Tuesday 4 May 2010

Aimless Midnight Ramblings of an Exhausted Mind


I'm in need of retail therapy.
In case you didn't know, my idea of retail therapy is pouring out random grandmother stories until my brain is so tired it cannot function anymore, then I can go and sleep in peace.
Basically, end result = sleep.

Finished second IMS presentation today - the overview thing.
(Ben is awesome-ish. Note the ish. :p)
I dont know why I just cannot keep my mouth shut sometimes.
Must go and tell people what to do, then will end up with all the work. AND THEN RIGHT, dahlah big mouth can go and talk so much in the beginning, when suddenly I get the workload right, I wont say anything you know.
Will keep quiet and nod like some China Doll : "Yes yes, can can, no problem"
Padan muka.
Serves me right.
I dowan do work means I must open my mouth and tell people right?
But nooooooo. Will accept only, then will come back home and scold myself.

I can be really quite stupid sometimes.

Side note : Hanging out with Sarah (housemate) has really rubbed off on me. I scold myself more often than not nowadays...IN MY HEAD.
Its understandable if you scold yourself out loud,
because half the time we do because we have an audience and then it becomes a habit,
but when you get your own voice scolding yourself in your head....thats like end stage d man.

p.s. the above DOES NOT qualify as bitching about my groupmates. I'm not. At all. I'm scolding myself. Don't batu api please. I know you people memang have nothing better to do, but go interfere with somebody elses life la k.

I think you can see how sleepy I am.
I'm just going round and round in circles to make a single point.


I should have been born a lion cub.
My wild-cat communication skills are excellent.
I can rawr in 12234232834 different intonations/inflections of voice now.

I'm exhausted.
My brain stopped functioning sometime around 4 this afternoon.


I dont know why I'm *cries*ing.
I'm not crying.
Theres a difference.
*cries* implies I'm just being a drama queen.

I'm fulfilling my promise of rambling aimlessly.
I didnt promise that in the beginning.
I was supposed to.
Ah well.

Thats it.
My brain is going all sleepy-bye on me.

Good night people.
I sayangs everybody.
No, not everybody.
...aiya, everybody la.
Later got people merajuk then go complain on their own blogs.

How many IMU people read this anyway?
You all very free right??
Got EOS 5 coming up soon. Go study please. Stop stalking me.
I'm a very boring person.
No boyfriend,
no scandal,
no 112094382034 camwhore pictures.
Stalk me for what?
Takde benefit pun.
My lifestory not going to come for EOS essay question all.

Perasan shit anot?
I know, right?
I like.

Good night :D
*does trademark panda roll*



  1. "My lifestory not going to come for EOS essay question all."

    I swear to god Yadav said that 1 MEQ question would be on the life story of Vidya =P

    and funnily enough i feel damn free these days cus I cant seem to study -_-

    And on the contrary your blog atleast isn't a boring person =P (Not sure if the real you lives up to your blog you =P) But yeah How do you say it.. Its a breath of fresh air from the usual drivvle I sometimes read =D

  2. LOL! I sense sarcasm. ALOT of it.

    And haha I cant seem to study either. I feel very free too. :D
    I DO live up to my blog me, ...but only to people I'm very close to. To people I don't know so well, I'm quiet, boring and antisocial :D
