Saturday 8 May 2010



My internet was pms-ing today, so I was using the Maxis 3G on my phone...and I iz out of credit now.
This is the second time this week.
Which means...I have officially used up more then RM 60 in one week alone.
That is SO not me.
Should probably stop using the 3G thing.
Probably wont reload credit anytime soon, now that IMS is over and done with, I shall go back to not messaging/calling anyone. :D
I like being antisocial.

I antisocial oso people will go around creating scandals about me.
Imagine if I was social.

No, but seriously.
I cannot talk to any guy isit without people messaging my housemates and asking questions?
Since when did the whole lot of you become my keepers?
Stop interfering in my life please.

I'm slowly losing every bit of privacy I own man.
I mean, if you read for your own entertainment then fine la.
Or you disagree with something, or you're curious about something...come ask me. Its my blog right?
Why on earth would you read something that I probably wrote when I was emo-ing about someone that none of you would ever know
...and then interpret it as relating to someone in our batch
How do you think I feel when I come home and I'm faced with a barrage of questions because random people from our batch decided to question my housemates on my love life??

Since you people so interested.
I am not dating anyone.
I am not interested in anyone from IMU.
I am planning to join a convent after I graduate and become a nun.


Very angsty post.
I apologize to anyone not involved.

IMS was ..ehh..not too great.
If any of my SAM lecturers had seen me on Friday...they would have wept.
Definitely not my best presentation.
Nowhere close.
And for all of you who were surprised at how good I was ("wah I tak sangka she can present")...thanks for underestimating me.
All backhanded compliments very much appreciated.

To everyone who seriously meant it...thank you.

I iz not a happy panda today.
But no, I dont hate everybody.
I'm just fed up with quite a few people. You know who you are.
Heck I probably dont know who you are, but if you terasa...then there you go.

I just really dont see how it is any of your business who I sit with/talk to/hang out with.
I end up marrying the fella oso still none of your business kthxbai.



  1. =P Lol! Wow seriously that happened? Over one small chat =P I can so imagine that happening.. But seriously for it to actually happen? all i can say is Lol.. I guess I was right in saying your blog, which represents your daily happenings is very lively =)

    And no.. we weren't underestimating you.. To be frankly down right honest.. You were the best presenter there.. You knew your stuff.. you came really prepared and you did a great job. So no everyone was just being honest. And you got the highest marks also =D (not kidding I saw Nilesh's marks sheet.. you got better scores than everyone else) So yeah Kudos to you! You were down right Awesome! so give yourself a pat on the back! =D

    And what really? Join a convent and become a nun =P Join Green Peace and save Pandas instead! Far more fulfilling and you achieve much more (Lets face it.. People arent worth saving spiritually anymore.. But pandas they will always be awesome!)

  2. You have nooooooooo idea. :( Haha its not lively. Its just that people like sticking their noses into my business. Too free.

    And thanks again. :D Some people really did mean it, but some were "Wow, I didnt think you could actually present!"....way to be backhanded about it. :p And :O did you really see Nilesh's marks sheet, or are you just making me happy? :O

    Save Pandas instead! LOL.
    I shall become a panda-saving nun. Hehe. Has a ring to it, no?

  3. Panda-saving nun xD Very unique.. So I guess your gonna throw your medical career away =P Oh well only 6years of your life rite? Nothing much compared to all the PANDASYOUCANSAVE! as a nun lol!

