Tuesday 23 October 2007

Irritation. (long overdue)

I need to rant again.
i have just realised that this planet is over-infested with idiots.
and i'm getting really sick of them.
contrary to popular belief, i happen to have a very short temper. and when i do get pissed off, trust me, it isn't pretty.
and i am really pissed off right now. but i'm not really in the mood to spoil my day further by picking fights with people.
but i need to rant. before i get so off-mood that i cannot study.

oh, and by the way, this post isn't just for one person, it's for a few people.

i really really cannot stand people who judge me before they know me.
i mean, you want to judge me and keep it to yourself, fine. go ahead.
don't judge me and start describing me to others, as someone whom you THINK i am.
because i'm not your standard psychology-101-textbook nerd.
get to know me for who i am before you judge me, or f**k off.

and i cannot stand being stared at.
and when i say staring, i mean when you look at me without looking away for more than 2 minutes. that's staring. and that's also terribly irritating.
there are some people in this world who are so freaking perasan it's amazing they can still walk on the ground. get a life la, seriously. if i DID like you, i should be the one staring at you, not the other way around.
but then i don't stare at people, cos then i would irritate myself. so go dream on lah.
and just cos ur f**king indian and i happened to look in your direction ONCE doesn't mean i have to be head over heels for you.
but okay lah, you want to stare also, do it in a way that's LESS OBVIOUS for god's sake!

and i cannot stand people who are so freaking nice to me and yet bitch about me behind my back.
you wanna say something about me, have the guts to say it to my face.
if there's something about my personality you don't like, then tell me. if there's something i did wrong, then i'd own up to it. i think everyone who knows me knows that i don't have a problem saying sorry when i'm really in the wrong.
but if you come and complain without basis, then you're being stupid lah. cos you know you'll kena from me.
and for all those idiots who have a problem with the way i dress or the way i look or with me in general, then what the f**k are you still doing around me??!
i would strongly suggest staying away from me, preferably, keep a ten-mile radius.
and no, i don't have a problem with losing friends, if you're only going to be a 'friend' at face value.

and i do not enjoy being the scapegoat for everything. just because i'm nice to people in general, doesn't mean you can take advantage of that.
just because you think i'm too nice to lose my temper, doesn't mean you can blame me for something that isn't my fault.
especially if it's something that i had absolutely nothing to do with.

and theres also another thing i learnt this week. something i have come across over and over, but this time it really hit me in the face.
it's really scary to give someone advice. especially if it backfires, cos then you'll feel downright guilty. and there are some things that cannot be fixed on the spot.
and i am never never NEVER giving anyone advice again unless its about something im 110% sure of.

damn, after today, i really should not come online anymore. it's too distracting.
and i shall not be distracted.


p.s. to jea mie and fiona : eh, tell me when u people finish exams/start holidays, k? :P