Saturday 9 May 2009


A long time ago, in the South of Tamil Nadu, there was this Brahmin family.
They had two daughters, the eldest of which was called Dayali.
She had learnt dancing -bharatanatyam- since she was small, and had won awards and gotten praises even at a young age.

Her prowess at Bharatanatyam, coupled with her Brahmin heritage, made her a very arrogant lady. She often looked down on people of different caste, and was rather nasty at times.

After some time, she got married,
but she did not love her husband, nor did she respect him at all.
There were many misunderstandings between them, and it was not a happy marriage.
A few years later, she got pregnant.
But, afraid that having a baby would diminish her beauty...she aborted the child.
Her relationship with her husband grew even more strained, and after a while, she left him.

He came after her, pleaded with her many times to come back to him,
but being as arrogant as she was, she refused.

Eventually, he married again, and had children with his second wife.
Dayali's parents berated her repeatedly for leaving him.
Her younger sister (who by then was happily married with children) felt very upset about her situation. Eventually, Dayali adopted one of her sister's daughters and brought her up as her own.

She then continued to dance, and teach dancing,and won much fame.
There were many proposals that continued to come for her, but she rejected them all.
She maintained a very close relationship with her sister's children, and eventually bequeathed all her property to them.

Towards the end of her life, she suffered alot.
From loneliness, and from illnesses that prevented her from dancing,
and she begged God to grant her Mokshya; to spare her from another birth.

After a very very very long time, she was reincarnated...across the oceans, into a good family.

You would freak out if I told you who she really was.


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