Monday 18 February 2008

Bye Bye Pyjamas. :'(

I'm annoyed.
My mother just threw out every single comfortable piece of (house) clothing i own!
Sure, they're faded, and look like they're centuries old, but they're COMFORTABLE!
*pic from*

Now I'm stuck with all my super old clothes that I've had since Std 3.
Which aren't faded because I stopped wearing them a long time ago.
The weird thing is, I was either superbly huge in Std 3 or I just had this thing for big clothes.
I have no idea what possesed me to buy XXL shirts.
I'm M.
Go figure.
So yeah, I can fit in all my kiddy clothes.

~I shall henceforth be embarassed to walk out of the house in my pyjamas~

Believe me, even Dobby's pillowcase would be a better deal.

I. am. annoyedddd.


p.s. Omgidiscoveredanupsidedownsmileyyest, thanks to Suh Ming. Im gonna go crazy with it! D: