Saturday 23 February 2008

Why Do I Always Leave Out Half The Stories?

You all know the cobbler in SS15 charges rm7 per pair for shoe-resole-ing, rite?
The guy who normally sits outside 7-11?
I thought rm7 was pretty ok, you know...
...that is, until I took my shoes for resole-ing in SS14 (This fella oso sits outside 7-11 ><)
He charged me rm6.
For three pairs of shoes.
Tats like rm2 per pair!
I was so dumbfounded that I just stood there and stared at him, until he started laughing.
(And then I came to my senses and ran away to save face la)

And has anybody ever called Taylor's and been put on hold before?
They give you an effing commentary on the whole Taylor's University College wei!!
Got stories from 1969 all.
I'm like fuiyoo...but they put you on hold for damn long la.
They put me on hold THREE TIMES before telling me that the person I wanted to talk to was not in yet, and could I please call back a bit later? -.-
Anyone wanna hear about how Taylor's was established, call 0356362641 and ask for the Accounts Dept.
Guarantee put on hold wan. LOL.

I is wearing my blanky.
Its not cold, and I'm going to start sweating in 15 secs, but I cannot help it.
I like my squishy new blanky.
*Big big smile*
