listen. hehe. :)

kind of weird how things got so out of hand, though. i mean, some guy writes something on his blog (i won't call him idiot anymore. i don't know him, so it's pretty idiotic of ME to call him names), and a whole lot of people who have nothing to do with it what-so-ever (that includes me, btw. ish.), get all upset, and then the retorts, and replies, and lashing out span across a few blogs, and people start losing friends.
it's a sad, screwed up world we live in.

p.s. so yeah, erm, person, i'm sorry i ranted about you on my blog. was jz annoyed tat i couldn't leave comments on yours. and it was pretty dumb. still don't agree one bit with what you did though. and i still think you're awful.

*omg! we have only TWO days left of college!!!! bloody hell!!*
and it doesn't help that the weather this week is super gloomy. i want my last week to be sunny, and bright and happified!
not gloomy, and rainy, and mosquito-bite-y, and stressful, and depressifying.
(can i not sit for finals? can someone sit it for me instead?)
and yeah, since its been raining every single morning this week, i can't congregate with my friends around the benches under the tree in the mornings anymore. :(
and it's our LAST week. how bloody unfair.
and tomorrow i'm having MUET speaking test. which means i have to be in school earlier than usual, before everyone else arrives. which means i can't meet everybody anyway even if the weather tomorrow is good.
and thanks to Murphy's Law, i'm pretty sure tomorrow will be such a bright, nice, sunshiny morning. anyone wanna place bets?
(p.s. i don't gamble money. anyone interested in wearing pyjamas on the last day? XD)
haha. k, that was lame. eek. sorry.
btw, michelle, you look good in pyjamas. :p

yeah, so this post was just to say sorry for stuff.
