Sunday 12 February 2012

Moar rants

So its only been 4 days since my last blog post,
but it feels like its been forever,
and so this is an obligatory blog post for whoever is worried about not having heard from me in the past 4 days or so.
(at least I'm pretending there are people who are worried ok so shut up and let me pretend)

I've been sick.
I'm diagnosing it as laryngitis.
Which sucks, because in addition to feeling like complete shit,
I've also lost my voice and developed a nocturnal wheeze which requires me to use my inhaler.
I don't like using my inhaler.
And I sure as hell don't like losing my voice.

I'm feeling much better today though.
Past 3 days were hell.
I pretty much spent all my days waking up late, curling up for the most part of the day with my storybook, dozing off in between because I've been taking so many meds, and yeah.
Thats it.

Add to that all the negative emotions that comes with being sick,
and there you have it.
Grumpy, wheezy Vidya.

Most of the negativity has been directed at my family though,
who seem to have newly developed the idea that future doctors shouldn't be treated with TLC when they're sick.
Oh no, all that is only reserved for the poor, pathetic, non-doctor members of the family.
I mean, why on earth would a sick medical student need any loving attention right?
Let's just ignore the fact she's sick, so she'll snap out of it and get better faster right?

God, I hate my family.

I seemed to like them alot more when I was 12393924385 miles away in Ireland.

Then again, in Ireland I seemed to like everybody else alot more too.

I'm just wallowing in self-pity here. Don't mind me.

I've also been steadfastly avoiding checking my emails (sorry Michelle!) because I don't want to see emails from IMU,
and I don't want to talk to anybody from IMU,
and ...I'm just running away here, really, can you tell?

Everytime I think about going back,
I think...Sem 9.
EOS 9.


4 years hasn't made my loathing of medicine any less.
The minor postings were fun though.
But to think of going back to the major ones... Surgery, Internal Med, Paeds.

Just shoot me now and enddddd this misery.

I know I should get around to writing my reports,
and getting stuff in order for Seremban,
and you know, just generally getting off my sorry, sick butt and doing something actually productive before I end up in Seremban regretting throwing my last two weeks of hols away just like that.

But tonight,
I'm inclined to just wallow.

If only this wretched sickness would go away!

I think I should go listen to some Ali Zafar now.

I haven't heard his voice in 4 days.
Maybe I need a pick-me-up.


If all else fails, rely on your non-existent celebrity boyfriend to make you feel better with his angel voice!

I am such a sad person its not even funny.

Okay goodnight.



  1. Move out, move away. Did I mention that I live in the most beautiful city in the world? :-D On the other hand, tlc might not live with you in your flat then either...
    Get well soon!

  2. Haha I have moved out...technically. I'm pretty much just living in two places. It's the Asian culture, I suppose, you never really move out until you get married. You just have a second home while you're at uni. Home home is still always where your parents are living (did that make sense?) :p
    You're right, living alone wouldn't come with any TLC either, but it's easier to mope around by yourself when you're sick and home alone, rather than moping by yourself in a house full of people who don't care you're sick. heh.
