Saturday 29 December 2007

All In Fun?

talk about speaking too soon.
im no longer even a bit happy.
jz completely, totally, absolutely, fcking pissed.

not in the mood to elaborate.

actually i am.
im just so sick of people who fcking hint n hint n HINT all the time.
i mean, seriously if all you fcking do is flirt, but you dont fcking have the guts to fcking tell someone u like them, then ur not deserving enuf to like anyone in the first place.

i dont even know why im blogging.
guess its partly cos im taking sam's advice, although she told me to blog to stave off boredom.
but rite now i need to write to let out frustration.
banging the keyboard helps.
banging the piano would be better, but my neighbours would sue me.

i shud never never never again be over happy.
good things fcking NEVER last.
