Thursday 23 August 2007

Down Memory Lane

I miss the times,
When I used to look forward to going to school.
Kindergarten to be exact.
I miss the times,
When the teacher would give me a sticker,
And praise me,
For finishing a book of Peter and Jane.
I miss the times,
When I was just a cute and innocent young child,
Whom everyone loved.
Whom everyone befriended.
I miss the times,
When I could just play games with my friends,
Without a care in the world.
I miss the times,
When I would wait impatiently for the rotiman to come,
And when he passed by in his truck,
I would run out of the house,
And beg my mother to get me a butter bun,
My favourite bun in the whole world.
I miss the times,
When I could get a stick of ice cream,
Nothing really fancy,
No Cornetto, Walls or anything,
Just a simple ice cream,
For RM 0.40.
And I would be so happy,
So proud,
When I could treat my mother to an ice cream,
Every Mother's Day.
I miss the times,
When my parents' face would light up,
When they see the A's in my report card.
I miss the times,
When I would actually finish up all my homework in school,
On the day it was given.
I miss the times,
When I could make friends,
Without worrying about people,
Backstabbing me,
Or talking behind my back.
I miss the times,
When the Ice Cream man would pass by,
When we were having our PMR exam,
And we would get so annoyed,
At hearing the stupid "Paddle Pop" song,
While writing our essays.
I miss the times,
When we would all sit in a group in class,
Trying to stuff information into our brains right before the exams,
Only to end up talking and gossiping instead.
I miss the times,
When I could lie down in bed every night,
And be happy with my life.

--- JM ---