Monday 1 October 2007

Step Up

im very patiently waiting for my movie to load. sigh.
yeah, i know. i get a B for math, and i go home and watch a movie. totally makes sense.
heh. need to release stress la!!

i officially HATE MATHS. actually, ive always hated it, but i absolutely completely totally one-hundred-percent-edly LOATHE it now.
and i hate english. also. i didnt even finish my letter the other day!!
come to think of it, i never finished any of my trial papers. grrrrrrrr..
and physics. omg, physics.

i dont know what im going to do about uni applications now.
i need forecast results to apply to local unis (not like i can afford to go overseas), and aiyo.. how to apply with a B for maths la?! stooooooooopid. sigh.
damn, i hope i get accepted by someone.
(*IMU*) please accept me, i'll work harder, please oh please oh please oh please oh please.
*gives puppy dog look*

oh, yeah, i need to post smthng here :
to jun beng, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! and stop bugging me to wish you, cos i already did. about a hundred times. ish.

there seem to be alot of people born in early october.
takes away all the spotlight from me.

jea mie, my mom absolutely forbids you to buy me a teddy bear this year.
so go buy me a super cute plush toy dog. :)

and bay, STOP calling me names!! you useless boy.
BAY-TO. hehe.

oh, and we experimented with smarties today. chromatography experiment. wouldve been more fun if we couldve eaten the smarties, tho. they looked really really old-ish, and wholly unappetizing.
(didnt stop michelle yap from stealing one! XD)
OH, and can someone PLEASE make michelle yap go for corroboree??!
she's making hardeep give the speech on behalf of student council. HARDEEP!!
whoever heard of the sam president not going to the sam corroboree??!
can someone please persuade her to come?? it doesnt have to be gentle persuasion.

*if all else fails, we have a plan B. which involves kidnapping, and extorting ticket money from her mom. for more details, please contact michelle leong. *

oo. my movie loaded. yay!
