Sunday 31 January 2010

Rant No.239482739487

So my internet is insaaaaaaaaanely slow, which is resulting in my extreme moodiness.
Doesn't help that there's hardly anyone on msn to entertain me.

Random thoughts, cos I don't have a topic in mind to blog about.

I detest obnoxious people.
I detest people who deem it necessary to announce their talents to the whole world on a constant basis.
I get it that you think you're great. I think I'm great too, but I don't yell it from the rooftops now, do I?

I detest people with no common sense.

I detest people who don't put in their full effort for projects.
I get it that you don't care. But I DO. And so does everyone else in the group.
So stfu and pull your weight.

I detest people who think its necessary to talk when I'm reading/thinking.
Silence will not kill you.
If you NEED to talk, go talk to someone else.

I detest people who go on and on about something I'm completely not interested in.
Unless you're one of my best friends, I DO NOT CARE if some super cute guy looked at you in the bus.
Your emo love stories don't matter to me. You don't matter to me.

I detest people who come over unannounced.

I especially detest people who tell me "If you don't like medicine, you should totally quit! Live for yourself!"

Some of us can't afford to drop everything and run after our dreams.
Some of us have obligations we have to fulfil.
Some of us have to sacrifice everything we've ever wanted for someone else.

Sometimes that sacrifice is worth it.
But it doesn't make you any less bitter.

I'm tired of typing now.
And my bad mood is wearing off. I'm now frustrated more than anything else.


Everything above was not written with a specific person in mind.
'Twas a few people.
If you see your characteristic on the list, then stay away from me, 'cos even if I hate you I'd still be nice to you.

Civilization cannot exist without a little hypocrisy ~ Gilbert Blythe, Anne of Green Gables


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