    Btw since it looks like ur a semi-insomniac check out this webcomic so you'll actually have something interesting to do instead of trying to sleep :P Here is the link to the 1st comic:

    But be warned.. Click with caution.. I will not be held responsible for any addictions to reading it =P

    Enjoy! Read atleast the first 20 or so and lets see if you like it :P

  4. FIVE years. haha! :D But hey, every great person once made sacrifices right? :P :P
    And think about it..maybe I'd start a trend! Where all nuns start saving pandas or something. Cos pandas are awesome 8D

    And I've read bits of that comic before, but not right from the beginning. Started at the beginning today, and went all the way up to Seventy-one! :O In one go.
    ...And then I remembered Summatives is next Thursday.
    I shall read nine more and then attempt to study. :D For the sake of my conscience. :p

  5. ZOMG! (Not OMG cus i'm cool like this :P) i said read 20 to see if you like it.. Not 80! and no its 6years.. You have internship aswell :P after that we are done! with the basic studying of medicine :P But still somebody wants to go all out.. SO lets see with General surgery + Neuro specialisation? thats what another 8ish years? =D Sadly by that time.. Global warming will have ravaged our planet and Pandas will be No more! =O Go go forget summatives and go save the Pandas!

  6. Okay, so I read up til 110. *ahem* :D:D
    Pandas are more important than internship! So I do the basic 5 years...and then go save pandas! Cos I mean, a panda-saving nun with a degree is waaay cooler than a regular nun. :D
    And zomg (:p!) ur as dramatic as me. :D

    p.s. I actually typed out nun-saving panda instead. LOL.

  7. Osteoarthritis11 May 2010 at 23:49

    ZOMG 110.. Dont worry you still got another 1500ish to go through :P (When i started it.. I went through 500 odd in the 1st day.. Love the comic =D Wait till Hannelore comes in! she is absolutely adorable)

    And no ZOMG is what cool people use.. See regular ppl dont know that by adding a Z infront of OMG takes you to the next level and automatically makes you cool.. So shush! dont let uncool ppl see this!

    Hehe nun-saving pandas.. Lols.. As if panda-saving nuns aren't enough..

    P.S thought I wud post as OA.. Hopefully will get me to study now again :S and you too (I mean if you see ur notes starting to post on your blog will freak u out to go study :P)

  8. I was gonna ask you what was with the sudden name change..but LOL. We have notes on osteoarthritis?? Ouch.

    Well at least I've found a way of destressing...not that I stress out much but yeah. Making excuses to read comics :D
    I love Pintsize! And his cake-mix-eating tendencies.

    Yes. Zomg is very cool. 8D
    As is that smiley. I have no idea what it signifies, but its cool. 8D
    And hey! I can be a panda-nun that saves both sub-species at a time. Multitasking panda-nun hero...yeah I need to come up with a better name for that. :p

  9. Corocoid Process12 May 2010 at 00:18

    Stop reading :P (I know you still are) Yeah pintsize is cool.. But no as you read you will see just how the artwork has changed.. Its beautiful actually when you compare now and the 1st few comics.. But no Hanners for me is my favourite character =D trust me she is soo randomly adorable =D

    8D signifies a Happy open Eyed look lol! Lol it actually reminds me of Pintsize lol XD

    ZOMG stupid Hospital visit also 2morrow.. Cant even skip it cus I skipped one already.. Damn it Wish i wasn't lazy b4 so I cud be lazy 2morrow and skip it =P

  10. And what happened to studying? I'm *cough* printing notes. Wats ur excuse? :p
    I'm afraid the comics will have to be put on least for today 8D
    Everyone who has walked past me has been going OMGWHYAREYOUREADINGCOMICSSUMMATIVESISNEXTTHURSDAY.

    Oh crappp. Hospital visit. *buries head in pillow*
    Haha dont be lazy! Come tmr. Entertain me. :D

  11. Seronegative Spondyloarthritis12 May 2010 at 03:48

    I is sick... of.... Studying... (considering i've actually done nothing don't know why this is so? =S) No but yes srrsly just not in the mood.. Sigh.. Nevermind will get something done.. Hopefully.. Soon damnit..

    I think i will just conveniently disappear with some notes after I sign attendance for the visit tomorrow =P

  12. Hear hear. Same sentiments here :( I dont want to studyyyy.

    Haha. The visit is an excellent excuse to convince myself that I cannot study simply because I have no time :D
