Saturday 31 October 2009

Weird Dream. Meh.

I had the weirdest dream ever today.
So lai lai, I tell you about my dream :D

So this one day I woke up and realised Summatives was the next day!
And the timetable was such that we had a paper everyday for the next two weeks without a break in between la (except for the weekend of course),
and therefore I'd have to come up with some miraculous studying strategy that would allow for studying during the entire exam period.
Thankfully, the first paper was Add Maths...but I was freaking out cos the day after next we had Sejarah and there was NO WAY I could cram Sejarah in just two days, and the next day was Physics, which is my all time worst subject and which I would have to cram extra for and...
....then I woke up and started freaking out for real.

Took me a good 30 seconds to remember I don't take any of those subjects anymore.

I think this has probably something to do with my cousin sitting for her Form2 finals now,
and thus I have been hearing
"I studying Sejarah"
"I have KH exam tmr"
"Science sucked"
on a constant basis.
Its affecting my dreams wei wtf. -__-

I has been having other weird dreams, but it wouldn't do to share them. :(
I can't remember most of them anyway. Meh.

I was sick today. :(
Fever and sinus.
I hate how my entire face hurts when I have sinus (or sinusitis in med terms). Feels like I'm having a bloody toothache wtf.



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