Friday 24 February 2012

Awkward Conversations

Was talking to my parents about Caesarean deliveries vs normal deliveries during dinner just now.
Not sure how the topic came up, but it did,
and as usual they zone out halfway so I shut up.
And then my dad asks my mum something about the food and she goes like "oh yeah, that's what I wanted to talk to you about when she (indicates me) wouldn't stop talking just now"


Geez I'm sorry discussing anything remotely medical is so offensive to you.
I mean, it's not like you forced me into doing medicine when I had my heart set on law or anything right?

Fuck you.

I know I've been whining about this since forever, but its just sedih la ok.
It's just so fucking sad how no one cares.

And then they complain that I don't talk to them.

I don't know how I was born into this family.

Made ice-cream today.
Left it in the freezer to set, hopefully it turns out alright. :/

On a completely different note,
went out with Sufi and Jovann to Steven's Corner on Wednesday night.
We'd been planning to go since way back in Sem7, but every single time something would come up,
but finally,
we went on Wednesday.

I'd quite forgotten that Steven's was so close to the IMU Bukit Jalil campus.
Soooo many IMU juniors omg.
I think they're having orientation now, because there was literally this whole army of kids in orientation shirts and IMU IDs at Steven's that night.

So anyway, the three of us sat down and were talking.
We had so much to talk about ok since me and the boy hadn't seen each other since the end of Jan, and we both hadn't seen Sufi since Dec.

So like 15 minutes in,
this guy walks into Steven's and walks past our table to sit at a table somewhere in front of us, in such a way that he's directly facing me.

And my instant reaction is "SHITTTT" because.
I knew him from college, and we kinda sorta used to have something going on back then.
And, as it usually does whenever I see someone from high school or college whom I really don't want to see anymore, my fight-or-flight response kicks in and I really just want to get up and move to somewhere else,
but after a couple of minutes, it's apparent that the dude doesn't recognize me,
and I suppose that makes sense,
because I do look quite a bit different from what I looked like back then (I think), what with losing the specs and everything,
so I calm down and continue the conversation with the other two,
who are completely obvious to the sudden emotional turmoil I just went through.

Couldn't help sneaking glances every now and then though. *ahem*

So, 3 hours later (like I said, we had alot to talk about),
the guy and his friends get up to leave,
and I'm inwardly breathing a sigh of relief because well, thank god he's leaving, right?

So they walk past our table, and suddenly the dude stops right next to me,
and goes like


And so, being the idiot I am, I put on this confused face and go like "yeaaaaah...oh hey, you're.." and then I trail off so it seems like I don't remember his name even though that was the first thing that popped into my head when I saw his face 3 hours ago.
I really am an idiot.
So he tells me his name and goes "I knew it was you! I just wasn't sure that's why I didn't come over earlier; you look a bit different" and I mumble something along the same lines, and then he asks how I am, and how I'm doing,
and I stand up because it's awkward and I really don't want to introduce him to my friends,
and after like a few more sentences he realises his friends have already left (they didn't even realise he stopped) so he has to run off,
and for some stupid reason I go like "yeah well, you should go, I'll talk to you online or something. Nice seeing you again"

Right so.
Awkward conversation #1 over.

Then I forget about it, because it was just a random thing yeah.
I mean I'm bound to run into people I used to know every now and then.

Then yesterday,
all of a sudden.
The dude messages me on fb.


"I'll talk to you online or something" is just my way of trying to end an awkward conversation without seeming too abrupt or cold or rude.

And this conversation is even more awkward.
And he keeps asking random stuff like if I go Steven's alot, or if I've kept in touch with anyone from college,
..and I completely didn't know what to answer or ask in return.

I would've kicked myself in the head if I was flexible enough.

HOW on earth do I normally hold conversations with people oh my god.
The only thing I seemed capable of saying yesterday was "lol no not really. What about you?"

Rinse. Repeat.


I hate awkward conversations like you wouldn't believe.


This is a ridiculous post, I apologize for the decline in quality of posts over the past few weeks.

This post would have probably been funnier if I wasn't so annoyed at my parents.


I went four days this week.
Surprisingly, I don't feel like shit at all. Actually feel pretty good.


One more week to London Paris New York!

...7 days to brainwash someone into going to watch it with me. Wish me luck, you guys.

In an attempt to redeem this post,
here is an Ali Zafar interview in which he's being absolutely adorable.
It's in English, so everybody can watch it ok? Ok.
His hair is as ridiculous as always.
And I love how they're so bff. :3
Dammit can't wait for the movie to be outttttt already.

Right. Interview :




  1. I simply love your posts it keeps me entertained haha and you are soooo funny i love your bluntness and sense of humor. Its awesome man, follow me at I'll be sure to follow your blog as often as I can!


  2. Wow. Thank you so much :) <3
    I checked out your blog, it's pretty awesome as well! I'll definitely be reading :))
