Friday 29 May 2009

Growing Backwards

Ok, since I am waiting for my drama to load...
...I will, today,
explain my remarkable theory of How I Have Rewound Into Adolescence Once More.
(the initial theory was How I Have Grown Backwards...but that was too Benjamin Button-y)

I was sort of running through it with Suh Ming earlier today, and it made so much sense,
that I really should tell the rest of you about it.

You know how they say adolescents have increased demand for calcium, and generally need more nutrients in order to grow?
Well, the body works in this wonderful way whereby when you are in need of a certain food, you start craving it.
(the only exception to this rule is chocolate craving...and maybe alcohol, but I digress)
Therefore, generally, most adolescents crave milk and lots of food.

You have to agree with me on this...its on ZITS!
(click for larger pics k thx)

I have this MAJOR craving for chocolate milk...its like I need to drink it everyday.
And if I can't get chocolate, then I buy strawberry milk...the point is I need milk.

I eat ALOT nowadays.
Like almost every two hours...which basically results in me eating about 6 times a day.
Which, for me, is not normal.

I'm the person who eats breakfast, munches on chocolate after class, and then eats dinner.
Yes, I skip lunch.
And breakfast was coffee and not much else.


I eat a humongous breakfast,
munch on biscuits or anything peanut-buttered around 11am
eat rice for lunch,
eat more rice around 4 because I'd be starving by then
eat rice for dinner
and munch on something around 11pm.

...I am not putting on weight!
(I'm not losing any either, but considering the way I eat...*shrugs*)

I cannot sleep less than 7 hours.
I used to be able to survive on just 5,
and now, I sleep thru ALL my alarms (I have 3), I sleep thru messages, and phone calls, and everything...and just wake up on my own approx 7-8 hours after I fell asleep.

It only properly hit me when I was watching the promo for 17 Again
...that he had the exact symptoms I had!!
Only, he also happened to have changed into Zac Efron, and rewound about 20 years.

I'd say I've rewound about 6 years....and I haven't changed into any younger versions of myself.

Ok end of nonsense, thanks for reading, bye. :p
I wasn't joking at all btw. :D


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